We have been absolutely blown away by your anticipation and excitement for LittleBigPlanet 3. Whilst we still have a lot of work to do before the game is released, we’re pleased that we can now announce that LittleBigPlanet 3 will be available for the PlayStation 4 on November 18, 2014! We also wanted to give a massive shout-out to our active LittleBigPlanet community on PlayStation 3. It’s been an incredible journey so far with you all and LittleBigPlanet just wouldn’t be the same without its amazing community! So we want to let you all know that even if you don’t own a PlayStation 4 yet, it won’t stop you from joining Sackboy and his new friends in LittleBigPlanet 3 because we will also be releasing LBP3 on PlayStation 3, November 18th with the PS4 version!
We also wanted to let you know about our fantastic range of LittleBigPlanet 3 pre-order bonuses. There is something for everyone, so check out all the great options and extra goodies.
Secure Your Sackboy Plush Today
To lead off, we’re happy to announce that if you pre-order at participating retailers you will receive a Sackboy plush at no extra charge. Pre-Order at Target and your Sackboy Plush will come with an exclusive Target hat! Quantities are limited, so pre-order today!
Dragon Age: Inquisition Costume Pack
We are also pleased to reveal this fantastic Dragon Age Costume Pack will be a part of our Day 1 Edition that will be given to everybody that pre-orders LittleBigPlanet 3 on PS4, from any retailer or digitally. The pack, available at launch while supplies last, will equip our heroes with the perfect range of adventuring costumes based on BioWare’s latest addition to the Dragon Age series!
Not only that but also included in the Day 1 Edition is the PlayStation 4 The Players Pack containing a variety of costumes based on your favorite PlayStation characters for your pre-order or launch day purchase of LittleBigPlanet 3!
Costume Packs
Available from selected retailers exclusively for PlayStation 4!
OddSock, Toggle and Swoop love to dress-up just as much as Sackboy so we are also announcing three additional pre-order bonus costume packs for LittleBigPlanet 3 on PS4 that will be available exclusively at select retailers. The Mythical Creatures Costume Pack and the Hidden Creatures Costume Pack will give each member of the group their own special costume for their upcoming adventure and will be perfect for anyone looking to add more fantasy to their heroic team. The PlayStation Favorite Costume Pack will feature outfits from some of PlayStation’s favorite franchises and will be perfect for those looking for a little PlayStation nostalgia.
- Pre-order at GameStop for the bonus Mythical Creatures Costume Pack!
- Pre-order at Best Buy for the bonus Hidden Creatures Costume Pack!
- Pre-order at Amazon.com for the bonus PlayStation Favorites Costume Pack!
LittleBigPlanet 3 T-Shirt Pack
Instant Access content exclusive to the PS Store!
If you prefer to purchase your copy of LittleBigPlanet 3 digitally then we have something special for you. Anyone that pre-orders LittleBigPlanet 3 on the PlayStation Store on either the PS3 or the PS4 will be able to download the LittleBigPlanet 3 T-shirt Pack!
Best of all! Your pre-order will give you Instant Access to the LittleBigPlanet 3 T-Shirt Pack!
What this means is that you will be able to download the shirt right away for your Sackboy to wear in LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and LittleBigPlanet Karting! And then when LittleBigPlanet 3 is released, he will be able to wear it in that game too!
- It’s just our little way of saying thanks to all our fans that pre-order on the PlayStation Store!
Pre-order from the PlayStation Store to download your Instant Access LittleBigPlanet 3 T-Shirt Pack right now!
These pre-order offers are for North America only. For those of you in Europe, please stay tuned to the European PS Blog for an announcement coming soon. We can’t wait for all of you to get your hands on LittleBigPlanet 3’s creative toolset and whether you own a PlayStation 3 or a PlayStation 4, you will be able to join us and the rest of the LBP community for Sackboy’s greatest adventure yet on November 18, 2014!
Also, Please add Pre-order offer in Europe so even my home country Aland Islands PLEASE!!!
We will have information on our pre-order bonuses for Europe soon, promise!
We’re just finalising the details now and when that’s done, we will be ready to announce. :)
Oh my god I can’t even!! These costumes are so adorable! Man this game turns me to a gushing kid lol, but I’m a-ok with that :)
Look at that Little Toggle costume, and dragon Swoop… and freaking lizard Oddsock… gah I’m going to die!
That sounds like one awesome team to adventure with!
Why oh why is this game not playable on my PS4 now!!!! The costumes look fantastic! LBP3 is my son and I most anticipated game releasing this fall. Great job!
We’re working as fast as we can! We’re just as excited for you folks to play LittleBigPlanet 3, as you are!
HAHA!!! I know what you mean!
Oh quick question, any word on which retailers get which pre-order bonuses in Canada? I know EBgames gets Gamestop’s bonuses, but how about Best Buy and Future Shop? I pre-ordered from Future Shop myself, so I’m wondering if that means I get the Hidden Creatures pack or something else… or nothing? Oh my god look at ‘that Little Toggle. Seriously I’m going to die. Call 911. Tell them I’m having an adorablism.
LOL…More on Canada soon
Important Question: My ps3 dont read cds anymore, will there be a day 1 digital version of lbp3 on the ps store? i cant afford to buy a new ps3 or a ps4 atm so a digital version has to come or else i cannot play :(
Count on it!
We need more flow between the vita on crossplay or recognition of items! And I hate to say it but I will there is NOOO love for gamestop – share items with OTHER retailers!!!
Any chance for those who didn’t get into the beta with PS4 can you offer LBP and LBP2 for free through the PS Now service? It’s the least you can do for those you’ve shafted on the beta
Steven Isbell, I’m posting this everywhere until I get an answer:
Is the DLC from LBP2 Extras Edition [Digital Download] cross-buy compatible?
I’d buy it tomorrow if it is but I can’t get an answer anywhere.
Definitely pre-ordering LBP3, when can we expect news for the UK?
PS3 but not Vita? So lame.
I hope all this DLC (for Best Buy, Gamestop and Digital) are available for purchase separately.
I can’t be spending $180+tax to get everything, before I even can get a PS4, and then try to reup by selling the two extra copies at a loss.
Now I understand why other people hate retailer exclusive DLC… almost ironic that one of the pre-order costume packs is Dragon Age costumes.
@59 I suggest doing a quick search to see it the costumes in the Extras Edition are downloadable. From what I’ve heard they’re incorporated in the Game Data so no they won’t carry over sadly.
@61 The Collector’s Edition for LBP2 had every costume that every retailer was offering, so I guarantee the LBP3 CE will probably have the same format. I’m personally waiting it out.
@NinjaMicWZ Yea I did that with Assassin’s Creed 3. Spent a good $300 getting all that retailer-DLC. Wasn’t worth it, they released it all a little later as part of the Season Pass or a $5 download. Never doing that again. I’d rather ***** about the devs not releasing the DLC down the line, then be out hundreds of dollars again. (I’m a mega AC fan, so I got all caught up without really thinking about it :P)
On the other hand, I am still mad at myself for not buying the Week 1 LBP1 T-Shirt for $5… Every time I see it on someone else, a single tear rolls down my face :P
“+ Steven Isbell on July 29th, 2014 at 10:47 am said:
The Launch Spacesuit will return for LittleBigPlanet 3′s release…
It must… It’s tradition!!”
Really? I’m still waiting for my Day 1 shirt for the original LBP.
I too am curious if these costume packs will be available for sale later, particularly the PS Store one, because I won’t be getting the game that way.
The decision was pretty easy. I didn’t want to buy it digitally and I liked the Amazon pack better than the others.
It says North America, but I want to confirm I can get this in Canada as well. Sometimes you Americans forget about us…
Will Amazon.ca, Best Buy, Futureshop and EB Games be participating in this? Can I safely go ahead and pre-order from Amazon.ca right now?
Bye LBP.
Oops, used the B word without realizing. Substituting with “complain” below :P
@NinjaMicWZ Yea I did that with Assassin’s Creed 3. Spent a good $300 getting all that retailer-DLC. Wasn’t worth it, they released it all a little later as part of the Season Pass or a $5 download. Never doing that again. I’d rather complain about the devs not releasing the DLC down the line, then be out hundreds of dollars again. (I’m a mega AC fan, so I got all caught up without really thinking about it :P)
On the other hand, I am still mad at myself for not buying the Week 1 LBP1 T-Shirt for $5… Every time I see it on someone else, a single tear rolls down my face :P
@65, I don’t see it on Amazon’s Canadian website yet, but it’s on Amazon US’s site. Doesn’t mean anything, though.
Just pre-ordered it digitally on my PS4 :)
Where can I find the LittleBigPlanet 3 T-Shirt Pack?
HAY! I just went and preordered and it gave bonus for ps4 but the ps3 had no bonus? THERE is bonus for preordering the ps3 right!!!!!
@69 You’ll get it when the game comes out.
This is a HUGE disappointment. It sickens me to see LBP go down this corporate-greed-driven road.
Let me get this straight.
In order to get everything, I’ll have to pre-order and buy the game (at full price) …what… 3+ times?
– once from GameStop for the Mythical Creatures + Dragon Age + 4 The Players (duplicate of old stuff) + plushie
– once from BestBuy for the Hidden Animals + Dragon Age (dup) + 4 The Players (dup) + plushie (dup)
– once digitally from the PS Store for the shirts + Dragon Age (dup) + 4 The Players (dup)
– once from Target for more duplicates and a corporate-branded plushie (because who doesn’t LOVE having a retail logo on their collectibles) — no thanks
Thankfully I can skip Amazon since all that stuff has been out for ages already, and I’ve got it all (most of it was included in the LBP2 Collector’s Edition)
(see below for more)
I like… no, I EXPECT my games to be complete. If a game has DLC, I expect to be able to acquire it, ideally without getting robbed in the process. I don’t want to have to buy umpteen copies of a game just to get all the pre-order bonuses. But at the same time, I don’t want to gamble on a single copy with hopes that it’ll all go up on the store eventually, because that doesn’t always happen.
I’m fine with having to pay a few dollars for DLC on the PS Store. But I’m not fine with having to buy a second, third, Nth, copy of a game or scouring eBay for codes going for $20 a pop (auctions go even higher) to guarantee getting all those pre-order bonuses.
This is extremely frustrating for me as a consumer, and by no means do I stand for it. When I feel that I am getting shafted in this manner, I do it right back by pre-ordering multiple copies of the game, using the codes from each place, and then returning every single copy for a FULL refund. That means I get the DLC completely FREE. To hell with the retailer, to hell with the publisher, to hell with everybody who stands to lose money from all those returned items.
(see below for more)
If/when those items are added to the PS Store, you miss out on my extra dollars because I already acquired it all my own way. The tiny hassle of pre-ordering, picking up, and returning multiple copies is far more acceptable to me than losing hundreds of dollars to get it all “your way”. All because you decided to try to be greedy on day 1.
What really burns me in this case, though, is that I do not want a digital copy. Period. I don’t care for digital releases. When physical copies are available, that’s all I’m interested in, and when I have the disk, digital is useless. I don’t want it taking up space on my console’s hard drive, I don’t want it in my download list, I can’t give it away, I can’t return it and I can’t sell it. But thanks to this awful plan of yours, I’ll be forced to get it (or encourage a friend to get it digitally and game-share the DLC from them).
Store exclusive DLC is anti-consumer. End this practice.
(see below for more)
Here’s a suggestion that WOULD make me (and probably anyone who feels the same) very happy:
Collector’s edition. One that includes **ALL** of the new DLC mentioned in this article. The plushie, the Dragon Age DLC set, the Mythical Creatures DLC set, the Hidden Animals DLC set, and all 4 DLC T-shirts.
Oh, also, please re-release the Toy Story costume packs (#2,3). It’s all I’m missing.
Thanks for reading…
Cross gen title? Disappointing.
How big is the plush anyway?
^ Not to discourage anything you’ve said, it’s your opinion, but the Collector’s Edition will likely have all of this. So you wouldn’t have to buy it multiple times.
Every other video game developer gets in on this practice, if it wasn’t an effective strategy they’d likely not be doing it anymore. So the moment gamers stop buying exclusive DLC and pre-orders, maybe they’ll stop. In the meantime SONY is just doing business as usual.
Can you update the post? North America includes other countries besides the U.S.
So unless you can confirm Canada is getting the above, you should edit the post.
I hate retailer exclusive content! Why can’t someone go to their story of choice and choose between the different pre-order options?
I need that plushie in my life.
Will psplus be required to download other user’s levels or play online with others on ps4?
I’m so excited for LBP3!!! I might pre-order it at GameStop.
But, 1 question will LBP3 be Cross Play between PS4 & PS3?
as i guy who wants a fully digital library i have to say this is a pretty **** deal. not only do i lose out on the plushie i have the crappies by far pre-order bonus. tee shirts!? da ****. retail specific bonuses is to infuriating to consumers. it is a real F-U to the consumer that wants to be able to choose from themselves where they want to buy without having to feel like i get the shaft if i don’t go with specific retailer.
remember how you (sony) went to stage at E3 and took a jab at xbox about giving consumers choice by not bundling the ps4 camera?!? yeah,. this is pretty much the exact opposite and it ****es me off.
I have been day-1 with lbp, lbp2, and lbp vita and i’ll be day-1 with lbp3 as well. but dear god playstation,. don’t pull these retailer specific pre-order bonuses again.
@67 I’m a total LBP nut, so I understand your reasoning… and yeah, I’m not in the UK so I never got the EU week 1 shirt. I believe I have everything except the EU week 1 shirt, the 7-11 slurpee shirt, and the Kevin Butler costume from LBP Karting.
…I’m not as addicted to LBP as I used to be, so maybe this is time to just let it go and forget about it.
@62 That would be nice.
6″ plush
@71, it says… “Your pre-order will give you *Instant Access* to the LittleBigPlanet 3 T-Shirt Pack!
What this means is that *you will be able to download the shirt right away* for your Sackboy to wear in LittleBigPlanet 2…”
I still don’t get it… So you get it when LBP3 comes out? :(
Loving the mythical costume pack! Especially the Phoenix for Swoop. Now I just need to call GameStop to see if they got the plushies in yet. Also, would really love a collector’s edition. It too would be a day one purchase!
Wow this will be of course something that I will get because LBP3 is like one of the best games ever!!!!!!!!!
What no pre-order bonus for ps3 version?
I will be expecting 1080p 60fps and stereoscopic 3D on the ps4 version so get on it folks!
I guess the silence answers my question. No pre-order bonuses for PS3 owners. Lame.
What about all our other DLC that we bought from the first LBP on onwards? :s
A griffin costume for OddSock!? Auto-buy…
When can we pre-order for PS3?
Also can you upgrade the PS3 version to the PS4 version like with previous PS4 titles (AC4, Battlefield 4, etc.)?
Great preorder bonus stuff!
What if I already pre-ordered it 2 months ago from Amazon?
Do I still get these?
Guys… I preordered this during E3 digitally… at 69 bucks in Canada. I won’t be doing that again and I’m never buying a retail release digitally again. Its great that you’re doing what you’re doing… But the digital preorder customer is getting hosed here. People who preorder from a retail store where you make less money on a copy get a lot more than those of us who buy from you directly… And on top of that, I’m not able to cancel my preorder because that isn’t allowed.