Ahoy, me hearties, I be writin’ you this message, t’ inform you of new treasures to be found! If you be playin’ Resogun between the dates of September 18th and September 20th, you will find one of me very own ship mates has joined your crew… and you can keep him, I don’t be wantin’ that traitorous dog back!
Now that that bit is over, and I can type like a normal person again, we are of course celebrating the incredibly important and internationally recognized Talk Like a Pirate Day. Everyone who plays Resogun between the 18th and 20th of September will receive a pirate themed human for free and to keep forever (well as long as you have your save data). The pirate skin will only be available at this time, so if you miss it, you miss it.
For those of you that are still frequent Resogun players, you will of course know that this will be the third themed human that we are releasing.
We still have a bunch more human themed skins to release through the rest of this year and the next, so here are a couple of images to whet your appetite. I’m not giving away any dates though, that’ll spoil the surprise, although you can probably guess…
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