Everyone’s favorite raccoon thief is back in Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Fans of the original series can get reacquainted with the gang — Carmelita, Bentley and Murray. Since burglary is usually a stealth-oriented affair you can choose to stick to rooftops and shadows, or if you’re feeling a bit more aggressive you can take a more head-on approach with your trusty cane. Bonus — Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is a cross-buy title, so Plus members will get both the PS3 and Vita versions.
We’ve got a bundle of new discounts as well, including a variety of sports titles and our E3 sale, which features titles that have appeared at past conferences.
You can download Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time after the PlayStation Store updates tomorrow, June 10th.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members

Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
9-In-1 Mega Pack (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) | $1.49 | $2.99 |
Atomic Ninjas (PS3) | $2.09 | $9.99 |
Atomic Ninjas (PS Vita) | $2.09 | $9.99 |
Football Manager Classic 2014 (PS Vita) | $20.00 | $39.99 |
Foosball 2012 (PS3) | $2.09 | $7.99 |
Foosball 2012 (PS Vita) | $2.09 | $7.99 |
Grip Games Bundle (PS3) | $2.24 | $9.99 |
Grip Games Bundle (PS Vita) | $2.24 | $3.99 |
The Impossible Game (PSP) | $0.74 | $2.99 |
The Ultimate Runner Game Bundle (PS3) | $1.12 | $1.99 |
E3 Sale
Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3) | $19.59 | $39.99 |
Battlefield 4 (PS3) | $24.49 | $49.99 |
Battlefield 4 (PS4) | $48.59 | $59.99 |
Contrast (PS3) | $7.34 | $14.99 |
Contrast (PS4) | $7.34 | $14.99 |
Diablo III (PS3) | $23.99 | $59.99 |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | $12.24 | $24.99 |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition (PS3) | $22.04 | $44.99 |
Just Dance 2014 (PS3) | $19.59 | $39.99 |
Killzone: Mercenary (PS Vita) | $17.49 | $35.99 |
Luftrausers (PS Vita) | $4.89 | $9.99 |
Luftrausers (PS3) | $4.89 | $9.99 |
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS3) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4) | $18.89 | $29.99 |
Need For Speed: Rivals (PS3) | $29.39 | $59.99 |
Need For Speed: Rivals (PS4) | $48.59 | $59.99 |
Outlast (PS4) | $9.79 | $19.99 |
Saints Row IV (PS3) | $13.49 | $29.99 |
The Walking Dead: Season Two – Season Pass | $9.79 | $19.99 |
The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass | $9.79 | $19.99 |
Sports Sale
Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee (PSP/PS Vita) | $2.00 | $7.99 |
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 (PSP/PS Vita) | $3.75 | $14.99 |
Hot Shots Tennis: Get A Grip (PSP/PS Vita) | $3.75 | $14.99 |
MLB 13 The Show (PS3) | $10.00 | $39.99 |
NASCAR ’14 (PS3) | $20.99 | $49.99 |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (PS3) | $17.99 | $59.99 |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (PSP) | $12.14 | $39.99 |
Real Boxing (PS Vita) | $1.75 | $6.99 |
Sports Champions 2 (PS3) | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Sports Champions (PS3) | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 6/17)
Instant Game Collection
Surge Deluxe
Castle Of Illusions Starring Mickey Mouse
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD
Thomas Was Alone
Remember Me
Diablo III
Saints Row IV
Need For Speed: Rivals
Battlefield 4 (Ps4)
Killzone: Mercenary )
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition
The Walking Dead: Season Two – Season Pass
The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass
Assassin’s Creed Iv: Black Flag
Just Dance 2014
MLB 13 The Show
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
Real Boxing
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
Sports Champions 2
Sports Champions
Hot Shots Tennis: Get A Grip
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update, make sure to vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
@ Machiahvelo: Chances are, with the changes they’re making to PS+, dropping the yearly titles and switching all 6 games every month, they’ll be able to afford MORE big games. They won’t be paying for long contracts on games that people are going to grab within the first week, or even the first day. What’s the point of having three games in the IGC for 12 months, because they’re having to pay those companies (if it’s not a first-party game) for 12 months of giving the game away for free. If everyone grabs it Week One, then Sony is paying for 51 weeks of game licensing for no reason. That’s a waste of resources, and a waste of our PS+ sub money. Things probably won’t change overnight, but I’m betting over the rest of this year, and going forward, we’ll start seeing much better games on PS3 and Vita going forward.
@ meFreeman @ bflores69 @ Rios @ CycloneXK @ FROSTSCUMBAB @ dNamtar
OMG, you guys… seriously? It’s the same f***ing thing EVERY WEEK! The store updates at 2pm, PST. That’s still over an hour away. Before then, DO NOT complain about sale prices and PS+ free games not being effective. They are in the process of updating the store, RIGHT NOW. They can’t just magically push a button and everything changes. Updating the DISPLAY PRICE and updating the actual PURCHASE price in the back-end are two separate procedures. It’s why we see banner ads that link to non-active sales during update periods as well. LRN2PATIENCE!
@ Trophy Bummer – No need to be a prick about. I have a life and don’t know the exact second Playstation post stuff.
@104, I agree!!! He was being a bit of a jerk.
@105, don’t know why people go out of their way just to be rude. Especially on the internet
Ok I have been a Plus member for 3 years now. I know that there are good months and bad ones. However it has never been this bad. The last two months have been the worst ones in the 3 years of plus membership. I really hate to tell sony this but outside of europe and south america no one gives a s**t about soccer. But i think to myself… ok there is always next month. Then, the NBA game drops. I think well someone was smoking crack with two sports games in a row, but at least there was e3. E3 hit and now I am so underwhelmed I am thinking of cxl PS+. I am waiting for the rest of the e3 games to drop and I hope sony makes up for 2 months of crap.
They forget that the vita existed for ps+ this month just like they forgot about it at E3, its a sad sad day :(
“I really hate to tell sony this but outside of europe and south america no one gives a s**t about soccer. ”
Pretty fascinating that random angry Internet person gets to work with a different set of facts than the rest of the world. Soccer and basketball are incredibly popular worldwide, as are their corresponding video games. Take a look at NBA 2K14 on the sales charts and tell me that no one wants sports games. I’m pretty sure you’re not breaking any news to Sony. They’re quite aware of what’s popular on their own systems.
Last year I had to put up with consecutive months of PS3 games that were about running through caves punching dragons or whatever, and I couldn’t care less about those games. But I know they’re popular with some people, and I’m only paying $4 a month for a pretty amazing service, so I move on with my life and wait for something to strike my fancy next month.
(And for the record, I thought this was a pretty good month. PixelJunk Shooter and Trine 2 are both very enjoyable, I’m having fun with NBA even though I’m not a big basketball fan, and Sly Cooper looks like fun. As a whole, easily worth the peanuts I’m paying.)
Can we please have a store update?
Does the digital version of FFXIV include a free month trial?
ja tam czekam na diablo 3 ale cieszy to ze taki jest juz wybor
I had PS3 standard version and I upgrade to PS4 version 2 month ago.
Can I buy PS3 collection version again?
did you lower and then raise the price on MGS GZ for PS4 PS+ Subscribers?
@TangoThief: Thank you. Fair points all. But let’s move away from Kristine and her counterparts overseas, many of whom leave the impression they have nothing to say that isn’t overly positive or superficial.
Take Jawad Ashraf (EU) as a much more recent example:
Here you can see him directly answering several real questions posed by users.
Or Justin Massongill (NA), who can be seen all over this blog replying to comments. Often in multiple stages, sometimes many hours apart.
Whether any of this was the OP’s original point, let me state mine: It apparently isn’t in the job description of most of these people (if any) to reply substantively. But it would be a very welcome change to many here (IMHO) if they would adopt that basic model: Return maybe an hour after posting to reply to what’s there, and return once again maybe a day or so later. It would go a long way toward giving a much different impression, and it wouldn’t cost much in terms of time spent.
Probably never gonna happen, especially since many here are overly critical (if not downright mean) to Sony staff regardless of if/how they reply. But simply ignoring the haters and replying where appropriate doesn’t seem like much to ask.
Protip: Note how I handled links. Real links won’t cause your post to be deleted automatically; it simply won’t be seen by others unless/until a moderator approves it, which could take several hours or even days.
@AizawaYuuichi: While I share your obvious frustration, this would be a very easy problem for Sony to fix themselves. I’m not sure if the people you named are chronically uninformed or if this is the first week they’ve posted, but it doesn’t matter. We all see these same posts every week after The Drop and especially after the Plus post: “Where’s the store update?!”
Well, it wouldn’t kill Sony reps to add a few lines of text to the Drop and Plus posts:
All of this and much more when the store updates on Tuesday, *usually by 2PM Pacific/5 PM Eastern*
The addition of 35 characters to each post would solve the entire problem…except for those who don’t read the post. XD
@Chip1010: Well said. And the reason Latin America didn’t get PES probably has more to do with sales than interest level. Any company would be foolish to give their product away when (and where) it’s still selling well, which I can only assume is the case with all soccer games in Latin America.
Honestly From A Market Stand Point !
These Games Makes The Most Sense For July Instant Game Collection (PS3)
god of war ascension
killzone 3 (if you add this the multiplayer should come back alive )
any call of duty game
grand turismo
the last of us
starhawk would have been huge , if you guys gave us the multiplayer but no
Not really digging the newest Sly Cooper offering. For some reason, they made the screen extra dark–everything is hard to see. This was probably done to simulate difficulty without actually making the harder. Same long, boring chore levels, same horrific voice actors, but this one seems to be flooded with minigames. I like these games because my autistic nephew can breeze right through them, but the overbearing contrast problem will probably cause him to sit with his face mere inches from the screen. Sometimes you gotta wonder how certain aspects ever left the conference table.
I already got Sly Cooper (even though I don’t really want it!) as I’m in Mexico and they wouldn’t give me PES2014 free!! So my question is, what’s free for me this week??!
The Wolf Among Us- Episodes 2 y 3 (PS3)
Looks like they haven’t posted this week’s store updates yet on the Latin America blog. But that’s the game you’re getting in place of Sly.
Has anyone else received a message while playing Sly that states: “This content has 15 minutes left to play”?