Good evening, PlayStation.Blog! It’s a little later than we usually post, but we wanted to bring you this bit of news as soon as it broke. Today, er, tonight, we’re happy to announce that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is getting its very own Collector’s Edition. Available in limited quantities, you can lock in your order on this premium collection of cool stuff now, for $99.99. Ah, but what’s in it, you ask? Well, in industry circles, we call the image below a “beauty shot,” and with good reason! Look upon its majesty.
Let’s discuss what you’re seeing, shall we? We’ll start with the golden Steel Book case, featuring what I personally think is one of long-time Final Fantasy artist Yoshitaka Amano’s finest pieces — the goddesses of Orience. On the inside is the Japanese kanji for the game title: 零, or “Rei,” meaning “zero,” and 式, or “shiki,” meaning “type.” We know you guys appreciate authenticity.
The Steel Book holds both the game disc and a 15-track collection of songs hand-picked by the game’s composer, Takeharu Ishimoto. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, he also did the score for Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, among others. He’s one of my favorite composers in the business right now, and Type-0’s soundtrack is stellar.
Let’s move over to the books. A 200 page manga that takes place alongside that super emotional opening of Type-0, giving you deeper insight into the characters, and next to that, an 80 page art book, featuring the art of some of our most talented artists who worked on this title. The foreword is even written by the game’s director, Hajime Tabata.
Last but not least, five life-size replicas of the iconic cards you’ve seen Ace holding in all our promotional materials. The fronts feature illustrations of the Type-0 Eidolons: Odin, Ifrit, Shiva, Diabolos, and naturally, Bahamut.
If all this stuff wasn’t enough, we’ve even got some neat incentives for you to pre-order this from us at Square Enix — you’ll automatically be entered into a sweepstakes where you could win a Final Fantasy Type-0 custom PS4, an art canvas of Ace, a Vermilion Bird lapel pin that retails for $200… and a whole bunch of runner up prizes, too.
And finally — getting the Collector’s Edition will guarantee your access to the Final Fantasy XV -Episode Duscae- demo. We’ve gotten a lot of questions about this demo, so while I’m here, I’ll drop some knowledge on that too.
First, as Tabata-san said in a recent episode of Square Enix Presents, this demo is exclusive to Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. We’re never going to release it as a stand-alone piece down the line. Secondly, it’s intended to be a special gift for those of you who purchase early — the demo will be limited to the “Day One” edition of the game, meaning that only the first shipment is going to have the demo in it. So if the demo is something you think you might like, we highly encourage you to pre-order or to be quick about getting to the store on launch day, March 17th, 2015.
I’ll close with one more announcement — On January 23rd at 10:00AM Pacific, Tabata-san himself is going to be doing a Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Reddit AMA.
You guys here on PlayStation.Blog have had a lot of great questions that only someone from our development staff would be able to answer, so I definitely want to invite you guys to participate! That said — considering you won’t have gotten a chance to play the Final Fantasy XV demo at that point, we’ll only be taking questions relating to Type-0 HD. But don’t fret! The Final Fantasy XV demo is just the beginning, and we’re looking forward to talking to you more about that when the time comes.
Can anyone tell me if there is any real reason for me to re-buy a game I played 3 years ago on my PSP? Is the game itself any different (besides the language localization)?
You will NOT be charged NOW. This is directly from the square-enix FAQ on the pre order site:
When will the sum be debited from my account?
You will be charged 10 days before we start the delivery, around the 3rd of March 2015.
We will notify you before charging your card. If you payment method as expired, we will give you the opportunity to enter new payment details for your purchase.
I pre ordered 2 :-) 1 for me one I can flip for $200 later lol.
So is this a Square Store exclusive or not? Definitive answer please.
@52, it appears so. No other store is currently carrying it.
SE store unfortunately has really bad customer service. My Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Collector’s Edition arrived damaged because the box it was shipped in didn’t provided any protection whatsoever to the game box. I’ve been waiting over a week for customer support to get back to me and I still don’t know if they will be able to replace my game.
Will collector edition avaliable on region 3 (Asia)
Since eveytime i want to order collector edition. They only avaliale in region 1 (NA)
My god that golden case looked so good I had to preorder it right away. All that stuff plus a chance to win that sexy custom FF Type 0 PS4 system is the icing on the cake.
Only $99.99!…Oh and 35 freaking dollars for shipping!!
Hey Scott, how’s about Parasite Eve HD or Final Fantasy VI HD 3D Remake?
Looks sweet! Sadly I have to buy the also recently announced Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster on PS4 so no money for this. I’m a huge sucker for art books and that steelbook case looks awesome!
I want this badly!
but you don’t ship to my country or provide it through amazon :c
Yes SE confirmed Digital includes it too.
$15.99 and will have trophies.
$108 is steep not including tax :(
I would really love to purchase the collectors edition but i cant enter my billing address because my country isn’t listed,is there any other way i can pre order one?
Thanks for the link. Trying to get it on the store and it wasint showing. Thank you for this pretty CE.
So i must go to the local store on launch day?
I can’t seem to actually pay using the store. No matter what browser, or whether I put in card information vs attempting to use paypal, it just hangs there verifying forever. Do you guys have any way to help me out?
hey guys, beyond! why cant we have the original trilogy of crash bandicoot on ps vita, its available on psp, and its available in europe on ps vita.. give us crash bandicoot
If you pre-order from the website do you get charged at that moment or when the game comes out? I’ve never pre-ordered a game online.
Only US and EU? So we who live in SEA cannot get the CE? I’m so disappointed ….
While it looks like the the rest of the FFXIII CEs and for same cost, it just doesn’t feel worth $100 anymore. Especially when they started to limit the soundtracks. Also dealing with both S-E terrible website and now a new store supplier that does not even offer free shipping on this store exclusive, large chance that it will get damaged, and have to deal with terrible return policies. Digital river had no replacement policy so if your CE got damaged and they had no more in stock, your screwed. Even more so with me since my last order from them took over 1 month to get (with there 5-7 day free shipping) because they use the cheapest shipping possible that transferred package to USPS at Richmond, CA which ships cheap packages after waiting to fill containers to ship by boat to Hawaii. This process also risked damage to items. Wish they would follow Bandai-Capcom example and shift to amazon.
I don’t want to risk with Pepita Store and don’t think its worth the $100 +$20 shipping I will have to pay to get it. But I would gladly buy it for $120 at my one and only gamestop on island since they rarely ever give me a damaged CE/LE.
Please make it available on amazon. Another question, are they gonna charge me as soon as I pre-order or on the release day window?
I don’t see a major difference between Digital River and PepitaStore….
I’ve purchased from both of them. Digital River has slightly better packaging than PepitaStore if I remembered correctly.
I ordered Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Collectors Edition from PepitaStore and it arrived without any protection materials (just the box + game). So, it’s pure luck whether the game arrives in perfect condition or not >_<
Not remotely interested until it comes to Vita like
A) It should have done, since it’s a PSP game
B) You said it would when you first announced it
God dang it, pepita store again. Can someone from square tell please tell them that if I paid 30USD for shipping, i expect them to put the game in a lot more than just a box. My kingdom hearts collector edition was caved in with water damaged from the terrible shipping. I’ve been waiting for more than a week now for square to answer my ticket. Now I’m scared to pre order from you guys again.
Seriously, 30 USD for shipping and it was just inside a card board box.
i wish your store shipping wasn’t so horrible, i ordered Final Fantasy 14 collector edition this black Friday and supposedly i am going to receive it on December 15. Great work there changing a River Direct for the turd Pepita is.
So Squaresoft people, do you plan on telling your PepitaStore to provide proper packing this time? Most people who got the Kingdom Hearts collector’s edition report getting damaged boxes because you didn’t use any packing material to cushion the game inside the form fitting shipping boxes. Totally unacceptable for a $100++ product.
Would buy this for Vita, even though I have a PS4 as well. Selling a handheld port for this much smells like a ripoff. No thanks.
so i am assuming this will be available at all retailers most likely as a preorder? kinda commen sense, but will FFXV demo be included at launch or will it be a digital download available later only for preorder costumers?
Preordered as soon as it was announced last night! So glad you guys are going with Pepita again. They were great with shipping. As for Type-0, so much hype! The collector’s edition will be an awesome Birthday present to me :) 3 more months and we finally get to play Type-0 and FFXV!!!
Bravo at FF7 Remake announcement it was 10+ year worth waiting for.
No Vita, No Buy.
Why? Because my household has 2 PSPs, 2 PS Vitas , and a PS3. I am not going to invest 500+ dollars on a new console, controllers and game just to play this….maybe I can just import the Japanese PSP port. I’ll use the online translations. Save myself half of a THOUSAND dollars.
Onegai !!!
Japanese voices please *-* ( in the disc or DLC)
I love play Lightning Returns with japanese voices <3
Game would be amazing for the vita, now its just another ps4 game i wont buy.
Where is the Cita bundle? Oh, wait.
Vita* oops
No Vita… no buy
If we buy the CE can we get it full installed on our ps4 so we don’t need the disc? I generally prefer to buy my games digitally because it’s more convenient, but I like the stuff you guys are giving with this CE so I’d love to buy it…
yeah… I’m not paying 35$ for shipping, sorry. Looks good though.
Square is a terrible company. Why no Vita? Square thinks it’s not gonna benefit them. At least EA and Ubisoft still brings certain titles to the Vita.
Also, shipping price is terrible. How are we gonna avail this in the Philippines? How much will this cost addictionally? Frankly, I’ve seen the gameplay and this never really suited the big screen. I’d rather play Castlevania LoS 2 than this.
No vita no buy. SE so out of touch with the actual fans. Let’s release FF7 on the PS4! Oh by the way it’s not a remake just ba port. Let’s release Type 0! Oh by the way we’re not going to release the original PSP game and just ignore everyone who asks.
@10 magooser
FFX didn’t come to the PS4. Just the PS3 and VITA.
@92: It’s just been confirmed for a PS4 release. No doubt they’ll do the same with the KH remasters and leave Vita in the lurch as usual.
These Collectors editions are how they charge more than $60 for a game. They put in $5 worth of trinkets and charge $100, and people eat it up. Good for you if you find value in it, but they are also going to just find a way to tack on a season pass and charge more. SE is the worst, they far over charge on mobile for all their content.
I’ve been over SE for 5+ years now, sadly I will buy the old games that were good, but the new games are beyond terrible. They belong in a landfill where they dug up Atari ET.
They announced it is coming to the PS4.
Going to buy this on launch week. When someone trades it in at gamestop because I’m not supporting Square Enix (sell outs) by buying there games new. All future Sell out….I mean Square Enix games will be bought used.
No Vita… No Buy
Is this going to be available to order at retail? Kind of hoping I can pre-order this at best buy.