Hello PlayStation.Blog readers! Today is a very special moment in our history. It’s been 20 years since the launch of the original PlayStation, which released in Japan on December 3rd, 1994. It seems like only yesterday! I’m so glad that we can celebrate this moment together.
20 years is a long time! In 1994, many outsiders thought that Sony was slightly crazy to launch the original PlayStation into an incredibly competitive gaming market. Who could blame them? Sony was (and is!) famous for engineering great electronics, audio equipment, and many other consumer devices. But game consoles?!
Sony Computer Entertainment, founded by my mentor Ken Kutaragi, was a project borne out of sincere passion and deep admiration for the craft of game development. The mid 90s were an exciting time for game developers, driven by the explosion of powerful but affordable 3D graphics rendering hardware and the birth of many young and adventurous development studios. The original PlayStation was meant to embody that sense of adventure and discovery, that sense that anything was possible.
We sincerely thank you for joining us on our exciting 20-year journey. You have made every bump and scrape we took along the way worthwhile. And there’s so much more to come! :D
But I don’t want to go on for too long, because we have a big piece of news to reveal: a very special 20th Anniversary Edition PS4!
Our friend Sid Shuman has some details in the video above, so be sure to check it out and let us know what you think.
I look forward to celebrating the anniversary and all things PlayStation with you this week in Las Vegas at the PlayStation Experience.
Thanks for a great 20 years, and here’s to 20 more.
I love it, been playing since day 1 I want one, it would be cool if you would make PS1 games backward compatible :) digitally is fine with me
Awesome, at least sell that controller worldwide! Was hoping for a firmware update with DLNA but this isn’t bad…
Brings back memories: http://youtu.be/31ivdML1Xes
This is an amazing special edition. Do Want. :D~~~~
Hmm i might want
Just add one of those liquid metal slimes from the awesome Dragon Quest Edition PS4 and I’m sold.
Still have my games for PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, and PS Vita. Along with my PS2, PS3, two PSPs, and my PS Vita. This looks like something I would like to add to my collection. Well this and more PS Vita games if you guys will make them.
This is absolutely sexy, brings back all the original PS1 nostalgic feelings and would be an immediate purchase for my family. But, like every limited edition everything, most collectors and gamers will be left out by all the resellers salivating and setting up their networks of drones to buy as many as possible. The aftermarket prices will be beyond ridiculous. So, just like the limited exclusive editions that only came out in Japan, most will miss out. Don’t get me wrong. I love, love, LOVE the PS4 and can’t wait to get my hands on another one (I gave my original pre-order launch PS4 to a charity auction). Outside of being one of the lucky few that actually manage to obtain a pre-order, sadly, I’m sure I will NEVER be able to afford this very special edition. Sigh.
wow..id surely love to get one of the limited edition PS4..from the very first console in ’94 up to date..I have all the consoles and games still with me..and they still work..congrats Sony for yet another great gaming console..Happy birthday PlayStation..cant wait to get this !! #PS #20thAnniversary #Sony
Thank you! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ