Get ready for a dream duel of epic proportions! Here at Sega, we are beyond thrilled to announce that Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax is coming to the West exclusively for PS3 and Vita. Thanks to all our fans for supporting efforts to bring Japanese content like Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax over from Japan. We’re excited to reveal more about the game as we get closer to launch!
Developed by Ecole and French Bread in cooperation with ASCII Media Works, this 2D fighting game celebrates the 20th anniversary of Dengeki Bunko with an all-star cast of their popular characters set against Sega-themed worlds. With playable characters such as Asuna from Sword Art Online or Kuroyukihime from Accel World, and support characters like Touma Kamijou from A Certain Magical Index or Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!, Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax makes the most unlikely of character matchups a reality.
Fighting Climax features a fighting system that is both easily understood and complex, thus catering to veterans and newcomers alike. Using weak, medium and strong attacks, each of the playable characters have move sets that are similar in execution, yet differ in attack range, power and speed.
Assist characters each have two moves that can either help you chain your combos or add a defensive strike, giving players a large range of flexibility in custom combo creation and play style. Speaking of characters, Akira Yuki from Virtua Fighter and Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles join the battle as unlockable characters in Versus and Online multiplayer modes, along with their support character counterparts Pai Chan and Alicia Melchiott.
In addition to an original story campaign in Arcade mode where characters are summoned to overthrow the evil Zetsumu, Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax features over 60 new vignettes in its Dream Duel mode. Exclusive to the console launch, these original cutscenes are penned under the supervision of Dengeki Bunko’s writers and add further depth to the interactions of this fantasy crossover of characters.
But the fan service doesn’t stop there! All of the stages have been designed after some of Sega’s most iconic series, so prepare to go faster in the nostalgic stage themed after Sonic the Hedgehog or declare war against your opponent amongst the Gallian and Imperial tanks of Valkyria Chronicles.
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax will be available exclusive to PS3 and PS Vita in Summer 2015, both digitally and at retail.
Looks like Planeptune is on a roll.
Now all they need to further their alliance with Lastation is to add Phantasy Star Nowa to the mix.
(I still wish that Dengekiko was in this game, though…)
On another note, I recall something about the lead SeHa Girls trio being in this game. Is that so, and will they still be in the Western version?
If so, I reckon that Dreamcast-tan should swap the orange for red in North America, and for blue in Europe…
preordering retail copy the second it’s available online.
too bad I can’t do the same with Yakuza 5 but I still look forward to it.
First J-Start +
Second Undernight In-Birth
And now this…
WTH SONY I LOVE YOU *_* and thanks SEGA to bring this one… Puyo Puyo Tetris should be the next ; (
Man i’m glad i didn’t import this game. Can’t wait to play it finally ^_^
I am crying now as I imported the Japanese version, I won’t be getting this one as there are alot of games coming out this summer that I’ll be getting, still it’s good for those who didn’t import
When I play fighting games, I look for original characters, not characters torn from Japanese TV. People who are serious about fighting games most likely imported this as well. It coming to North America is just catering to casuals who will just pick up the game, smile at their little anime characters, then call it quits because they get dropped like a bag of rocks online. For the people who are actually into fighting games, good on you. Hope you have fun climbing the online ladder.
On a more positive note, I’m at least glad that SEGA made the effort to localize this title. Now all we need is more Yakuza and then everyone will be happy.
Good. More localizations please!
Wow. I remember seeing some gameplay of this game and thought, “This will never come to the West.” Well look at me eat my words!! XD this is an awesome announcement. Day one buy for me. And retail! That ps vita box art will look good on my shelf!
Wow! I was not expecting this to happen especially not a retail release…guess I should have waited a bit before importing a copy.
This is fantastic! I imported the PS4 version last year, I might pick up the Vita version if it has separate trophy set from the Japanese one though. Hope to hear a localization announcement for Shining Resonance soon!
Whoa, never heard of this, but I’m very much interested!
Also, I agree with anyone asking to bring Phantasy Star on vita over here to the West!
Thank you, this is awesome news!!!!
A Certain Scientific Railgun, woo!
Very unexpected news! I imported both the PS3 and Vita versions last year but haven’t really had the time to play them much but I still might consider these!
In any case, Sega seems to be on a roll with announcements lately. Can’t wait for Yakuza 5. Thanks so much!
Oh wow! Very unexpected. Sega has been amazing lately! I hope you guys keep it up and announce Shining Resonance next!
Wait, seriously? This is awesome! This was the last game I would have expected to be licensed in America.
Wow, is this real life? Can’t believe this is coming. Day 1!
Oreimo Icons when?
More localizations of japanese games when?
It looks interesting but it’s not PS4? A little too late to the game.
This year is awesome!
Thanks Sega for the post Yakuza 5 localization! Give us PSO 2 and PS Nova!
SEGA…PLEASE BRING VALKYRIA CHRONICLES 3 to the west for the Vita. I loved the first 2 and would love to play #3..also it’s more likely to sell better than this game so thats gotta be an incentive
woo! thanks for bringing this over! Amazing fighter roster.
Wooo. Can’t wait !
This is amazing. And just think, tomorrow I was planning on buying the ps3 version for 70$+ Sega THANK YOU!! PROJECT X ZONE, AQUAPAZZA, MIKU 1 & 2… YOU GUYS ARE FINALLY LOCALIZING GREAT JP GAMES!!! SONY consoles were made in NA for us ( the import gamers) thank you SONY & SEGA!!!
I am very grateful to Sega for bringing this game to AMERICA and i want to know if the will make a retail version (physical copy) because i want to add this game to my personal collection hope you can make this happen sega :D
Vita retail edition!!! Sold Sold Sold!!! Never thought this game would EVER come to North America.
For a system that’s supposedly “dead” the Vita is sure getting a lot of game announcements on the blog the last few days.
Now Sega, please please please bring over Phantasy Star Nova. You guys have to!!
Wow completely surprised about this!! :D Now Bring Phantasy Star Nova to vita!!! :D
Thanks so much for this announcement, Stephen Akana! Planning on buying both! The PS3 version for relaxing at the house and the PSVita version for gaming on the go! Who knows what other ‘shocking’ news you may send our way! 2015 will be the year that SEGA ROCKS!
I don’t suppose this is getting dubbed? I realize that wouldn’t be easy, though.
Stephen, we need a MMORPG for the PSVita here in North America! What is the progress on Phantasy Star Online 2? I know you guys’ last tweet a few months back stated that it was indeed coming to North America, but can we get at least some screenshots of the localization progress! We’re dying for some pics! Thx!
Will this ever come to PC? I love the fact that there are Characters from Tokyo Ghoul and SAO in this :D
Any word on the Audio???
Will it have Japanese Audio???
Would much prefer if the original Japanese Audio are included.
Don’t make the same mistakes as Persona 4 arena ultimax.
Note to self: If it’s published by SEGA, don’t import right away.
Great and unexpected news!
Heard European Customers must again import because this get only a Digital release here? Well there is no Region Lock on Sony Systems but an Import is about 10 Euro higher in it’s price and I won’t support any Digital Full Price release.
Shame it won’t be on ps4,I definitely would’ve bought it
i think someday it should have like a free download for 3 days
Can’t believe I forgot French Bread had a hand in this one. This and Arc Sys bringing Under Nigh in birth in February are good signs that they might be looking at the overseas market as well. Hopefully they might be able to bring over the Melty Blood games as well, those were fun.
wish we had a physical release in europe :(
AWESOME! Played it when I was is Akiba and loved the mechanics! Can’t wait to buy both PS3/Vita Ver. Kirino Shall be my main! Thank you very much!
Sega doing the Lord’s work.
so does this mean the game is also english dubbed?
Very excited to beat the crap out of horrible characters like Kirino, Kirito and Asuna!
I was never expected this…
Thank you so MUCH Sega *_*
Can we also have Shining Resonance localize?
This is the first time I’ve even heard of this game, but I want it. I didn’t even know I wanted a game like this, but I do.
Do you guys think that maybe the game could come out, like right now? Please? :D
Dear Sega: Vita is in a desperate need of a Sonic game (besides All Stars racing). It would be nice to see a new Sonic game (or even Sonic Generations). Also, Yakuza 1 and 2 HD Collection for Vita, or better yet an original Yakuza game for Vita (not some companion app for Yakuza Ishin aka Yakuza 5). I was there for Sega in the old days as I owned Genesis, 32X and Sega CD.
Dear Sega,
Please dub Valkyria Chronicles 3! Release it in a dual pack with 2 for the Vita! will be day one for many people
Lots of interest in Valkyria Chronicles! A release of all three on a current system in the west with all DLC properly incorporated would be great!
Lots of interest in Shenmue 3!
Lots of interest in a Skies of Arcadia Legends HD Complete (on Wii U and PS3/4)-the Legends version with uncompressed audio, and the original Dreamcast VMU mini-games included for play on the Gamepad and PS Vita-linked to PS4/PS3.
Also a console release of SEGA arcade games Emergency Call Ambulance and Brave Fire Fighter would be really cool!
Just want to let you know what a lot of people are wanting from SEGA. Thanks for your time!