Greetings, fellow normal humans! Did you have enough fun playing Octodad: Dadliest Catch? Of course not, you can always have more fun playing Octodad: Dadliest Catch! But instead of yelling with your friends into a Youtube camera, now you can have fun that is officially sanctioned by the Young Horses. Behold new content, Octodad Shorts!
Octodad Shorts are DLC levels we’re releasing for FREE, which explore new scenarios in our tentacled father’s life. New levels were our number one most requested feature (next to making the game free), so we’ve been hard at work doing what you all tell us to!
But why look at screens when you’ve got bullet points!?
- Over 40 new objectives!
- Over 20 breakable plates!
- Over 0 unconscious ragdolls!
- An unspecified amount of new octopus sounds!
- Probably a pizza!
Want to see all this and more? Just wait in front of your computer for a while (weeks) until the new Octodad content washes over you like a summer breeze.
Don’t have Octodad: Dadliest Catch to enjoy this content? Well, you can buy the current game on PS4 right now!
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