It’s finally time… time for two brand spakin’ new levels of Octodad: Dadliest Catch; the Shorts! After the great response Octodad received from y’all, we wanted to give back a little in thanks for your support. Everyone who currently owns Octodad: Dadliest Catch as well as anyone who grabs a copy in the future will get these levels FREE through the new v1.03 patch. The patch will download its way onto your PS4 on Octodad 14th.
After completing the story of Octodad: Dadliest Catch you might be hungry for more. Maybe you’re curious how Octodad and Scarlet got along after their fateful meeting aboard the sailing ship “Cod of War?” Perhaps you’d like to know what shenanigans Stacy and Tommy get up to with their lavish amounts of free time? You can explore both of these questions in the Octodad Shorts “Dad Romance” and “Medical Mess!”
Even if you don’t own Octodad yet, you’ll still get these levels for free when you purchase the game! We’re also putting the game on sale for 1 week (October 14th to October 21st) at 50% off.
Be sure to pop back here once you’ve played the Shorts and let us know what you think!
<3, Young Horses
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