PS4 Games
Watch_Dogs ($59.99, $69.99 Canadian)
Watch_Dogs Gold Edition ($79.99, $89.99 Canadian)
PS3 Games
Watch_Dogs ($59.99)
Watch_Dogs Gold Edition ($79.99)
PS Vita Games
Lemmings Touch ($9.99)
Mind Zero ($33.99, $27.19 for PS Plus Members)
Monster Monpiece ($29.99)
The Sly Collection PS Vita ($29.99)
Re-mastered versions of all three Sly Cooper games in High Definition and optimized for the PS Vita system:
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
Fort Defense & Fort Defense North Menace ($6.99)
Gaiam TV: The Transformation Network (PS3 and PS Vita)
PlayStation Plus
Become a PlayStation Plus member
- LIMBO PS Vita (PS Vita)
- Battlefield 4 Timed Trial (PS3)
Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
Mind Zero | $27.19 | $33.99 |
The LEGO Movie Videogame (PS4) | $40.49 | $59.99 |
The LEGO Movie Videogame (PS3) | $33.74 | $49.99 |
The LEGO Movie Videogame (PS Vita) | $20.24 | $29.99 |
Master Reboot (PS3) | $7.64 | $14.99 |
- Thief (PS4)
Title | Sale Price | Regular Price |
Persona 4: Golden (PS Vita) | $19.99 | $29.99 |
Catherine (PS3) | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Rayman Legends (PS3) | $29.99 | $59.99 |
Rayman Origins (PS3) | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Rock Of Ages (PS3) | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Stella Deus (PS2 Classic) | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Zeno Clash 2 (PS3) | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Rayman Origins (PS Vita) | $13.49 | $26.99 |
The Lego Movie Videogame (PS4) | $44.99 | $59.99 |
The Lego Movie Videogame (PS3) | $37.49 | $49.99 |
The Cursed Crusade (PS3) | $4.99 | $19.99 |
Furmins + Stardrone Extreme Bundle (PS3) | $4.99 | $8.99 |
Master Reboot (PS3) | $8.49 | $14.99 |
Rayman 3 Hd (PS3) | $2.49 | $9.99 |
Stardrone (Cross Buy) (PS3) | $2.99 | $3.99 |
Wicked Monster Blast! Hd (PS3) | $1.99 | $9.99 |
The Lego Movie Videogame (PS3, PS Vita) | $22.49 | $29.99 |
Rayman 2 Revolution (PS2 Classic) | $2.49 | $9.99 |
Rayman Arena (PS2 Classic) | $2.49 | $9.99 |
Rayman (PSone Classic) | $1.49 | $5.99 |
Rayman 2: The Great Escape (PSone Classic) | $1.49 | $5.99 |
Best Brick Breakers Bundle (PS3) | $2.99 | $6.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V: Grand Theft Auto V Bull Shark Cash Card (PS3) | $7.49 | $9.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V: Grand Theft Auto V Great White Shark Cash Card (PS3) | $14.99 | $19.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V: Grand Theft Auto V Megalodon Shark Cash Card (PS3) | $74.99 | $99.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V: Grand Theft Auto V Red Shark Cash Card (PS3) | $2.24 | $2.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V: Grand Theft Auto V Tiger Shark Cash Card (PS3) | $3.74 | $4.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V: Grand Theft Auto V Whale Shark Cash Card (PS3) | $37.49 | $49.99 |
Price Drops
Title | New Price | Original Price |
SAINTS ROW IV (PS3) | $29.99 | $39.99 |
YS: MEMORIES OF CELCETA (PS3, PS Vita) | $29.99 | $39.99 |
RAGNAROK TACTICS (PS3, PS Vita, PSP) | $9.99 | $14.99 |
PS4 Add-ons
- Season Pass ($19.99)
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends
- New Stage 11 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
- New Stage 12 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
- New Stage 13 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
PS3 Add-ons
- Season Pass ($19.99)
The Wolf Among Us
- Episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing (Free For Season Pass) ($4.99)
Ace Combat Infinity
- Ace Combat Infinity: Beta Test Bonus Emblem (Available For Beta Users Only) ($0.00)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Elite Mercenary Contract (12 Hours) ($0.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Elite Pack ($14.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Rookie Set ($1.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Stocked Fuel (1 Unit) ($0.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Stocked Fuel (10 Units + 1 Free Unit) ($8.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Stocked Fuel (30 Units + 5 Free Units) ($26.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Stocked Fuel (5 Units) ($4.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Stocked Fuel (50 Units + 10 Free Units) ($44.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Unlimited Campaign Play Ticket ($19.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Investment Contract (12 Hours) ($0.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Investment Contract Set (12 Hours X 4) ($3.49)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Expansion Key (Expand From 12 To 16 Slots) ($1.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Expansion Key (Expand From 16 To 20 Slots) ($1.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Expansion Key (Expand From 4 To 8 Slots) ($1.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: (Expand From 8 To 12 Slots) ($1.99)
- Ace Combat Infinity: Elite Mercenary Contract Set (12 Hours X 4) ($3.49)
Injustice Gods Among Us
- Lockdown Skin Pack ($2.99)
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure All Stars Battle
- Iggy ($1.99)
- Candy Texture Pack ($0.99)
- Natural Texture Pack ($0.99)
- Skin Pack 2 ($1.99)
- Battle & Beasts 2 Skin Pack ($1.99)
LittleBigPlanet 2
- Cangaceiro Bandit Costume (Cross-Buy) ($0.99)
- Rainha de Bateria Samba Costume (Cross-Buy) ($0.99)
- Soccer Asset Pack (Cross-Buy) ($2.99)
- Lemmings Minipack (Cross-buy) ($2.99)
LittleBigPlanet Karting
- Lemmings Minipack (Cross-buy) ($2.99)
- Cangaceiro Bandit Costume (Cross-Buy) ($0.99)
- Rainha de Bateria Samba Costume (Cross-Buy) ($0.99)
Rocksmith 2014
- Slash – Anastasia ($2.99)
- Slash – Back From Cali ($2.99)
- Slash – You’re A Lie ($2.99)
- Slash Song Pack ($7.99)
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends
- New Stage 11 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
- New Stage 12 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
- New Stage 13 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma
- Additional Character – Terumi ($7.99)
- Stage Bgm Set 6 ($3.99)
- BETA MAP PACK ($0.00)
- BETA MAP PACK ($0.00)
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
- TRACK SUIT ($0.00)
Vita Add-ons
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita
- Cangaceiro Bandit Costume (Cross-Buy) ($0.99)
- Rainha de Bateria Samba Costume (Cross-Buy) ($0.99)
- Soccer Asset Pack (Cross-Buy) ($2.99)
- Lemmings Minipack (Cross-buy) ($2.99)
- BETA MAP PACK ($0.00)
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends
- New Stage 11 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
- New Stage 12 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
- New Stage 13 (Cross-Buy) ($1.99)
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
- TRACK SUIT ($0.00)
Football Manager Classic 2014
- All Players Interested ($1.59)
- Attribute Masking ($0.99)
- Board Over-Ride ($1.59)
- Boost Bank Balance 1 Million ($0.99)
- Boost Bank Balance 10 Million ($1.99)
- Boost Bank Balance 5 Million ($3.99)
- Boost Bank Balance 50 Million ($7.49)
- Foreign Influx ($1.59)
- Magic Sponge ($0.99)
- Morale Boost ($0.99)
- National Management ($1.59)
- New Stadium ($1.59)
- No Loan Restrictions ($0.99)
- No Sacking ($4.99)
- No Transfer Windows ($0.99)
- No Work Permits ($1.59)
- Son Generated ($2.99)
- Unlimited Scouting ($0.99)
Monster Monpiece
- 1st Rare Pack! ($0.99)
- 1st Rare+ Pack! ($0.99) 1st Super++ Pack! ($0.99)
- 2nd Rare Pack! ($0.99)
- 2nd Rare+ Pack ($0.99)
- 2nd Rare++ Pack! ($0.99)
- 3rd Rare Pack! ($0.99)
- 3rd Rare+ Pack! ($0.99)
- 3rd Rare++ Pack! ($0.99)
- Advance Sphere ($0.99)
- Aristocratic Girl Voice Set ($Free)
- Big Sis Voice Set ($0.99)
- Bloody Sphere ($0.49)
- Blue Seal Stone ($0.49)
- Charge Sphere ($0.49)
- Childhood Friend Voice Set ($0.49)
- Cool Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Demure Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Dynamic Voice Set ($0.49)
- Energetic Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Enlightenment Sphere ($0.49)
- Enlightenment Sphere Pack ($1.99)
- Fiery Girl Voice Set ($Free)
- Free Rub Coupon ($0.49)
- Gal-Type Voice Set ($Free)
- Goth Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Green Seal Stone ($0.49)
- Intellectual Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Kansai Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Mellow Sis Voice Set ($0.49)
- Obliteration Sphere ($0.49)
- Offer Sph ($0.49)
- Punk Girl Voice Set ($Free)
- Purple Seal Stone ($0.49)
- Queen Voice Set ($0.49)
- Reclusive Girl Voice Set ($0.49_)
- Red Seal Stone ($0.49)
- Rub P ($0.49)
- Rub P 2000 ($0.99)
- Sacrifice Sphere ($0.99)
- Sheltered Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Smart-Ass Sis Voice Set ($0.49)
- Spacy Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Spoiled Sis Voice Set ($0.49)
- Tomboy Voice Set ($0.49)
- Tough Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Tsundere Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Withdrawn Girl Voice Set ($0.49)
- Yellow Seal Stone ($0.49)
App Updates
Amazon Instant Video (PS3/PS4)
Check out the HBO Collection as part of your Prime membership. Watch The Sopranos, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, The Wire, Eastbound and Down, Band of Brothers, and many more. See all of the shows you can get here.
Crackle (PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
Eddie Murphy is the fast talking con-artist Rayford Gibson and Martin Lawrence is the conservative bank teller Claude Banks in “Life.” Watch free now on Crackle and click here for more information.
DISH Network (PS3)
PlayStation gamers who are DISH subscribers can now take control of their Hopper Whole-Home HD DVR with the new DISH “Virtual Joey” app on PlayStation 3. The Virtual Joey app allows you to easily tap into your Hopper using your PS3 without additional wires or boxes. Navigate, view and setup shows to record by using either the DS3 controller or your DISH remote. Don’t have DISH Network? Sign up here.
DailyBurn (PS3)
DailyBurn is the best fitness experience anywhere. DailyBurn offers unparalleled variety – from bodyweight training and kettle bells, to dance and yoga – so you can always find the perfect workout! DailyBurn’s team of expert trainers keeps you engaged and gets you faster results while having fun. Best of all, you can sign up and try DailyBurn totally 100% FREE for 30 days. That’s no commitment – cancel anytime. Sign up here.
See the world differently. VICE, the Emmy-nominated HBO series, features startling, groundbreaking news stories from around the world, as hosted by Shane Smith, co-founder of the edgy multi-media company. Catch the season finale “Playing with Nuclear Fire & No Man Left Behind” on HBO GO on PS3. Watch the trailer here.
MLB.TV Premium (PS3/PS4)
The MLB season is underway. You can watch live baseball games on your PS3 and PS4 with a subscription to MLB.TV Premium. Watch HD Quality broadcasts of every out-of-market game live or on demand on your PS4. Choose Home or Away feeds, pause and rewind live game action with DVR capabilities. Sign up here.
Redbox Instant by Verizon (PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
For subscribers, be sure to check out Nic Cage and John Cusack in the crime thriller The Frozen Ground, now available to stream instantly. We’re also featuring a collection of some of Schwarzenegger’s best with Arnold in Action!. Horror fans can reserve the creepy Devil’s Due, now available at the box! If you’re up for some of the biggest theatrical hits, get in early and digitally buy titles like The Lego Movie, Lone Survivor or Non-Stop!
WWE Network (PS3/PS4) Payback…it’s what’s best for business! Evolution looks for revenge against The Shield while John Cena faces Bray Wyatt in a Last Man Standing Match at WWE Payback, Sunday June 1, Live on WWE Network. Don’t have WWE Network? Subscribe Now! Don’t have WWE Network? Subscribe today!
Avatars (PS3)
- 10 Item Bundled Sale Pack 2 ($3.99)
- 20 Item Bundled Sale Pack 3 ($6.99)
- Ace Skull Avatar ($0.99)
- Bad A$$ Avatar ($0.99)
- Be Sick Act Sick Stay Sick Avatar ($0.99)
- Caution Angry Gamer Avatar ($0.99)
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc – Chihiro Fujisaki ($0.49)
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc – Junko Enoshima 2 ($0.49)
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc – Ultimate Soldier ($0.49)
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Byakuya Togami Ava ($0.49)
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Celestia Ludenberg ($0.49)
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Kiyotaka Ishimaru2 ($0.49)
- Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Yasuhiro Hagakure ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Genocider Jack ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Hifumi Yamada ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Junko Enoshima ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Kenshiro Avatar ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Kiyotaka Ishima ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Kyoko Kirigiri ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Leon Kuwata Av ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Makoto Naegi Av ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Monda Owada Ava ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Sakura Ogami Av ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Santa Shikiba ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Sayaka Maizono ($0.49)
- Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc – Toko Fukawa Ava ($0.49)
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- Girl Gamer Gun Avatar ($0.99)
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- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy England Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy France Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Germany Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Ghana Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Greece Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Holland Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Honduras Fan Avatar ($0.49)
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- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Italy Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Ivory Coast Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Japan Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Mexico Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Nigeria Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Portugal Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Russia Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy South Korea Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Spain Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Switzerland Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Uruguay Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy Usa Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Littlebigplanet 2 Sackboy World Fan Avatar ($0.49)
- Triple A Gamer Avatar ($0.99)
- Trophy Hunter Avatar ($0.99)
- We’re Jammin Avatar ($0.99)
PS3 Themes
- Amazing Earth Day Night Bundle ($3.99)
- Anime: Verboten Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Anne Stokes Spellbound Bundle ($3.99)
- Blake Rottinger Static I ($1.99)
- Flying Bugs Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Fractal Tigers Static Theme ($1.49)
- Hold On Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Oil Change Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Psycho Girlfriend Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Skully Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Steven Stahlberg Static I ($1.99)
- The Guardian Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Underwater Dogs 1 Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Underwater Dogs 2 Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
- Viper Fish Dynamic Theme ($2.99)
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