Great news everyone — the humans are back!
The explosive PS4 launch title, RESOGUN, is finally getting more content in the form of the Heroes expansion and a complimentary patch.
RESOGUN: Heroes will introduce two brand new modes: ‘Survival’‘ and ‘Demolition’. In essence, Survival is an endless mode that retains a lot of the core mechanics from the original Arcade mode. We switched up a few things, like scoring, and gave the humans parachutes as you can see in the image below.
The Day/Night cycle is another prominent feature of the new Survival mode. As you play, the varying time of day provides a great aesthetic and visual indicator, letting you know how far you have come.
Survival mode is for players who know they can always do a bit better. There are a lot of cool new things to learn while you take the ride, but as we intend to stay true to the arcade feeling, we will let you discover the twists yourself.
Demolition is my personal favorite, and a quantum leap from the original gameplay mechanics. “Arkanoid meets RESOGUN” is one way to sum it up.
Basically you get a “Wrecking Ball” that you manipulate to demolish all that gets in your way. That, plus a lot of special pickups that totally change the way the game kills you: multiball, extra balls, ball launching, ball level ups, (i.e. lots of balls) etc.
Demolition has you watching out for not only the enemies coming at you, but also the chaotic bombardment of the unpredictable main weapon in the mode. Oh yeah, you can only move and your only weapon is a limited proximity explosion. No boost, overdrive, or bombs. TL;DR you will die a lot, it will be insanely fun and I cannot wait to see people throwing their controllers around.
In the patch we will have a lot of small fixes to improve the original game, new leaderboard and friend functions, and a lot more we will explain in greater detail later. On top of all this, all RESOGUN owners will get the Ship Editor and the Local Coop mode for free!
Sounds too good to be true, but we felt like these needed to be a part of the core RESOGUN experience, so therefore patching them in for free seemed like the proper way to go.
The patch will go live for everyone on June 23rd. The Heroes expansion will go live on June 24th, and the full price will be $4.99.
We are also providing an option for you to buy a season pass that includes the Heroes expansion pack, and will let you be the first to download more game add-ons that we’re developing, as soon as they’re released, at no extra cost.
Future expansions will add yet more game modes, along with a range of other content, additional Trophies, and the original soundtrack. The season pass is attractively priced at a lowly $7.99, which is simply a steal to ensure you have the full, definitive RESOGUN experience.
Lastly, if you don’t have RESOGUN, it will be $9.99 from June 24th to the July 7th, so why not just buy it all?
So that about covers it. The humans are back with a vengeance, and they’re greener than ever!
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