It’s here, PlayStation fans! Greg Bauman here from Edge of Reality, and I’ve got good news: the guns are loaded, the sights are balanced, the explosives are primed, and the maps have been stain-proofed, which means Loadout will be ready to download and play today, for FREE, on PlayStation 4!
Starting today, you and your friends can start assembling the guns of your (deeply disturbing) dreams, and begin a healthy debate over whose weapon is better at reducing whom to a bloody paste. Loadout has literally billions of gun combinations, and you can start trying them out on the nearest unsuspecting chump — for FREE. Really, if you’re trying to determine whether a laser-guided tesla missile will kill someone faster than a flaming death beam, the best method is to test for yourself, don’t you think?
Speaking of trying things for yourself, I should remind you again that Loadout is Free-to-Play on PS4! You can download the game and start perfecting the art of self-expression via explosive projectiles just as soon as you can get to the PlayStation Store. What’s more, if you’re a PlayStation Plus member, you’ll also be able to express your allegiance loud and clear with our gift to you – the SuperFan Bonus Pack! All PS Plus members will get some in-game body paint in the classic PS4-themed blues and whites, sure to impress your friends and only irradiate your organs a little.
While I’m on the topic of impressive blue things, today’s PS4 launch also marks the debut of our new Campaign mode! Which, in case I haven’t mentioned it, is also FREE. Just in time to meet all of you PlayStation fans, our game has been invaded by the vicious, deadly, and malodorous Kroad, an alien race that loves guns just as much as we do, but seems to hate everything else about us. Thankfully, you can band together with your friends and fight back using your human ingenuity and gigantic guns. Mostly your gigantic guns. Okay, entirely your gigantic guns.
So, thanks for your patience, everyone, and enjoy Loadout on PS4. We can’t wait to see what really defines PlayStation fans on the inside! Is it blood and guts? We’re guessing it’s blood and guts, but we really do want to see for ourselves. Have fun!
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