Every time we announce a live PlayStation event here on the PlayStation Blog, the most common comment we receive is “Why don’t you guys come to –INSERT HOMETOWN HERE–?” Good question! That’s why we’re letting YOU decide some of the key locations for us to go to on our Road To Greatness tour!
This summer, we’re giving PlayStation fans the chance to host their very own “My Road To Greatness” party, packed with the best games and gadgets from E3, as well as awesome contests and prizes. All you have to do is go to the My Road To Greatness website and tell us why we should come to you. Tell us how big of a PlayStation fan you are, if PlayStation has changed your life in any way, your favorite PlayStation moment – anything that you think is a reason why you should be chosen for the My Road To Greatness party.
After you submit your entry, rally your community to show their support by voting on your submission. Or if you’re feeling shy, you can browse through other peoples’ entries and vote for your favorite. In July, we will pick the top 4 entries and celebrate their greatness by bringing the Road To Greatness truck to their city in their honor. On top of that, they will also receive a custom PS4 with their PSN ID and hometown etched onto it and a suite of games and peripherals, including: the PlayStation Gold Wireless Headset, PS4 Camera, inFAMOUS Second Son, MLB 14 The Show, Destiny, Watch_Dogs, Knack, and a year of PlayStation Plus!
See you on the road!
Please come to Fresno,CA!!!
Come to Memphis, TN because not everybody in the South is an illiterate redneck. Some people actually want to have the chance to attend a high profile technological event.
come to Toledo, Ohio! we are between Detroit and Columbus so there is a huge possibility for a large turn out for the event. Not to mention, the Toledo Museum of Art just opened an exhibit called “The Art of Video Games” that lasts until the end of September. http://www.toledomuseum.org/exhibitions/art-video-games/
Then Come to Nashville, TN….on your way from Memphis…. Looking forward to seeing you…
Kristin Ferrito, you give the best answers I’ve ever seen from a Sony employee in 3 years. Cogent, yet funny. I hope you write more blog posts.
Come to Las Vegas ;) its always a party here.!!!
PlayStation, you guys need to come to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Here we hardlh have anything come to the coliseum. We NEED somethng here in Indiana :)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come to Albiqurque New Mexico i know you are coming for baloon feista but alot of people have not bought next gen yet i preordered the PS4 i love it please please please
@Bwooly1001 I’m with you on that one. Let’s put MK on the PlayStation map :)
Las Vegas NV make it a party
Regarding the video, is it okay to include 3rd party games? For instance if I were to show some figurines or my collection of games, obviously some of them will be 3rd party titles, would that be okay to put in the video or can they only be 1st party titles? Thanks
Come on down to New Orleans, Louisiana! Stop by our French Quarter and hang out with us Uptown, Downtoen and all around town!! Do it! You won’t regret it! :-D
Hi PlayStation I have posted my road to greatness on ever social networking site and forum I could think of but I’m just not getting any votes do you have any suggestions?
Having The Greatness Tour visit our wonderful city of Manchester NH. (playfully called Manchvegas by locals) would provide an exceptional experience for families who have loved and supported Playstation for generation and will also serve as a community building opportunity, and give all the kids an experience that will last with them a lifetime, also as we jokingly say in Manchester what happens out here stays out here. Thanks
all votes welcome thanks