Oh boy, we cannot wait for Christmas! First off, we need the rest! It’s been a manic few years as our tiny little team has developed and published nine – NINE – PlayStation games since 2010. Starting with Coconut Dodge on PS Minis and most recently Velocity 2X on PS4 and PS Vita, it’s been a non-stop bullet train of excitement!
Christmas is the one time of year that many of us can take a real break. Once we’ve finished all the turkey sandwiches, scoffed the random cheeses and picked at the two day old roast potatoes dipped in ketchup (or is that just me?), we can spend a little bit of time thinking about that pesky New Year’s resolution.
What will yours be?
Many people think that setting a New Year’s resolution is a pointless exercise, as once you’re back into your routine your best intentions are squashed by this thing called ‘reality.’
But what if your New Year’s resolution is to change your reality?
On Christmas Day 2006, I set myself the New Year’s resolution to make a PlayStation game. With no idea how to make games, it was a ‘ridiculous’, ‘unrealistic’ goal by any measure, but once I’d admitted this was the only way I’d be happy, a burning passion was unleashed to make it true.
As I sit here typing this now, there’s a beautiful Velocity 2X art book on the desk. On another monitor there’s a concept design for our next ambitious game. Reality has completely changed. Where once I was bored, frustrated and unhappy, now I’m excited, confident and extremely grateful for everything I’ve learned.
It’s been a long and challenging journey so far, but it’s never been anything less than thrilling, and now eight years later it’s all come true!
Of course, a lot of it has been down to PlayStation’s policy to welcome developers of all shapes and sizes, and down to all of you for supporting what we do, so I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and a big thanks to everyone at PlayStation!
I want to leave you folks with my favourite quote from Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company:
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” He wasn’t wrong, so what’s your New Year’s Resolution?
Happy Holidays!
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