Happy Holidays, everyone!
This is Hajime Tabata, Director of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Final Fantasy XV. I won’t take up too much of your time as you prepare for your holiday festivities, but I did want to share our holiday card with you today that truly encapsulates my feelings about Final Fantasy Type-0 HD in a single sentence.
We launched the original Final Fantasy Type-0 on PSP back in 2011 in Japan, and due to the market conditions and many other factors, the Western release of the title simply wasn’t feasible at the time, as much as we tried. But thanks to you and your perseverance in letting us know that you wanted to play it, here we are in 2014 nearing the release of the HD version. In this case, it is you who made the fantasy become fact.
In Japan around this time every year, we have a large festival (much like the conventions you attend in the West) called JumpFesta. We’ve debuted two new trailers for Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Final Fantasy XV.
With JumpFesta behind us, I’m personally looking forward to 2015 very much, with a visit to the US in January, where I’ll be joining you for a Reddit AMA on 1/23/15 at 10:00AM Pacific. Please bring your questions about Final Fantasy Type-0 HD for me!
And after that, it’s only two short months before the launch of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it, so please remember what made this game possible in the first place — you!
Have a safe and happy New Year, everyone!
-Hajime Tabata
Zzzz, no Vita version = no talk.
PS VITA Version Now Please
Vita please…
vita plz
I will never buy this game unless it is on Vita. Period.
Vita release date?
@185 you should do some research before you make claims. I do have a Vita go look at my trophies. @190 Sony asked for SE to make a vita version of type-0 HD but SE refused for good reason since you guys are in the minority.
I have a PS6/ look at MY trophies.
Oh well,\. Im getting a WiiU,
Oh, hey, happy holidays from the guys who keep slapping us in the face! We wait and beg for YEARS to get Type-0 in the West on a portable console… goes to PS4 and X1 instead. We wait for YEARS to get FFvs13 on PS3… goes to PS4 and X1 instead.
I’m not even going to be polite, Squeenix. I don’t wish you happy holidays.
@208 learn how to do research before you make claims
@207 Funny how the minority of made up most of the people asking for the game in the first place, huh?
“Your voices are what made Final Fantasy Type-0 HD possible.” Are you serious Square-Enix? If that’s the case what about the hundreds of thousands of fans you have continuously ignored for the past 8 years? That Final Fantasy 7 announcement at Playstation Experience was the biggest middle finger you guys could have flashed our way. Thanks a lot.
Signed: Your fan for going on 17 years
@211 then how come only 2,000 of you signed a petition back when SE made the mistake on the Blog. A petition that had a goal of 200k signatures, went down to 3k, and then went up to 10k, and back down to 8k. That alone shows how “big” your little #novitanobuy movement is. Since then till now it’s at 2,000 signatures. Out of 8 million plus vita users from then till now, that’s less then one percent of you who are complaining. Also signatures of course don’t equal sales and those people who signed the petition may not even own a vita. If it was such an uproar like you guys claim to be it would of met its goal of 200k signatures.
@207sorry i know better then anyone how small your “big” movement of novitanobuy is. Back in the PS Blog where SE made its mistake there was petition with all the outrage in the comments. The link was spread around through popular gaming news sites.
The goal was about 200k signatures, everyone starting signing but it was slowing down around 500, the goal was then changed to 3k and it slowed down drastically from then on at 800 signatures, the goal was then changed to 10k because everyone was saying the goal was to low, and in the end it was changed to 8k. From then till now the petition has 1,928 signatures. That should show you how “big” your movement is especially with the wishy washy signature goal changes. If it was such a big uproar like you guys are making it to be the petition would of met its goal of 200k signatures
From then (June 10th 2014) till now only 1,928 signatures out of 8+ million Vita owners, that is less then 1 percent of you. Sorry but you are in the minority.
Cross buy please in the future, if it do come to the Vita.
My voice demands FFIX HD! Let Zidane Tribal – legacy reborn like a phoenix… Do you hear me Square Enix or Squaresoft I rather say… Respect your history guys! You Guys at the studio even can’t imagine what this game helpe fight of with and inspired me when I was kid….You can even make it with hardest trophy list I swear in name of God I will beat it first!!!
From a PS4 owner: SE you are not getting a cent out of me, not for Type-0 nor for any other of your games unless you correct this injustice towards the very fans you speak of who were the ones that made possible the localization of this game according to your own words.
Fellow PS4 owners: SE is trying to squeeze 60 bucks out of your pockets for a mutilated (multiplayer mode has been removed), lazy (it meshes new HD graphics with untouched PSP graphics) PSP port , and a demo only two hours long, the later which basically any other videogame company would just offer for free.
Considering that SE also wants to charge $50 for the same FF X/X-2 HD collection they sold for $40 on PS3 & Vita, I think we PS4 in particular should stand our ground against companies like SE that feel entitled to charge more for the same game without giving anything back in return, simply for being on a next gen console.
I recommend we take our rightful complains to Square Enix NA site, where the same message from Tabata has been posted on their blog and where there is higher chances they will have to take a look and acknowledge the rejection the face from not only PS Vita owners, but also many PS4 owners.
@216 if they made legacy games in HD I don’t care even if it cost 80$ I well worth then and it does now Da Vinci art is well overpriced too, but people do buy it.. You do know that, right?
Well, you heard us again. THE VITA VERSION!
@218 Going back to the FF X/X-2 example, let’s compare it with The Last Of Us Remastered:
TLOUR: Winner of over 200 GOTY awards, has improved visuals, advanced audio options, in-cinematic director commentary, in-game Photo Mode. Includes DLC: Left Behind, the Abandoned Territories and Reclaimed Territories multiplayer map packs. Launch price $50 (VS $60 of the PS3 version).
FF X/X-2: While FFX did won several awards, FFX-2 is largely considered one of the worst FF games. The launch window of spring 2015 certainly leaves little room for any significant improvement over the PS3 version. Launch price $50 (VS $40 of the PS3/Vita versions).
Another example: Resident Evil HD Remaster will cost $20 on PS4, PS3, 360 and XB1. Additionally, it will be cross-buy at least in the PSN, meaning that you get both the PS3 and PS4 versions for $20 ($10 each).
While SE insists on overcharging for their games, other companies are making their greatest games (Da Vinci art as you say) available at very accessible prices. A game like Type-0, which isn’t well known and seems like a spinoff (non main numbered title) in the eye of the casual player doesn’t have a place in such market.
Happy Holidays, everyone!
I’d just like to say that this would have been a day 1 purchase for me had it been released on the Vita.
Also if you decide to remaster FF XII, please release it on the Vita. I’ll buy it.
I want Type-O for the Vita. I also would like to see the Kingdom Hearts HD Collections and more Final Fantasy games for the Vita as well. I have a PS4, but would rather play these on the Vita (not just remote play).
I’m so glad the community is sticking together on this. No vita, No buy. I have a PS4 but I cried for a vita version of FF type-0.
I supported handhelds by buying the vita version of FF X/X-2 day one. I am expecting kingdom hearts 2.5 and the incoming FF 12 HD to appear on vita as well (if not then I am not buying those as well).
I have over 200 AAA video game titles at home, which I purchase not only for my amusement, but also to support the developers.
Why, exactly I should spent $400 for a PSP port?
No VITA No Square.
As much as I love FFXV and FF Type 0 coming to PS4, that really sucks for the PS3 and Vita guys. Don’t abandon them!
Oh and FFXIV is awesome. Play it daily. Happy Holidays <3
oh…look at that poor crystalized fallen body of my fellow vita comrades…and we’re still here waiting…
and please…please…please…if no chance of bringing type-0 to vita…at least FF12 HD…I really need it…as I bought FF10 HD for both PS3 / Psvita on Day one.
Square-enix, i will forgive you if you bring Type-0 (not that crappy Agito) for vita and localize new Saga game for vita.
Until that happen, i will gladly give my money to Persona 5, Tales of Zestiria, Yakuza 5, Bloodborne, or Disgaea 5 but not for FF Type-0 HD, FF XV, KH 3, nor any of your games.
Sooner or later I’ll buy the game in PS4, but that will be when it cost 10 USD or less. Again: VITA.
My voice was for PSP localization and then Vita port and localization. Never in my life did I mention PS4, or PS3.
The game is still a PSP game and it shows in the design of the game. It’s just prettier now. I would’ve taken an uglier portable version [portable is how the game was designed after all].
Still excited for the game, but you really need to stop with this “we listened to the fans” stuff in regards to this game. Because you certainly did not.
Dear Square Enix , just want to say i do not have any type of hate towards your company because of Type-0 not goin to the Vita, But i do not own a ps4 and wont own one for a long time same with my friends. and a psp port isnt going to drive me to spend 400$ on a system. even after all the effort people put towards makin type-0 possible pn the vita. im dissapointed yes because it seems like you do listen to the fans but do the complete opposite of what they ask. These are people who have been supporting your games since ff1 Released. Ive even purchased ff games i didnt care abou just to support. i cant even say ty for the exclusive saga game cause we dont even know how itll turn out but i am looking forward to it. but if ffxii is released (if re-released) everywere BUT the vita, you would have really damaged my love for your company. after all these hints about vita being one of the preferable choices ud like to see ffxii on. dont let me down square enix, im afraid youll do the opposite like always tho
MERRY XMAS to you guys tho,at the end of the day we are all just humans trying to make it.
VITA please day 1 purchase from me if it is on the VITA.
It’s on the vita in the Japanese store!!!
So far, by the end of the year. the worst decision made by SE is NOT bringing Type-0 on a portable console. its obvious. Type-0 HD and localization was asked by psp and vita fans. even before vita was released, people from the portable gaming spot asked SE to bring type-0 over to the west. now that they did this really bad move of bugging off their fans some more. SE is just looking for profit knowing that ps4 is doing good here in the west, now their facing the consequences of being so greedy. Now we are seeing that its not about how pretty you can make a game. but just how loyal you can be to your fans.
From SquareSoft to SquareEnix, they made good games, no question. fans loved them for it. IF ONLY THEY WOULD GIVE BACK SOME LOVE TO THE PEOPLE WHO SUPPORTED THEM.
I assume they would have released it for the vita if in the next year there was going to be a vita but from what i heard they are going to start cutting support to it starting next year so why put out a game on a soon to be dead system
There’s honestly no incentive for them to do a vita version, or rather no incentive that’s more lucrative than ps4. If they do Vita, it’ll be an afterthought. And hundreds of “No Vita, No Buy” looks real small compared to preorder numbers that are already halfway to total X/X-2 vita sales with an average increase of 3000 a week. Add on top of that the usefulness in getting ps4 numbers, and subsequently XV numbers, up in Japan.
There’s really no point in them putting it on vita. I expect a PC version before they notice that tiny demographic that’s lagging behind the Wii-U of all things
I don’t see how putting it on the vita as well as the other consoles is an issue. Regardless, I guess I’ll never play this game, and haven’t bought a square title in years. That wont be changing anytime soon.
Kansha Arigatou :)
Considering the significant touch-up they made with Type-0, it’s never going to come on to the vita. (and I’m a big vita fan)
There’s nothing that can be done now, save for publishing the localized PSP version on PSN.
I’m glad Type-0 is coming to the west finally.
FFXII HD too please!
I know of the voices you speak as my voice was one and several others here with me. I distinctly remeber those voices saying VITA. There is 200+ Comments alone here saying they want it on vita, I baught X-X2 for the VITA over my ps4 for freedom a hendheld offers and though I really want to play Type-0 I will not buy it for ps4. Ive been with sony now since playstation was concieved and square enix always had a place in my heart, but this feels like your company spat in my face.