Here’s a schedule of today’s PlayStation LiveCast segments! Tune in at e3.playstation.com.
Day 3 | |
Time PDT | Booth |
10:00 AM | Morning Show |
10:30 AM | Guns Up! |
10:45 AM | Murasaki Baby |
11:00 AM | BigFest |
11:20 AM | Devolver Digital Multi-Game Blowout |
11:45 AM | N++ |
12:00 PM | Nuclear Throne |
12:15 PM | Secret Ponchos |
12:45 PM | Hohokum |
1:00 PM | Counter Spy |
1:20 PM | Killzone Shadow Fall: Intercept |
1:45 PM | Skylanders Trap Team |
2:00 PM | Road Not Taken |
It’s almost time! Watch PlayStation livestream E3 worldwide over four double-stuffed days, kicking off with tonight’s PlayStation E3 2014 Press Conference (available in nine languages!) at 5:45pm Pacific/8:45pm Eastern. Don’t miss out — it’s one of the biggest events on the annual PlayStation calendar.
Then, starting Tuesday, June 10th at noon Pacific Time, we’ll kick off three days of our PlayStation LiveCast show featuring copious gameplay demos, new trailer, and developer interviews for 40+ upcoming PS4, PS Vita, and PS3 games.
You’ll find the livestream right here on PlayStation.Blog, PlayStation.com, Ustream, Nico Nico on PS Vita, and our brand-spanking-new PS4 E3 Live app that’s available now on the US PlayStation Store for PS4 users. Keep tabs on PlayStation’s YouTube page, too, to watch press conference highlights and archives of all the week’s LiveCast game previews.
Here’s the full live schedule; set those alarms and bookmarks!
Monday, June 9th | PlayStation E3 2014 Press Conference | 5:45pm Pacific Time
Tuesday, June 10th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 12:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific Time
Wednesday, June 11th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 10:00am to 4:00pm Pacific Time
Thursday, June 12th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 10:00am to 3:00pm Pacific Time
Oh, and we could use your help! After watching tonight’s PlayStation E3 2014 Press Conference, leave your follow-up questions in the comments below. Who knows? We may pose your question to developers live starting tomorrow. We’ll be snagging questions from Twitter too, so it will pay to follow along live at @PlayStation.
Can’t wait! My ps4 needs some games :P
PlayStation the name you can trust!
Member PDIC
I hope they announce a release date for Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd
By the way i need help because my Nico Nico app on the vita doesn’t work and it says ‘An error occured during the login process. Please check your network connection and try again.” Does anyone have this problem or am i the only one?
@37 Thumbs up.
Vita is underrated.
More games with character builds, class balancing, and strategy for replay value.
Less games with push the right button to fight.
We need games with skill, but the ease to venture into a new universe and make it fun.
Feel free to add cheap items, and extras as DLC as long as it does not imbalance players.
If you want to capture the players, you need a better way to compete or play against each other by making more empasis on team based gameplay. (Or alot of skill).
And to STRESS THE IMPORTANCE……..Better sales for Digital Content and permitting CrossBuy where applicable.
And don’t forget the Vita.
Maybe someone will YouTube the event, since I will get to see what I or my kids might play in years to come.
Am I the only one hoping to see GOW4 on E3? I know it’s been stretched out but perhaps theres more to be told.
Guess I will try out Nico Nico, hope it is not the only time I use it.
I cant wait!
hurry up, i want to know about new game
Niconico will not let me login.
Is that normal, or is it down or something?
Allow PSN changing name would be cool first into the hearts of million’s of gamers, the joy of it would make gamers want to gamer ever more on the PS Family.
Big system update to fix many bugs that affect PS Vita app’s like Friends and app’s taking long time to open up now; a lot more you can find if you been listing to PS Family fans. Along with more support for PS Vita to shine and bring new gamers on it and increase fan base more. :)
PSN Plus 50-60% price cut for one day only for Plus Members if not then please get 3rd party to bring over games that were never port here like Final Fantasy Type – 0 (HD Remaster on Vita), Valkyria Chronicles 3 (HD Remaster on VIta), and many other games that fail to get here in the USA.
Even the information link goes to a page that says it is not the right address.
Come on PS!…. Destroy Xbox!…..^_^
Is it on already or is still down?
So i’m not the only one who has the Nico Nico Douga app problem!
Of course it wouldn’t be. I enjoy playing on my Vita…but if they completely ignore it again….it’ll surely mean the end of it.
I Can’t wait to see what sony has to say! hope they talk about a new kill zone, uncharted, batman, god of war, and new IP’s Oh and a new little big planet. i really hope we see some great new games coming to the vita
So it starts at 8:45 tonight??
Would like to watch on my ps4 but apparently Psn is down
#E3Sony needs MEGATons!!!
Why is it not streaming through Home? I thought it has been fairly popular on Home since y’all started doing it.
Would love to use app to watch this.. I think psn is down though. Is there any eta on when it will be up?
@Ragna0088 How high are you to want to watch E3 on your Vita? Even if that is your only Sony product, your still being ridiculous. 5″ screen compared to a 20-40″+ screen/moniter… it should have been a no brainer.
Its a portable PS1 and 2.
I would have gven who knows what for it years ago.
Not so old that I bought my Gameboy when it came out, but close.
By makng sure my past digital purchases could be played on future systems, it would enure I stayed Sony.
And for all you haters thinking PS4 shouldn’t , you probably do not buy digital.
It secures Sony as my future for gaming needs. , and I could play my old games and save money for more deserving titles.
Games can get old and outdated, but no reason not to include them.
I like Ninja Tutles and Star just fine, whatever new remake they make.
But what if someone is using his computer or TV, then the only chance to watch it will be on vita
And should that sceen be used by actual other members of your family?
Oh wait, I’m not the normal gamer focused on just my perspctive or needs.
Nah, rather spend my time getting on those that do.
Preferance, to each their own.
Atleast provide an arguement other than being different.
man i cant wait to see what they bring out for the ps4 and vita
Hoping for a game announcement for Project Morpheus.
PlayStation 4 Life!
They’ll probably show trailers for games coming 2015, and i don’t think that the vita will get any big major titles this year or even JRPG’s. I hope i’m 100% wrong about that and we’ll actually see some new PS4 and Vita games, also don’t forget the PS3!
Can’t wait! Already great announcements from EA and Ubi, I know Sony will end Day 0 with a banggg!
Dam! this is taking so long I want to see Sony dropping bombs to Xbox…..^_^
I’d like to say thanks to the group at Sony and the PS3 team for making a system that doesn’t support Flash. The only way, that I have found, to watch the E3 press Conference is through the Web Browser, via this page….EXCEPT it needs Flash Player to play…and the PS3 Web Browser doesn’t support Flash Player. So NOW instead of watching it live via my PS3 on a TV, I have to watch it on a small screen of my phone.
i’m hyped hope that sony wont disappoint! :)
I remember watching a live E3 press conference on the PS3 through PS Home. This was some years ago, so not sure if they’re still doing that.
Shenmue 3 Only ON PS…..^_^
la mejor experiencia de la E3 asegurada
I agree with Ragna0088 and lelopes_gmail, I am a vita-only owner (my only playstation product) and I am royally pissed off at how sony treats vita owners. like their comment that only the greatest play on PS4. what about vita owners? they are not great because they spent $200 or more before the price drop on their product
I would like to ask Bandai Namco about Gundam:
-Is the reason no Gundam game (outside the Dynasty Warriors spinoffs) have come over the past years do to Crossfire’s poor recepetion? Crossfire looked from every angle as a project that was rushed to meet the deadline in order to launch along the PS3? Gundam 0081, which runs on the same engine, is basically the game Crossfire should have been.
-What are the chances to localize any of the PS3 Gundam games that came after Crossfire: 0081, UC, Battle Operation, Breaker & Side Stories? I know that new game of the spinoff DW Gundam do is coming, but again, it’s basically a DW game with Gundam skin.
-Speaking of DW Gundam Reborn, why wasn’t the Vita version also announced for localization?
Let me just say that I’m a big fan of your Gundam games, and I have even imported some of these games despite the additional costs and language barrier, but its disheartening to see that judt because a product you had to rush (Crossfire) performed poorly, high quality games that came afterwards were not localized. I hope you can have a bit more faith in your games, specially the ones that clearly show that a lot of work and effort was put into them (example: 0081).
I think Microsoft had a good showing , but they seem pretty desperate to sell consoles. All I need is the Last Guardian and I will be happy. :)
For real I need THE FLASH PLAYER PLUGIN to watch the E3 on my PS3, be serious sony… -.-
jacking my neighbors internet to watch this
I have the E3 Conference video loaded up using the app. But there’s an annoying sidebar on the right asking me about my language. Is there a way to get rid of that? It’s annoying me. Thanks.
Its almost time. Where is the preshow?
wow!!! I’m so excited!! I can’t believe e3 is already here! \(^ – ^)/
Is psn working on the ps4? Or is it still out?
Lets go!!!
Fix the audio…….hard to hear.
Can you fix the sound problem, I ear anything.
psn not down here in uk :)
Wow the audio is suuuuper hard to hear….