Hey everyone! Jamie Cheng here, founder of Klei Entertainment. I’m happy to announce a few cool things: first is that Don’t Starve: Giant Edition is coming to PS Vita on September 2nd!
Here are some key details you’ll want to know:
- The Giant Edition costs $14.99, and includes the Reign of Giants expansion. This expansion is usually $4.99, and we’ve bundled it in for everyone. It includes new characters, seasons, biomes, and other challenges that will happily kill you.
- Unfortunately, in order for us to get the game on Vita, we had to rewrite a bunch of backend code to optimize it. Because of this, the save games are not compatible with PS4, so there is no cross play.
- BUT! We love you all, so we’re making the game cross buy! If you own Don’t Starve on PS4, you get the Vita version for free, and vice versa. Thank you for supporting our game, and please spread the word so we can keep making more interesting games!
In case you missed it from our previous post, here are the key features of the Reign of Giants expansion that is included in this package:
Reign of Giants Key Features
- New playable characters: Reign of Giants adds two characters for players to discover and survive with. Play as Wigfrid, a stage actress who went a bit too far with method acting on her latest role, an ancient Valkyrie, or Webber, a young boy who lives inside the spider who tried to eat him long ago.
- Year-round starvation: Struggle through a full year of seasons as you experience the torrential rain falls of spring and the blistering heat of summer.
- A bigger, badder world: New biomes have been filled to the brim with new creatures and gatherables that will either help you survive — or kill you.
- An extra save slot: You asked, we delivered.
- Giants: They’re in the name, for crying out loud!
And that’s all folks! See you on September 2nd. If you’ve got any questions or just want to say hi, you can find us on Twitter at @Klei. As usual, we’re always around and happy to chat. Don’t Starve is what it is thanks to the amazing community and discussions. Thanks for all the feedback and support!
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