Sacred 3 will introduce Weapon Spirits to the world of Ancaria. These are more than just weapon modifies — they’ll help the player to level their heroes and make their equipped weapons deadlier than ever. These mysterious spirits (some of which are based on characters from older Sacred games) come in all shapes and sizes, with many different powers to make for the perfect companion during the player’s battle through Ancaria. Weapon Spirits will enable players to increase critical hit rates, hamper enemy movement, regain health, provide essential support attributes as well as a multitude of other unique perks.
Let me jump quickly into an example of how these Weapon Spirits will specifically work in the game. One of the first Weapon Spirits that players will encounter is the Battle Mage. Using him, you’ll get less energy from orbs (found across Ancaria, containing health or energy to do special attacks) but you also have a 20% chance to trigger a Chain Lightning effect that hits four additional enemies for half your normal damage. What better way to wipe waves of enemies quickly?
Another way of effectively using Weapon Spirits is by building your co-op team and combine their abilities. A good combination is using the Possessed Human alongside the Dragon (Yes, a dragon’s weapon spirit can be found in the game, you might even come across a drunk vampire!).
The Dragon can create an energy shield during some attacks, but regular attacks cost energy. If another player has the Possessed Human equipped and picks up energy orbs, the spirit will actually give more energy to team members but less so to himself. Both can make for an incredibly strong support character (like the long-range Khukuri) helping an attack character (such as a Seraphim) to stay in battle longer with an often present shield and without totally depleting their energy.
Weapon Spirits can be leveled individually, and their powers can be leveraged by a single player or the entire team, offline and online, throughout the entire game. They create a whole new level of depth and character customization in the Sacred universe that we really hope all of our fans will enjoy.
Pre-order Sacred 3 now and receive the exclusive weapon spirit Z4ngr13f, a former Sacred-player that got sucked into the world of Ancaria, for free!
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