Puppeteer is a stunning adventure starring a boy named Kutaro, who unfortunately gets turned into a puppet and then has his head removed. Tough break. As you make your way home, you’ll collect heads from other sources (not sure why there are a bunch of heads lying around, but y’know), which serve as collectibles and your health bar.
Color-match games can be quite addictive, and Surge Deluxe on PS Vita is no exception. As you clear out blocks of the same color by dragging your finger across Vita’s touchscreen, you’ll also be racing against the pressure building in the surrounding pipes. If you don’t vent the pipes by clearing out blocks, it’s game over. Don’t worry though, you can always try again. ;)
You can download Puppeteer and Surge Deluxe after the PlayStation Store updates tomorrow, May 20th.
Puppeteer (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members

Surge Deluxe (PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members

Last Chance (Leaving on 5/27)
Instant Game Collection
Velocity Ultra (PS Vita)
Serious Sam 3: BFE (PS3)
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