H-O-L-I-D-A-Y time is here! …And nothing really changes at DrinkBox Studios because we’re still hard at work.
Luckily though, I do have the privilege to give you a little recap of how we’re sending out the year.
We just got back from showing Severed publicly for the first time at PlayStation Experience, which was amazing for a bunch of reasons. First, there was a real excitement in the air from all the gamers walking around at the inaugural event. Second, we got to chat with fans of Guacamelee!, who were nice enough to come up and say positive things about our game. I can’t tell you how great this makes us feel.
Thirdly, we were able to let people play Severed for the first time, allowing us to get valuable feedback, and hopefully leaving everyone with a good impression or two. People seemed really excited, which, in turn, pumped us up a lot.
Guacamelee! STCE 4 Player
But hold on, that’s not all! As a special treat for PlayStation Experience, we added four-player support to Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition. WHAT?! That’s right, Guacamelee! STCE 4-player.
And if you’re wondering if it’s as hectic and crazy as it sounds, the answer is 100% yes. We’re hoping to release a four-player patch sometime in the new year.
Guacamelee! PSTV
Not done! Since I’m sure all of you will be getting a PlayStation TV as a gift (from yourself) pretty soon, we figured you might want to play co-op with the original Guacamelee!. What?! That is correct.
Our free update to Guacamelee! Vita is now live, making the game fully compatible with PS TV and adding two-player support on it as well. What this means to you: if you own Guacamelee! on PS3 or PS Vita, and have a PlayStation TV, then you can play Guacamelee! for free.
With all of this said — everyone over here at DrinkBox Studios would like to send out a very warm happy holidays to everyone out there who have supported us in any way. DrinkBox Studios would not exist if it wasn’t for your support — we never forget this. Happy New Year!
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