The digital world is a great place to play and experience games. But hey, let’s not forget the physical space, which is certainly not without its charm. And sometimes, there are games that combine the two! Well, today I want to share a game I’ve been working on which takes digital and physical, and combines them into a quirky play session. It’s time to twist, turn, and move around your friends in Henka Twist Caper!
Henka Twist Caper brings play to the physical space with the help of PlayStation’s unique controllers. Players take a controller, twist, turn, and position it until they find the correct, secret position for their controller. Once they find their position, the controller lights up. Holding it in the correct position adds points to a player’s meter. As one would expect, the first one to fill their meter wins. Of course, there’s a catch. Players are allowed to interfere with each other. Which, in a race against others, makes all the difference.
So, let’s say you’re twisting, turning, and pointing your own controller, but then notice your arch rival’s controller lighting up. You’ll have to do your best to maintain your composure, keep on searching for your controller’s position, and do your very best to stop your rival from keeping their controller in it’s sweet spot. And don’t forget, you have opponents trying to do the same thing with you.
The amount of physical space the game is played in is extremely important. Normally, the play area is relatively small. This encourages you to be creative, flexible, crafty, and to not mind if you look a bit silly. Hey, you’re trying to win, right?
But don’t worry about going it solo if you don’t want to. If you have a few people over, pick your favorite friend and enable team mode! Team mode comes with a few additional rules. You and your teammate share the same secret position for your controllers. So, if you find it, make sure to tell your teammate. Additionally, if you and your teammate are both holding the controller in the right spot at the same time, the meter will fill up significantly faster. So coordinate with your partner!
Henka Twist Caper is a game that you want to play with others, whether they’re friends, foes, or strangers. And if you’re heading over to the PlayStation Experience you’ll be able to do just that! Henka Twist Caper will be there ready to welcome everyone to enjoy an exciting, twisted experience.
Thanks to the uniqueness of PlayStation’s controllers, and other physical games like Johann Sebastian Joust, it’s possible for games like this to exist. Right now, the game is PS Move only, but the plan is to support DualShock 4 as well! So keep an eye on your PS4 in 2015 and be prepared to twist, turn, and caper*!
(*Capering is not required, but adds to the experience)
Oh, and of course, if there are any questions, write them down in the comments!
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