The PlanetSide 2 Closed Beta for PS4 is starting this month — January 20th, to be exact! The development team has been hard at work refining, optimizing, and creating an amazing console version of PlanetSide 2 on PS4, and we can’t wait to get it into your hands.
We’ll be using this beta period to test our servers, performance, and various other aspects of the game, and we also want you to share constructive feedback on PlanetSide 2. How does the game look and feel? Is navigating through the menus intuitive and utilizing DualShock 4 in the best way? All players in the Closed Beta will have access to our special Beta forums, which will be the primary location for development interaction and feedback. We want the massive battles to make your heart pound and adrenaline pump, so share your thoughts with us.
If you haven’t done so already, make sure you opt in by email for a chance to participate in the Closed Beta. You can sign up through our website. To ensure the most positive gameplay experience, we will invite a few thousand players into the Beta at the beginning, followed by waves of players throughout the Closed Beta period. Please note players will be invited in chronological order of when they signed up.
I’m sure there are a lot of questions about the Beta that I can’t answer in this blog post, so check out our FAQ at PlanetSide2.com.
With its massive battles and enormous continents, PlanetSide 2 is a one-of-kind gaming experience, and we are excited to finally bring the world’s largest MMOFPS to PS4 this month.
Been waiting since it was announced! The spiritual successor to MAG, but much more vast.
This will never compare to BF4 futuristic war games suck! No thanks they can keep it i’ll be on the real Battlefield BF4!
I can’t wait to play the sci fi BF4, I have been waiting for this game to come to PS4 since it was in beta on PC. I plain to play this and Battlefield hardline, but planetside 2 will be a more addictive game for me.
Send that code and let’s win this battle!
U mean the Sci fi Star Wars Battlefront? That will be fun! BF4 is not a sci fi.. it’s a modern day war/battlefield First Person Shooter! LOL I’ll Try Planetside though but I don’t like futuristic war FPS’s ..@donridie
Hey I really loved the game on my PC and I can’t wait till it comes out on PS4. I really hope i will be one of the first people to play.
P.S. On the PC it took 3 tries until it started working. It would run smoothly for 5-15 minutes then crash. The third time it worked. Can you make sure it won’t happen again on PS4?
When do you think the full version will come out if I don’t get picked for Beta?
Played the original in beta on pc and ended up playing for almost a year. I didn’t have a good pc to play PlanetSide2 and felt I missed out. Can’t wait to invade some bases on my PS4.
This is stupid i tried signing up says no valid email address which i do have really stupid i cant sign up obviously they wouldn’t know a valid email if it bite guess i wont play that lame game since i cant sign up
I’ve been looking forward to seeing PS2 on the PS4 since it was announced.
Hello, I signed up like last year when the beta sign ups were just out so would I still be in the invite process?!?
Yes you would.
Really looking forward for ps2 on ps4. If i get beta access , I will try to do my best to tell you about any bugs , fps drops , or something else :) thank you for bringing ps2 on ps4!
Really looking forward to this. It was fun on PC (even tho I’m terribad with mouse/keyboard and I’m more a gamer on Playstation as I feel more comfortable with a controller) Gameplay was awesome and should be equally so on PS4.
Just signed up myself. I really hope to be part of the experience and help improve your game for everyone!
Hey, alright. I was waiting for this. PlanetSide 2 is a game I’d gladly drop a few dollars for, just… not on PC. Here’s hoping I can play the console version decently.
Will the game be a free-to-play or will players have to pay to get the get when the full version is relased?
Yesss! I love playing this on the PC, cant wait to try this out on the PS4
My 49 year old colon just leaked a little. Sorry all.
Looks insane!
@51: Saying this is the spiritual successor to MAG is an insult as the first Planetside came in 2003 and even that game was much better than MAG. I have logged over 2000 hours into the PC version and will start my own VS outfit on the US east server. Anyone looking for some hardcore outfit ops look us up when the game goes live. QUANTUM DAWN is going to be the name of the outfit and I will need some leaders to help direct our squads. Add me on the PSN if you’re interested.
This game is so much more fun then BF and CoD once you drop 50+ on a base from multiple galaxies or flank an armor column with dozens of harassers. Have you ever seen a 100+ infantry zerg running across open field to storm a base in any other game? I didn’t think so.
Thanks for your hard work !!! I can´t wait….
Greetings to you All.
From Czech Republic, Prague
Really looking forward to this one I cannot wait to give it a go!!!!
I remember hearing the original plans would allow us to transfer our PC account to the PS4 version. Will this be an option in the beta? Would I say be able to temporarily transfer the content I have unlocked for the closed beta since there is typically down time between a games beta and launch so I won’t be completely void of anything on the PC while waiting?
Data will not transfer between accounts. Your progress in the PS4 version on Planetside will be only available on the PS4 console. Stats and data that is tracked will be available via the Planetside 2 website but will require you to login with your PS4 information. All PC data is tracked separately and requires the use of your PC login credentials.
As a planetside 2 player since beta on pc I can’t wait for it on ps4. I signed up for closed beta the day it went live, I can’t wait.
Finally!!! I was looking forward to this game since the PS4 was first released. I can’t wait to get into the Planetside world. NC all the way!!
Awesome, i can’t wait for the game. Hoping to get into the closed beta but if not, i hope everyone enjoys it.
I entered my email drew245@msn.com and it said invalid email? Please help
So excited!!!! Hope I get to be a part of the beta!!!
Remember when exclusive beta access was a PS+ perk?
I cant wait for this game iv been reading up on this it was sapposed to come out earlyer but iam glad you guys pushed it back into production to run more tests on it tweek it up a bit i know you you guys wanted to make sure the ps4 can handle the 60 frames per second i know the ps4 can handle it i like the huge maps and a wide populated area lots of stuff to keep us busy hopefully this will be like cod ? Or dust i d k but i cant wait to play it and i do think this will be a free to play right well big props peace out dawg
I singed up a month ago! Really hope I’m in the first wave. Been looking forward to playing this since it was announced for ps4!
Four days after my birthday; what a nice birthday gift! :)
Hoping to be apart and try something new!
hey. I signed up like months ago, hope I get in!!! plz :)
I’ll wait for PlanetFront or PlanetBack.
I see what you did there! :-)
I’ve waited literal years to play this. My PC’s were (and at this rate never will be) good enough to run this impressive game. It’s got everything I want in a game- and now I get the chance to play it.
Although frustrated, I’ve signed up, and itching to get in there ASAP. Great job guys, please keep it up.
Is the game on ps3. But anyway the game looks raw and cool and I will really like to play it.
Only on the PS4.
All signed up! Looking forward to this! Hope I can be of some help!
How many people have already signed up for the beta? (Trying to get a head count)
How long will the beta be active for?
Thank goodness this game is finally getting out this is the sole reason I switched from 360 to PS4 and I’ve been checking to see when it’s released hourly for the past 2 months.
Thank you for your time and hopefully a response!
Love it on PC, signed up and can’t wait to take part in the beta test.
Just Signed Up! Really hoping to get that invitation to the beta. Got my finger and legs crossed :D
Been waiting for this forever – I accidentally have two PC accounts because Steam wouldn’t link to my original account even though the email address was the same on both. Oddly, they both are under my Station login but as separate accounts, lol.
I actually like the idea of starting over on the PS4 servers – it will help me learn the control scheme on DS4 without making my veteran look like he is shell shocked. ^_^
I hope that we will eventually (if not at launch) have cross platform matches so I can group with my friends regardless of being on PC or PS4 – we have so much fun grouping up cross platform in War Thunder
Pumped. I keep trying to get into one of these Beta tests maybe i’ll get lucky this time.
Will the beta continue after Closed Beta to Open Beta and from there to a full game?
I am quite hyped about this game. I have far long longed a game like this were actions in small part of the map make difference.
Getting a PS4 on the 16th just for this game and H1Z1. Hope I get in!
Will PlanetSide 2 feature split-screen possibly in the future on PS4? It would make a great challenge trying to find one person.
really really hope I get in because Ive been waiting ever since I got a ps4. I’ll provide all the information u need 2 make the game better . Well see u on the battlefield all of u guys #VSFTW.
I am really looking forward to this game. I wonder if there are there going to be subscription options for those that want them, and will they be active during the beta? Will anything carry over from the beta to the full release? Will those that get in to the beta be granted any “friends” codes to bring others in?
Also, is there an ETA of when the first round of invites will be going out?
The first round of invites will be going out on the 20th.