Hi, this is Brett Lewis (lead artist) and Matt Glanville (game designer) from UK-based developer Just Add Water.
We recently finished up work on Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty, a full ground-up remake of the 1997 classic Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. We’re now here to talk about a brand new bonus chapter for the game, called Alf’s Escape!
In Alf’s Escape you will once again play as Abe on a daring mission to rescue Alf, the fez-donning, tea-drinking Mudokon we first met in Abe’s Exoddus. It takes place in a completely new, never-before-seen area of RuptureFarms, features all new challenges and puzzles, and sees Abe lead Alf to freedom through a series of grueling death traps.
Whether it’s sprinting through a slaughterhouse, being chased by tomorrow’s tasty snacks and menacing meat saws, or lobbing well-aimed grenades across vast chasms overlooking the Stockyards, there’s a long list of reasons no Mudokons work in these parts of RuptureFarms (Except for Alf, but his line of work is a little different!).
And of course, it wouldn’t be Oddworld without a generous helping of humor and charming characters, so we recorded brand new dialogue for Alf with Oddworld creator and original voice actor Lorne Lanning!
During development of New ‘n’ Tasty we made several significant revisions to the formula, and as we played with those ideas, thousands more sprung to mind; what if we had a puzzle like this? What if this triggered that? But we still wanted New ‘n’ Tasty to stay faithful to the original game’s experience and offer the players an evolved version of the adventure that started it all.
We saw Alf’s Escape as the perfect opportunity to explore those ideas.
Towards the end of New ‘n’ Tasty’s development we realized we wanted to do a little more with the game. Being fans ourselves since ’97, there were so many things we would have loved to add, and one of them was to see more of Alf. We first saw him in Abe’s Exoddus as one of Abe’s pals on their mission from the Three Weirdos. Alf was rescued by Abe during his fight against RuptureFarms and we wanted to give that rescue some special attention.
Alf is holed up with his own business: he managed to get his paws on a few barrels of SoulStorm Brew, and if there’s anything a Slig likes more than knocking down Mudokons, it’s knocking back brews.
We toyed around with some high-level concepts that we had, pulling ideas from the bank we’d built up across the project; let’s make THIS guy sneak past the Sligs, let’s make Abe indirectly responsible for Alf being chopped into tiny chunks. From early on, we really liked the idea that players would spend a lot more time with Alf than they did with any of the other Mudokons they rescued. This train of thought lead us to the final result; a manic escape across multiple levels filled with deadly traps and creatures.
You can download this whole new chapter Alf’s Escape now! It’s free if you pre-ordered Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty.
We’ve had a lot of fun revisiting RuptureFarms, expanding on things we were unable to do in the timeframe of New ‘n’ Tasty. We hope you enjoy Alf’s Escape, and we hope you’re up to the challenge!
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is available now for PS4 on PlayStation Store, and is coming soon to PS Vita and PS3 with cross-save support.
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