Metrico, Digital Dreams‘ input-morphing, mind-bending puzzle platformer, hits PS Vita tomorrow (for free if you’re a PlayStation Plus member). In it, players will need to think in unexpected ways to overcome obstacles like bar graphs, pie charts, and… wait, what?
Yeah, Metrico’s gameplay centers around the world of infographics. Charts manifest and shift as you run and jump — one puzzle even requires the player to throw themselves into a bottomless pit to summon a bar graph, creating a bridge to the next area.
The music in Metrico is worth pointing out. It comes courtesy of Dutch composer Palmbomen, and it delivers some seriously slick atmosphere to this weird, genre-bending game.
Metrico isn’t really the easiest thing to describe with words, though. Thus, I humbly present a hands-on video recently recorded in our studio here at PlayStation HQ. Cast your gaze back to the top of this very page and watch me infograph!
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