Hey everyone! I’m Corey Rollins from Klei Entertainment, and I’m happy to announce Don’t Starve: Giant Edition is coming to PlayStation Vita and will include both Don’t Starve and the Reign of Giants Expansion. Now, we’re not sure of an exact release date yet, but it’s happening.
Since we first released Don’t Starve: Console Edition on PS4, a lot of people said they’d love to play it on the go with their Vita. Well, we agree!
Don’t Starve: Giant Edition will include the original Don’t Starve along with all of the updates currently released on PC and PS4, including the multi-leveled caves update and the discoverable “Adventure Mode” that puts your survival skills to the test with multiple randomly-generated unique worlds as you try to escape your wild and strange prison.
Along with the original version of Don’t Starve, you’ll also get the Reign of Giants Expansion included! So Vita players will get access to the original nine characters and two new additions. Play as Wigfrid, a stage actress who went a bit too far with method acting on her latest role, an ancient Valkyrie, or Webber, a young boy who lives inside the spider who tried to eat him long ago.
The Reign of Giants expansion adds new seasonal challenges including the torrential rain falls of spring and the blistering heat of summer. You’ll also get new procedurally-generated biomes filled to the brim with new creatures and gatherables that will either help you survive — or kill you. Oh, and Giants.
We’ve also optimized the game to take advantage of Vita’s touch features. Navigation for menus, maps, items, and crafting are all touch friendly, or you can use the classic button navigation.
We’ll have more details in the coming months, but we wanted to confirm it’s happening. We’re also working on the final steps to bring the Reign of Giants Expansion to PS4. So expect an update on that release soon.
If you’ve got any questions or just want to say hi, you can find us on Twitter at @Klei. We’re always around and happy to chat. Don’t Starve is what it is thanks to the amazing community and discussions. Thanks for all the feedback and support!
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