Everyone’s favorite raccoon thief is back in Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Fans of the original series can get reacquainted with the gang — Carmelita, Bentley and Murray. Since burglary is usually a stealth-oriented affair you can choose to stick to rooftops and shadows, or if you’re feeling a bit more aggressive you can take a more head-on approach with your trusty cane. Bonus — Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is a cross-buy title, so Plus members will get both the PS3 and Vita versions.
We’ve got a bundle of new discounts as well, including a variety of sports titles and our E3 sale, which features titles that have appeared at past conferences.
You can download Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time after the PlayStation Store updates tomorrow, June 10th.
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members

Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
9-In-1 Mega Pack (PS3/PSP/PS Vita) | $1.49 | $2.99 |
Atomic Ninjas (PS3) | $2.09 | $9.99 |
Atomic Ninjas (PS Vita) | $2.09 | $9.99 |
Football Manager Classic 2014 (PS Vita) | $20.00 | $39.99 |
Foosball 2012 (PS3) | $2.09 | $7.99 |
Foosball 2012 (PS Vita) | $2.09 | $7.99 |
Grip Games Bundle (PS3) | $2.24 | $9.99 |
Grip Games Bundle (PS Vita) | $2.24 | $3.99 |
The Impossible Game (PSP) | $0.74 | $2.99 |
The Ultimate Runner Game Bundle (PS3) | $1.12 | $1.99 |
E3 Sale
Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3) | $19.59 | $39.99 |
Battlefield 4 (PS3) | $24.49 | $49.99 |
Battlefield 4 (PS4) | $48.59 | $59.99 |
Contrast (PS3) | $7.34 | $14.99 |
Contrast (PS4) | $7.34 | $14.99 |
Diablo III (PS3) | $23.99 | $59.99 |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | $12.24 | $24.99 |
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition (PS3) | $22.04 | $44.99 |
Just Dance 2014 (PS3) | $19.59 | $39.99 |
Killzone: Mercenary (PS Vita) | $17.49 | $35.99 |
Luftrausers (PS Vita) | $4.89 | $9.99 |
Luftrausers (PS3) | $4.89 | $9.99 |
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS3) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4) | $18.89 | $29.99 |
Need For Speed: Rivals (PS3) | $29.39 | $59.99 |
Need For Speed: Rivals (PS4) | $48.59 | $59.99 |
Outlast (PS4) | $9.79 | $19.99 |
Saints Row IV (PS3) | $13.49 | $29.99 |
The Walking Dead: Season Two – Season Pass | $9.79 | $19.99 |
The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass | $9.79 | $19.99 |
Sports Sale
Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee (PSP/PS Vita) | $2.00 | $7.99 |
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 (PSP/PS Vita) | $3.75 | $14.99 |
Hot Shots Tennis: Get A Grip (PSP/PS Vita) | $3.75 | $14.99 |
MLB 13 The Show (PS3) | $10.00 | $39.99 |
NASCAR ’14 (PS3) | $20.99 | $49.99 |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (PS3) | $17.99 | $59.99 |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 (PSP) | $12.14 | $39.99 |
Real Boxing (PS Vita) | $1.75 | $6.99 |
Sports Champions 2 (PS3) | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Sports Champions (PS3) | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 6/17)
Instant Game Collection
Surge Deluxe
Castle Of Illusions Starring Mickey Mouse
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate HD
Thomas Was Alone
Remember Me
Diablo III
Saints Row IV
Need For Speed: Rivals
Battlefield 4 (Ps4)
Killzone: Mercenary )
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition
The Walking Dead: Season Two – Season Pass
The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass
Assassin’s Creed Iv: Black Flag
Just Dance 2014
MLB 13 The Show
Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
Real Boxing
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
Sports Champions 2
Sports Champions
Hot Shots Tennis: Get A Grip
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update, make sure to vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
Not seeing much.
You would think the Vita version of golf would finally be inluded, you can buy it new for less.
May check out the PSP versions though.
Kids beat Sly4, but sure they will not mind having it on PS3.
As a Vita owner, I’m very excited this month. With Cross-Buy, I’m getting 4 new games, including the Sly Cooper game.
I…completely forgot Sly 4 was joining the IGC this week ^^; it’s a good game, and is honestly a fairly good starting point for people who never played the first 3. IT’s Sly cooper at his best, imo, although I think it’s the shortest of them, I recall taking about 15 hours for it all.
@ juuichi-11 said “Point is it’s kind annoying how she posts ‘so exited’ bout pixel junkie like games and 2$ discounts.”
So you’re telling me the EU staff would post this same $2 discount on this same “pixel junkie” game and then say how disappointed they are to be offering you such terrible prices on such terrible games, and they know they suck, but perhaps you can find it in your heart to forgive them? Sorry, but somehow I doubt that, just as much as I (as someone in marketing) doubt that the EU staff are responding to every criticism and question about things they don’t know about or have the authority to comment on.
Kristine is amazing. Long live Kristine.
Sly Cooper is amazing! Obviously, I already have it, but for those who don’t… You’re in for a treat!
I’m not sure how I feel about the sales though. I think I must keep letting my expectations for E3 go wild. I was really hoping for a deep discount on Knack. I really want to try it, but haven’t heard enough good things to justify the price yet.
And PLEEEASE don’t let the Vita be absent from E3!
Oh! And for those of you who are worried the Vita isn’t getting much this month… You’ve already got Pixel Junk Shooter and Sly 4.
@2 agreed.
I’m very disappointed with this choice, you already gave it away with the ps vita version last month which was cross-buy and now it is using up a spot in this month’s lineup.
You’re getting 4 games this month instead of only 2. Stop being greedy, and be grateful!
im glad next month ALL GAMES that r free will b given @ 1 time instead of using my vita as a paperweight till tha end of tha month
If you haven’t played Sly Cooper, I highly recommend it. It’s a very fun game!
Not much for me here. Several of the games are inviting, but the prices aren’t quite low enough for me to bite just yet.
Already have Sly 4 on disc, but I’ll add it to my list anyway just in case.
@TangoThief: Perhaps “Fire Kristine!” was a bit harsh, but it is possible to see for oneself that the EU blog does a *somewhat* (read: not perfect) better job in the areas described by juuichi-11. There certainly are an unbelievable number of complaints to be found here, many of them mindless. But I don’t think mindless adulation of Kristine or any other Sony staff acts as a counterweight in quite the same way many appear to believe.
@shnto91: Technically, this will be the first time Sly 4 joins the IGC in NA regions north of Mexico. It was Latin America that received it in May.
Is Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn the PS4 version or PS3? I see the collectors edition is for the ps3 but the $12.24 one isn’t stated. Unless im blind.
I love how people say that the sales suck and are half assed and we deserve better. Sometimes money is an object. Be glad your getting a sale at all. That section could be blank and would even more dissapointed. Its business, people.
Glad to get Sly Cooper onto my vita! Can’t wait to play it! Nothing I want in the sale but I hope others can grab something!
Almost convinced a friend to buy battlefield 4 ps4. But then saw the ps4 one was not discounted like the ps3 one for whatever reason. So now he isn’t buying it. Agh.
Don’t see a reason to renew Plus just yet.
Anyway, why is so much content actually leaving plus lately?
It was nice when it started but lately ; It’s really starting to look a lot like Netflix. Constant loss of content with very little if nothing being added.
And just like Netflix, the customers who are very pissed with this development get actively ignored while the ones who grin and swallow it without asking questions are favored.
At least make a post that shows that the well isn’t drying up. Something. Anything at all.
Woo-hoo, so grabbing Sly Cooper tomorrow.
I don’t actually care if Kristine stays, but I’d wager she’s doing a similar job to the Euro bloggers. In a quick search for “sale” and “discount” and I found roughly the same number of official replies (mostly zeroes, occasionally up to ten, rarely more). Their Call of Duty sale (3/12/14) was representative, with no Sony replies to the 137 comments, mostly complaints. The blog poster said to “enjoy” the sales and didn’t apologize for their small discounts. Their sale on 05/14/14 was similar: no replies to the complaints about selection and prices.
The only thing I saw that was consistently different is that they were slightly (but very noticeably) more open about responding if a game on sale would NOT be in the IGC soon, though even then they always added “you never know.” More often though, I saw the same positive spin that the US team has. Example, see comment 24.x on their sale from (04/09/14)
As further example, a sale post on 0108/14 had a very high reply rate, almost all of which are in line with comments made by Sony’s US staff.
Did I just miss all their openness?
P.S. I had links to all the blog posts, but it resulted in my commenting getting axed by the board.
Picking Up Contrast (PS4) came late to ps4 got it this past April
And Luftrausers (PS Vita) wish their was more Vita Sales. But ok deals Can’t wait for the E3 Confrence Hoping for a new Road Rash for PS4, Parrappa the rapper ps4 or vita also hoping for Twisted metal and a Jet Moto Game.
I guess whenever Terreria and Mutant Mudds come to the IGC we better download them quick because they will not be there long. Sly Cooper Thieves in Time plays fantastic on the Vita for anyone who has not played it.
still wise the ps4 deals where better.
It is unbelievable how all the first comments are always from people complaning about EVERYTHING!!!
I´m picking up TWD 2 and WAU season passes
Well the sales from what I see are cool beans for those that didn’t buy games on day 1.
@33 saab01, have you not thought about upgrading your HDD? I only paid $167 (parts and labor) two years ago to bump my old CECH-E model from 80Gb to 750Gb. I haven’t bothered to see if that can be done with PS4s quite yet, as I’m still holding off on getting one.
As for these sales, I have to admit I’ve seen better. The only things I’m seeing this week worth buying are Luftrausers and Sports Champions 2.
Free Sly game… Loool I have sooo many games that didn’t play em yet ^|^
Not much time to play em all
Thank You Sony <3
Looking forward to Sly and a few sales! <3
Nevermind. PS4 HDDs can be upgraded, and relatively easily from what I saw of this guide: https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5107/~/upgrade-ps4-hdd
So, boys and girls, if you’re going to complain about running out of HDD space, get off your tushies and read up on upgrading things. :P
@78 They sure can.
Odd Sony is allowing HD to become more third party.
Just like computers.
Love plus this month- Vita owner though, and $15 bucks for the Mas Effect trilogy was awesome, regadless how many times I played 1 & 2.
Love that you discount titles that never see sales.
Hate the lack of compatibility, for games advertised as keep forever.
PS4 needs it and MP3.
Like Valkyrie Chronicles on PSP.
Could not have bought retail where I live cheaper, but we need more like it.
I found Daxter for .99¢.
But I guess I should stop.
I remember thinking I simply wanted to play PSone classics like FF7 and RE on my Vita/PSP.
Of course I had a DS untill then.
And it was used more for an alarm clock ;)
are these euro server only i dont see ff14 on my psn+ list
And possibly barking up the wrong tree, but sure would like a couple basic trophies for them to show our PS Pride.
Awesome deals coming this week!!
Sly Cooper FREE and MGS V for $12.59 this is fantastic :D
ok conference over and no replacement for the igc yearly games was mentioned, it was nice while it lasted, but such a sneaky way to do it, it should had been mentioned with the changes from july, i hope we dont stop getting good full retail ps3 games.
Killzone Mercenary and Sly Cooper here I come!
The game is in the store as a Full Game Trial, can we only play it for an hour? :O
When I saw the sports sale I was hoping for MLB 14: The Show for 30-40 bucks for ps4! :(
Sports Champions 2 for 2.50?…really?….damn thats really cheap….if it wasn’t available in disc I would definitely grab that.
EVERYBODY go ahead and play that Sly right away and enjoy it….easily one of the best games of PS3….that feel of a good old adventure game…is priceless and Sly Thieves in Time delivers it.
Great list of games for the E3 sales, but was kinda dissapointed that BF is still close to 50 bucks!!! I am glad about Sly this week though. Looks like a great game. Great deals on Vita titles too. Thanks!!!
sony keeps letting my down in their digital sales = ( they said they were committed , but all I see is half hearted attempts.i can easily get most titles for 27 dollars physical copy while they sell it digital for 50. digital also has less advantages = (
I can’t wait to play this! I’ve always wanted to get into the Sly Cooper series.
The best price for Ground Zeroes is the $2 it costs to rent it from the Redbox, beat it in 2.5 hours, and return it the next morning. It’s impressive, but it’s not anything I would ever replay. It’s been a long time since I saw a “game” so perfectly suited to a one-day rental.
The PS Store on PS4 shows me the PS+ price, but when I go to the cart is the regular price, not the plus, why?????????
It’s still making pay 19.99 on PSN! It’s in Instant Game Collection but theirs no free download link. Can someone help?
Apparently something is wrong. like the two above me I have plus and the game shows up in the instant game collection for free games but it says its 19.99, there’s no free game option and its trying to charge me full price.
Whats with the bait and switch on mgs ground zeroes? Thats disgusting i expected better.
I hope they fix this soon, i’ve played all of them besides thieves in time. I’m itching to play it!
Sly Cooper is showing in the IGC with a price not a free game , hope it’s fixed soon :)
Something is wrong i have the same problem. I want to play Sly Cooper.
I have been waiting for Terraria.