Hi everyone! PIX the CAT is coming to PS4 and PS Vita with a mission: to make your thumbs sore! After Pix’n Love – Rush (PS Minis), the infamous blue cat is back for an intense scoring arcade game loaded with surprises.
Writing these words means the world to us. It means that the game we’ve been making for the last three years is coming out!
Our strategy at Pastagames is simple: gather XP and gold by making cool games for others (Rayman Jungle Run, Panzer Bimbo, AR Rescue…) then spend it all on our homegrown productions. We empty the bank account and start the cycle over.
PIX the CAT is the game that saw the most cycles. For the first time in years, we’re playing it solo! No publishing or editing to hold us back from our many kinks and obsessions! Naturally, we’ve ended up being obsessed and kinky about everything, even the new Pastagames website. But most of all about getting players sucked into the game from head to toe.
The Arcade gameplay comes from our initial desire to build a hectic 2D level-based scoring game that offers constant flow without any kind of scrolling. We wanted the blue cat to ride the maze and save ducklings from levels displayed on different dimensions. As PIX extends his tail, he’ll straddle over multiple dimensions at the same time. We went for a game of Combo, Boosts, Perfects, and FEVER TIME!
We now have powerful enough tools to display infinitely small details. So we tackled the technical challenge of showing the levels within the levels — Russian Dolls style! Our goal was to build a game where your sensations grow and intensify as your skill improves. Flexible gameplay where speed and tempo adapt to each player.
This is where the On & Off production schedule turned out handy. We quickly needed to get the game into as many hands as possible to collect feedback while working on other projects. We had to take a very close look at players improving. So we took advantage of the Off periods to have a custom arcade cabinet built for PIX the CAT. Its purpose and destiny were fulfilled in bars, hands-on parties at our studio, and game-conventions over the last two years.
The cabinet turned out to be the best thing we have bought. Ever. Watching some of you play regularly and others only for a few games was an amazing tool to build and polish our gameplay throughout production. Once the backbone of the game was ready, we’ve packed PIX the CAT with surprises! Things to lower your heart-rate in between Arcade thrills. Things to make you raise your eyebrows. Things to make you raise one eyebrow…
The one surprise we can tell you about right now is: “The ARENA! Up to four players send their PIXBOT into battle knowing it will probably not come back! Come have a go at this PS4 exclusive local multiplayer battle ARENA!”
It’s a blast releasing a game for PlayStation because the machines are well designed, the controllers very precise, and the people we work with at SCEE sure know how to make our lives easier! It was a very natural transition from the arcade sticks to the PS4 and PS Vita controllers and the display abilities of both consoles shine the best light on our handmade PIX the CAT.
Come one. Come all. The Grid of Infinity awaits…
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