PlayStation Anniversary Sale Starts Today: 60+ Games Discounted
Chieh Chen
Digital Distribution Manager, Sony Network Entertainment
9Author Replies
Happy New Year everyone! As you probably already know, it has been 20 years since the original PlayStation launched. So to celebrate the start of 2015 and 20 years of PlayStation, we’re discounting more than 60 celebrated games from PS4, PS3, PS Vita, PSP, PS2 Classics and PS1 Classics. Following today’s PS Store publish, you’ll be able to pick up a ton of titles at up to 60 percent off, with PS Plus members receiving up to 75 percent off.
Today through Monday, January 19, you can grab some of the biggest games from PlayStation’s deep catalog from the past 20 years, including Uncharted 2: GOTY Edition, Persona 4 Golden, Grand Theft Auto III, Killzone Shadow Fall, and more all at a discounted price. Check out the entire title lineup below, or head right to the Store.
PS Plus Price
Sale Price
Original Price
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition
Call of Duty: Ghosts Gold Edition
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition
Killzone Shadow Fall
Need for Speed Rivals
Rocksmith 2014 Edition
PS Plus Price
Sale Price
Original Price
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin’s Creed II Deluxe Edition
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
Burnout Paradise Super Bundle
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Super Bundle
Call of Duty: Black Ops II With Revolution Map Pack
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition
Call of Duty: Ghosts Gold Edition
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon’s Crown
Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen
Far Cry 3 Ultimate Edition
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Jak and Daxter Collection
Jet Moto
Jet Moto 2
L.A. Noire
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Mass Effect 2 Ultimate Edition
Max Payne
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes
Mortal Kombat
Okami HD
Prince of Persia Sands of Time HD
Ratchet & Clank: Collection
Red Dead Redemption
Resident Evil 4
Rocksmith 2014 Edition
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Syphon Filter
The Sly Collection
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider 2
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD
Twisted Metal
Twisted Metal 2
Ultra Street Fighter IV
UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves GOTY Edition
UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of The Year Digital Edition
UNCHARTED: Drake’s Fortune
PS Vita
PS Plus Price
Sale Price
Original Price
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Portable
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited
Dragon’s Crown
FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Jet Moto
Jet Moto 2
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
Lumines Electronic Symphony
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Mortal Kombat
Persona 4 Golden
Ratchet & Clank: Collection
Resistance: Retribution
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max
Syphon Filter
TACTICS OGRE: Let Us Cling Together
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider 2
Twisted Metal 2
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
PS Plus Price
Sale Price
Original Price
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Portable
FINAL FANTASY IV: The Complete Collection
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Jet Moto
Jet Moto 2
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Resistance: Retribution
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max
Syphon Filter
TACTICS OGRE: Let Us Cling Together
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider 2
Twisted Metal 2
WipEout Pure
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
The PlayStation Anniversary Sale runs through Monday, January 19, so head over to PlayStation Store to pick up some awesome games and take a trip down memory lane. What games are you going to snag this week?
Virtually nothing for us PS4 owners. This is why at least downloadable titles should be playable on the Ps4 as well. I mean, if people can make an emulator that runs on PCs/Macs and even the Wii U essentially runs a Wii emulator 9not to mention their previous systems) I don’t see why the PS4 can’t. Even if it were its own app lke “Playstation Classics” or something like that.
Welp, time to stock up on PSP and Vita games. Think I saw Tactics Ogre somewhere there, feels good man. Let’s see what cheap PS1 and PS2 Classics I can get on the side as well.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc $19.99
Persona 4 Golden $12.00
Tearaway $14.40
You call that a sale? Cmon…The 98% of the games already had more discount on another sales
This is BS!!
Sales like this remind me why going digital is still not a viable alternative I can pick up the games less than the plus price on Amazon or Ebay. And Max Payne at $4!!! I just got that on my PC on a steam sale for $1.50 I am getting to the point if it wasn’t for the first party games why would I even play Playstation anymore.
I sold my Vita, because there are no more AAA games for it, don’t get me wrong I like indie games, but I can’t play only indie games I need for than that. I bought a Vita cause they marketed it as console gaming on the go, where is my Bioshock game, Infamous game, or GTA Stories type game.
not bad, better then of many of the other weeks lately. i have most that i want already but il def be looking into atleast a game or two. keep the sales up.
P4G for 12 and Legend of Heroes for 8 – if you do not own these games, go buy them. Even if you don’t own a Vita… someday you might and you’ll want these games.
Oh look, finally a good sale after a horrible black friday, and a horrible four weeks of Christmas sale. After I spend 200 dollars on Christmas eve on psn stuff I couldn’t download. After a 10% voucher for the network being down that prevented me from downloading my purchased games but I can’t be used retroactively on the games I couldn’t play because of what the 10% voucher is for.
@Chieh Chen, thank you for your prompt response! I understand now why you chose this format. It’s just that as a primarily Vita user (I own all three systems, but due to my job, I’m mostly a portable gamer these days), I feel like we are often forgotten. I love indie games, but a nice $40 AAA title is much needed. I’m awaiting the next Sword Art title. Those are killer. I will be picking up R&C Collection. It’s a steal at that price. I own all other Vita games, and I’m not much for legacy titles. The only game I can really consistently replay is FFIX. I miss the class system! My PS1, 2,are in my closet in their original boxes if I have the need for nostalgia.
I really want to buy stuff on sale but the games are not showing up and if i look at new arrivals in ps+ there full price plz fix this and then you can has my money.
I hope this isn’t the ps1 and psp sale we’ve been hearing about, because almost all of those ps1 classics have been on sale, most at lower prices, in the past few months. When can we see some new stuff?! Instead of Blood omen, we get soul reaver? Again?! Regardless, there’s a couple things there I’ll grab, since ps1 and psp games going on sale is such a rarity.
Why are you people (in the comments) complaining that this is a “bad” sale? It’s a GREAT sale, even if I already own most of the titles I’d otherwise be interested in buying. If you don’t agree with the sale prices, don’t buy them. It’s really that simple.
Looks like Need for Speed Rivals for me… already have Ghosts, Killzone and FFXIV. I’m surprised that Knack isn’t on this list… soon to be a Plus offering???
Holy crap what a terrible “Sale” on some old ass games. Not a single PS1 games should cost more than $5 on sale. Thanks so much Sony for showing your appreciation to us on your Anniversary.
the 5~ish games on sale are great but they been on sale many times before and most people own them already.
Well, time to put my money where my mouth is. Danganronpa for 20$ was the bare minimum discount I was hoping for–way to not exceed expectations by the slightest, PlayStation. Sales used to be much better than this, especially for Vita. Also, another week, another sale without Disgaea 3…
Don’t get me wrong, I still love my Vita. And even if I were to not buy any more games for it, I still have hundreds of hours worth of games left to play already on there. But it’s hard for me to convince my friends to buy a Vita if Sony doesn’t make first party games for it anymore AND doesn’t even have noteworthy sales to speak of. Used to be the sales were great, and I’d tell my friends that, but now I don’t see any reason to recommend my friends pick one up. No new games, plus no incentive to pick up old games, means there’s no reason for anyone to get a Vita now–they’ll have nothing to play.
That’s all fine if you’re happy with your existing Vita install-base, but I don’t think that’s the case. It’s a great handheld, but now you’re actually doing everything you can to make sure the install-base doesn’t grow.
If you’re just going to have another list for PSP games anyway, why not leave them out of the Vita list? It just seems like you’re padding out the Vita list to make it seem like a bigger sale than it actually is.
Some OK stuff here. I can buy most of what I want here used at Gamestop for the same price or cheaper, and own a physical copy. Which is what I will do. I would buy some vita stuff digital but then I would have to drop 60 bucks on a memory card. Rather buy a used game with that money. Which is what I will do.
I get it’s part of the sleazy grand plan to get people who didn’t keep the Ps3 around to rent the Ps1/2 games they already own but wouldn’t it be more cost effective just to release the emulaters and include the Psn store items on the Ps4 then try and run them on your network which is at best as stable as Gary Busey on a bad day?
Tactics Ogre still showing 19.99 on the store!
Virtually nothing for us PS4 owners. This is why at least downloadable titles should be playable on the Ps4 as well. I mean, if people can make an emulator that runs on PCs/Macs and even the Wii U essentially runs a Wii emulator 9not to mention their previous systems) I don’t see why the PS4 can’t. Even if it were its own app lke “Playstation Classics” or something like that.
Yes! Finally some love for Vita.
I’ll buy Okami HD, Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited and Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.
Is the Ratchet & Clank Collection, Cross-Buy like in EU?
@ 66 I agree
A lot of those sale prices are higher than in stores.
Take a look at this week’s Xbox sale for inspiration, guys.
Just bought FF 14: A Realm Reborn a week ago… :'(
Is the Jak and Daxter HD Collection for ps3 cross-buy with the vita version?
And the 10% discount for everyone?
I will not let the vice city sale pass me again!
Welp, time to stock up on PSP and Vita games. Think I saw Tactics Ogre somewhere there, feels good man. Let’s see what cheap PS1 and PS2 Classics I can get on the side as well.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc $19.99
Persona 4 Golden $12.00
Tearaway $14.40
You call that a sale? Cmon…The 98% of the games already had more discount on another sales
This is BS!!
do all these downloadable games work on the ps4?
Why is the pstv never listed? It’s like you guys have already given up…
Sales like this remind me why going digital is still not a viable alternative I can pick up the games less than the plus price on Amazon or Ebay. And Max Payne at $4!!! I just got that on my PC on a steam sale for $1.50 I am getting to the point if it wasn’t for the first party games why would I even play Playstation anymore.
I sold my Vita, because there are no more AAA games for it, don’t get me wrong I like indie games, but I can’t play only indie games I need for than that. I bought a Vita cause they marketed it as console gaming on the go, where is my Bioshock game, Infamous game, or GTA Stories type game.
Sorry for the rant.
No new prices displayed in my PSN yet,someone has the same? I have a sale page, but prices are the same.
not bad, better then of many of the other weeks lately. i have most that i want already but il def be looking into atleast a game or two. keep the sales up.
Yo, when are we going to get those 10% off coupons? They would be super useful this week
P4G for 12 and Legend of Heroes for 8 – if you do not own these games, go buy them. Even if you don’t own a Vita… someday you might and you’ll want these games.
Awesome! Tactics ogre and trails in the sky! Can’t wait
HOLY FLAMING CRAP. A GOOD SALE ON VITA. Thats almost a miracle in and of itself
Wow, excellent sale, way better than the 15 for 15 I was expecting! Glad Resistance Retribution is on sale, I’ve been wanting to get it on Vita.
Any chance of Ultra Street Fighter IV being a cross buy title once the PS4 version drops in spring? I will buy it RIGHT NOW if you can confirm that.
Oh look, finally a good sale after a horrible black friday, and a horrible four weeks of Christmas sale. After I spend 200 dollars on Christmas eve on psn stuff I couldn’t download. After a 10% voucher for the network being down that prevented me from downloading my purchased games but I can’t be used retroactively on the games I couldn’t play because of what the 10% voucher is for.
You’re missing the ONE game for Vita I wanted damn it, the Earth Defense Force.
Good sale, but no Tales of Xillia 2 or Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy :(
Is there any reason DLC is never on sale? Games being on sale is fine, but how about cutting the prices of the DLC for some of those games as well?
I finally bought the Collectors edition of FF and it goes on sale just an HOUR later. DAMN IT!
@Chieh Chen, thank you for your prompt response! I understand now why you chose this format. It’s just that as a primarily Vita user (I own all three systems, but due to my job, I’m mostly a portable gamer these days), I feel like we are often forgotten. I love indie games, but a nice $40 AAA title is much needed. I’m awaiting the next Sword Art title. Those are killer. I will be picking up R&C Collection. It’s a steal at that price. I own all other Vita games, and I’m not much for legacy titles. The only game I can really consistently replay is FFIX. I miss the class system! My PS1, 2,are in my closet in their original boxes if I have the need for nostalgia.
When is resogun on vita going to be fixed?
Looks like Australia doesn’t get the same great deals! Very unfortunate……
Waiting for a discount on Ys Seven :v
I really want to buy stuff on sale but the games are not showing up and if i look at new arrivals in ps+ there full price plz fix this and then you can has my money.
please give us today the 10% discount, gonna get littlebigplanet and ratchet & clank collection
I hope this isn’t the ps1 and psp sale we’ve been hearing about, because almost all of those ps1 classics have been on sale, most at lower prices, in the past few months. When can we see some new stuff?! Instead of Blood omen, we get soul reaver? Again?! Regardless, there’s a couple things there I’ll grab, since ps1 and psp games going on sale is such a rarity.
Why are you people (in the comments) complaining that this is a “bad” sale? It’s a GREAT sale, even if I already own most of the titles I’d otherwise be interested in buying. If you don’t agree with the sale prices, don’t buy them. It’s really that simple.
Looks like Need for Speed Rivals for me… already have Ghosts, Killzone and FFXIV. I’m surprised that Knack isn’t on this list… soon to be a Plus offering???
Holy crap what a terrible “Sale” on some old ass games. Not a single PS1 games should cost more than $5 on sale. Thanks so much Sony for showing your appreciation to us on your Anniversary.
I’ve been praying for the day Jet Moto 2 would drop to $5.99
How about a discount on those Vita memory cards? A few years later and still, way too much money, Sony.
I managed to pick up three games (2 PS One classics and one PSP game!) I may pick up one more before the sales ends. Thanks Sony!
I hope they will hurry up with that 10% discount code.
Yeah I’m not seeing the sale yet?!
As someone who skipped the PS3, should I abandon all hope that PS Classics will ever appear on PS4?
the 5~ish games on sale are great but they been on sale many times before and most people own them already.
Well, time to put my money where my mouth is. Danganronpa for 20$ was the bare minimum discount I was hoping for–way to not exceed expectations by the slightest, PlayStation. Sales used to be much better than this, especially for Vita. Also, another week, another sale without Disgaea 3…
Don’t get me wrong, I still love my Vita. And even if I were to not buy any more games for it, I still have hundreds of hours worth of games left to play already on there. But it’s hard for me to convince my friends to buy a Vita if Sony doesn’t make first party games for it anymore AND doesn’t even have noteworthy sales to speak of. Used to be the sales were great, and I’d tell my friends that, but now I don’t see any reason to recommend my friends pick one up. No new games, plus no incentive to pick up old games, means there’s no reason for anyone to get a Vita now–they’ll have nothing to play.
That’s all fine if you’re happy with your existing Vita install-base, but I don’t think that’s the case. It’s a great handheld, but now you’re actually doing everything you can to make sure the install-base doesn’t grow.
If you’re just going to have another list for PSP games anyway, why not leave them out of the Vita list? It just seems like you’re padding out the Vita list to make it seem like a bigger sale than it actually is.
Some OK stuff here. I can buy most of what I want here used at Gamestop for the same price or cheaper, and own a physical copy. Which is what I will do. I would buy some vita stuff digital but then I would have to drop 60 bucks on a memory card. Rather buy a used game with that money. Which is what I will do.
I get it’s part of the sleazy grand plan to get people who didn’t keep the Ps3 around to rent the Ps1/2 games they already own but wouldn’t it be more cost effective just to release the emulaters and include the Psn store items on the Ps4 then try and run them on your network which is at best as stable as Gary Busey on a bad day?
Persona 4, YES!!
Lost my hard copy when my first Vita was stolen. Been holding out for a good sale to replace it!
Thanks Sony!