Hello PlayStation Nation!
The Bone Wagon is headed to Las Vegas!
We’ve got a shiny new build of Grim Fandango Remastered and we’re bringing it to PlayStation Experience! This is your last chance to get your hands on Manny before the game is released, so please come to the Double Fine booth and check it out. I’ll be there too, loitering around, signing stuff, talking about the old days, and giving out free hugs. REMASTERED hugs.
Also, we’ll be showing the game running for the very first time on PS Vita! It’s a great way to play the game, and a beautiful little handful of bones. I’m not sure what that last phrase means, but it sounds poetic so I’m going to leave it in.
And hopefully there will be even more surprises once you get there! So come see Manny Calavera in the flesh! (In the bones? Well, you know what I mean.)
See you there, and…
¡Viva la Revolución!
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