Do you find yourself laying awake at night, fantasizing about rockets?
Do you long for more rockets in your life?
Do you dream of ROCKETS firing ROCKETS at ROCKETS?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, boy do we have a game for you: ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS. It’s a face-melting heart-thumping cross between a game of tag and figure-skating. In space. With mind-blowing techno music. It has ROCKETS.
Looking for a high-level game of skill? Or instead just some casually-frenetic button-mashing? Perhaps you just want to bliss out in a soupy world of swirling color and music? ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS was designed right from the start to be a wonderful experience for you and your friends, no matter what your skill levels or previous gameplay experiences. Also ROCKETS.
ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS is currently in development and scheduled for release in 2015 on PS4. Want to get your hands on it earlier? Head on down to the PlayStation Experience in December, where you can challenge the developers to a one-on-one duel or your friends to a four-player free-for-all. We’ll be showing off brand-new never-before-seen features of the game! (Hint: they might involve ROCKETS!)
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