First, a thank you. With nearly 400,000 user votes submitted, this year’s PlayStation.Blog Game of the Year Awards was far and away our biggest and most active yet. Thanks for speaking your mind and supporting your favorite games of 2014.
But enough talk. Read on for the full list of winners and runners-up, plus some Editors’ Choice picks from some of your friends here at PlayStation. See you next year!
A tight race, with Dragon Age Inquisition taking an early lead in community voting until Bungie’s sci-fi shooter Destiny surged ahead for the coveted Platinum spot. Honorable mentions go to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, which both saw muscular support.
Destiny | Dragon Age Inquisition | inFAMOUS Second Son | Far Cry 4 |
Editors’ Choice Picks
Alien: Isolation
Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
Creative Assembly clearly did their survival-horror homework, proving they could craft a lean, terrifying machine in the grand tradition of System Shock 2. A 2014 standout… if you’ve got the nerves for it.
Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
The ambition behind Bungie’s space-faring epic is matched only by the dev team’s willingness to tweak and shape their universe based on the feedback of its most passionate players. Four months later, I’m still raiding every Tuesday with pals from around the world.
inFAMOUS Second Son
Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
The combat in Second Son felt fantastic, but you could have just as much fun traversing the world using Delsin’s abilities and leaping from eye-watering heights. Incredible experience from start to finish.
Nick Suttner, PlayStation Developer Relations
Hohokum hits on the curiosity that lies at the heart of all games, but brilliantly marches it front and center in a technicolor, multi-instrumentalist dream. Hoon around a while, get lost in a labyrinth of child-like discovery and joy, and feel like a grownup all over again with an impossibly cool soundtrack.
Far Cry 4
Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
Like going on the most messed-up holiday imaginable, for my money Far Cry 4 was the most fun you could have in a videogame in 2014, and I adored every insane, eagle-punching minute of it. Bring on that yeti DLC.
Don’t Starve: Console Edition
Dan “Shoe” Hsu, PlayStation Developer Relations
You know you’re dealing with excellent game design when you’re as frightened of hunger pangs as you are the mysterious creeps crawling all over the alien landscapes of survival game Don’t Starve. I couldn’t get enough of the unique art style, deep crafting, and constant tension — just writing this makes me want to go back for more.
RPGs dominated voting in the PS3 category, with Dark Souls II in a close dogfight with South Park: The Stick of Truth for the Platinum. Honorable mentions go to FIFA 15 and The Walking Dead: Season Two.
Dark Souls II | South Park: The Stick of Truth | Destiny | Far Cry 4 |
Editors’ Choice Picks
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
Fulfilled an impossible mission by faithfully complementing the legendary show while carving out an appealing identity all its own. One of the most enjoyable and subversive games I played this year on any platform.
Dark Souls II
Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
My entry point to From’s infamously unforgiving Souls series, Dark Souls II instills a persevering sense of dread and anxiety, but somehow refused to let me walk away until I conquered it. Truly one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of the year. Bring on Bloodborne.
Nick Suttner, PlayStation Developer Relations
While they’re all wildly different, it’s easy to find commonality in the inspired design and super-polished/hilarious presentation of the four (or is it six?) local multiplayer games included. Sportsfriends is the most fun you can have with four friends and a PS3, this year or any other.
Dan “Shoe” Hsu, PlayStation Developer Relations
I love the relentless, 360-degree arcade-shooting action that usually ends sooner than I would like. (This game is tough!) But Luftrausers lets you get right back into the fray with new ship parts that dramatically change how you can take down the next round of enemies. Tons of fun for such a small package.
Heated voting in the PS Vita category ultimate saw Ubisoft Montreal’s platformer-RPG Child of Light score the Platinum, edging out early favorites Freedom Wars and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth for top honors. Honorable mentions go to Velocity 2X, MLB 14 The Show, and Fez.
Child of Light | The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth | Freedom Wars | Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment |
Editors’ Choice Picks
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
The lure of this addictive dungeon crawler grows stronger and stronger after repeated playthroughs, reminding us that a masterfully crafted game doesn’t need state-of-the-art production values to be a knockout.
Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
A magical, ethereal experience, Hohokum feels like a well-deserved vacation. Honeyslug’s joyful controls act as the glue (or is that guano?) that marry Ghostly’s sublime soundtrack to Dick Hogg’s bizarre, beautiful world.
Freedom Wars
Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
Imprisoned and stripped of any semblance of power, players in Freedom Wars face a sense of morbid wonder at every misstep. It makes progressing through this stylized adventure all the more rewarding.
Nick Suttner, PlayStation Developer Relations
Like the great Spelunky before it, Luftrausers feels like one of the games Vita was built for: teeth-grittingly tense dogfighting through the lens of Vlambeer’s screen-rattling arcade mastery. This is where bullet hell goes when it dies.
Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
This one came out of nowhere last January, heralding the arrival of a major new talent in developer Roll7. Expect their outrageous follow-up, Not a Hero, to be in with a good shot of taking this category next year too.
In the digital category, Sucker Punch scored a decisive victory for the standalone follow-up to inFAMOUS Second Son, though competition raged amongst the other finalists. Honorable mentions go to The Walking Dead: Season Two, The Wolf Among Us, and Transistor.
inFAMOUS First Light | The Walking Dead S2 | Outlast | The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth |
Editors’ Choice Picks
Secret Ponchos
Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
A fresh twist on PvP thanks to tight gunplay, appealing characters, and seductive art direction. 2v2 Domination is one of the most compulsively competitive games I’ve played in years. A clear standout for the competitive crowd.
Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
I can’t think of a more well-rounded, complementary crew than the team at Supergiant. Darren’s melancholy soundtrack pairs perfectly with Jen’s breathtaking art, and it’s held together by drum-tight, play-how-you-want combat — and Logan’s velvety (but sometimes unsettling) narration.
TowerFall Ascension
Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
TowerFall can build or break relationships. A superb multiplayer experience with supreme confidence in its haunting style. The wide range of options and modifiers keeps matches fresh and crisp.
The Swapper
Nick Suttner, PlayStation Developer Relations
Since I can’t sanely choose between the mighty Sportsfriends/TowerFall/Nidhogg PS4 triumvirate, I’ll take this opportunity to show some love to The Swapper, one of the moodiest, smartest, most subversive puzzle games I’ve ever played. Limbo by way of Moon. Loombo.
Rogue Legacy
Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
I played Cellar Door Games’ roguelike platformer more than any other title in 2014 – and it wasn’t even close. Over and over I plummeted its bewitching depths – and New Game+++++++ was every bit as fun as the first playthrough. Sequel please.
BioShock Infinite proved to be the definitive favorite for PlayStation Plus members in 2014, though PS4 fighter Injustice mustered a commanding second-place showing. Honorable mentions go to The Binding of Isaac, Outlast, and Dragon’s Crown.
BioShock Infinite | Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate | Batman: Arkham City | Tomb Raider |
Editors’ Choice Picks
Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
A great year for PS Plus offerings made this my toughest category. Ultimately, I have to hand it to Outlast — it’s the only survival horror game I’ve ever had to stop playing out of sheer heart-stopping fright.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
“Sure, I’ll give it a shot,” I uttered as I descended into Edmund McMillen’s dark, demented (but confusingly cute) basement for the first time. Weeks later, I’m not quite sure I’m actually back in the real world yet. Send help.
BioShock Infinite
Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
The breathless jumps between rails, the exquisite attention to detail, the razor-sharp gunplay; it’s impossible to forget the best moments of BioShock Infinite, and it made for one hell of a Plus game.
Velocity 2X
Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
It was great to see some big digital titles debut on PS Plus in 2014, and Futurlab’s frantic shmup/speed-run/platformer hybrid was a real high water mark. Few other games in 2014 were quite so elegant, sticky and flab-free.
Don’t Starve: Console Edition
Dan “Shoe” Hsu, PlayStation Developer Relations
You did download this when it was free for PS Plus subscribers, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU?? If not, don’t fret. It’s cheap and so worth your money and time.
Easily the most active poll in this year’s awards. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End dominated community voting early. Honorable mentions go to Bloodborne and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which mustered impressive showings.
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End | Batman: Arkham Knight | Persona 5 | Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain |
Editors’ Choice Picks
Batman: Arkham Knight
Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
The Dark Knight makes his PS4 debut this year, and he’s never looked better. Featuring seamless transitions between gameplay and cinematics, a new villain created alongside DC Comics, and the freakin’ Batmobile, Arkham Knight promises to be one of 2015’s showcase titles.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
The team at CD Projekt Red has a near-unnatural passion for fantasy. There’s no other explanation for Witcher 3’s massive open world, robust lore, gritty combat, and realism.
Nick Suttner, PlayStation Developer Relations
Such a tough choice, but I have to give it to Metanet – their deviously difficult action-platformer N++ just gets better every time they give me a tease of it, and the multiplayer race mode is the best thing since sliced bread that chases you like a missile controlled by one of your friends.
Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
Hidetaka Miyazaki could release a domestic budgeting app and I’d be first in line.
Dan “Shoe” Hsu, PlayStation Developer Relations
Oh man, this was so tough to pick, but based on the few matches I played over E3 2014, I’d say Evolve will end up being my most-played game of 2015. The asymmetric four-on-one-big-monster gameplay is full of fist-pumping thrills. I can’t wait.
Fans turned out in droves to support their favorite studios, with Naughty Dog and Rockstar North duking it out for the Platinum spot. Honorable mentions went to Monolith Productions, From Software, and Ubisoft Montreal.
Naughty Dog | Rockstar North | Bungie | Bioware |
Editors’ Choice Picks
Monolith Productions
Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
The superior Shadow of Mordor sees this veteran Kirkland-based studio reaching into exciting new terrain. The Nemesis system alone is the most satisfying gameplay innovation I’ve experienced this year.
Square Enix
Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
I could expound on the ways Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a triumph in MMO design, but instead I’ll praise the team behind it for continually listening to (and communicating with) their fans, constantly adding new content, and most importantly: visibly loving every moment of it.
Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
Leave it to such a legendary crew to pull together and build an awe-inspiring universe that will undoubtedly be home to many adventures for years to come. Bravo to everyone involved.
Nick Suttner, PlayStation Developer Relations
Yay, a loophole to work Spelunky into this year’s awards! But seriously, BlitWorks did an incredible job porting it to PS4, as well as Fez, Don’t Starve, and OlliOlli to extra PS platforms. Basically, they’re the reason why many of the raddest digital games play best on PlayStation. Respect!
Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
Much was made of how Dark Souls II was made by the studio’s ‘B team’ while Miyazaki and co readied Bloodborne. If that’s any indicator of the strength and depth of its creative team, I’m chalking them up as game dev’s Pixar equivalent… albeit with added dread, horror and relentless misery.
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