Have you ever talked to a game developer about what E3 is? I mean, apart from the fact that it’s the biggest industry event on the planet?
It lasts three days and the number of things that happen there usually take place over the course of many months. And then a switch flips once the Expo starts, you know? The devs work hard before the event to prepare for making the best impressions possible, to show what’s best in their games. Then when they get to LA, they put what they brought in front of the media and then it’s the editors’ turn to work around the clock to post up-to-date, relevant and interesting coverage. One would think this event is about developers and journalists, right? Well, no. It’s about you, the gamer.
Last year’s E3 was our first chance to show Lords of the Fallen to everyone. This time around it’s our first chance to let people actually play it themselves, because this year we will be giving hands-on PS4 demos (also PC) in the CI Games meeting room. That’s of course on top of all the live streams and demos that the dev team will be giving in the meantime.
I’ve seen a lot of people actually wonder if Lords is a challenging game. Well, time to settle that this week. We will have some extra treats for anyone who defeats not only the Catacombs scenario that we’ve selected, but also the Champion boss that awaits right at the end of it. Whether it will be one person, or a hundred, we’ll see. Trust me – I am just as curious as you are. And if someone ends up craving more, there will be an additional boss to fight, just in case someone really has something to prove. Make no mistake, guys, we are doing this to get ready to show the hands-on demo to the public as soon as possible, and to show it in the best way possible – you are who we’re making this game for, after all!
You might also want to drop by the Concourse Hall that connects the Convention Center’s South and West Halls to check out the stained-glass-like window alley, all covered with Lords’ artwork. It’s not just any artwork – there will be at least one boss that we’ve never shown before. We wonder how much you guys will be able to figure out from these images – will anyone actually guess any of the unique features that these characters will have?
Oh, and last but not least, I’ve heard that a certain individual whose name start with an “H,” and whose face is all covered in tattoos, will be walking around the show floor and… No, he won’t be killing monsters, but if you’d like to shake his hand or take a picture, go right ahead. Just don’t expect him to talk too much or smile – I think he will feel a little shy in this modern world, you know? After all, all of this madness is about you – the gamers, and about our love for the heroes of our digital fairytales.
See you at E3!
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