Update: The PlayStation Store download issue regarding MLB 14 The Show on PS4 has been resolved. We apologize for any frustration this caused, and thank the community for its patience and understanding.
It’s been a little over a month since we launched MLB 14 The Show on PS3 and PS Vita. We’re gratified by the positive feedback we’ve received for new features like Quick Counts and Player Lock, and we’re blown away by the creativity on display in the new Community Challenges mode.
We recognize there’s a great deal of anticipation to see the next generation of The Show finally debut, and we’re proud to announce that MLB 14 The Show is available today for PS4. Already picked up the PS3 and PS Vita versions? You can carry over all of your saved progress; we know of some folks who’ve already pored dozens of hours into their Road to the Show character, and we want to make sure that none of that progress gets lost.
As you may know, one of our other big save-related innovations this year involves the ability for your progress this year to carry over into next year and beyond. We know it’s not something you can test now, but we’re confident you’ll love it when 2015 rolls around.
We weren’t content to simply port over this year’s game to PS4; our talented team has invested a great deal of work into this next-gen debut. This includes completely rebuilding all 30 MLB stadiums from scratch; textures are four times as large and environment polygon counts have jumped from 150,000 to more than 1 million. We’ve made advancements in countless areas: players are more detailed, down to the hairs on their face; fully rendered grass adds vibrancy to our grand cathedrals; a revamped lighting engine simply stuns, especially during night games; fully redone HD crowd audio leverages the vast resources of PS4; and much, much more.
Our goal every year is to capture as closely as possible, the excitement that takes place on the real world field and to show why baseball is the best sport in the world. So, as we gear up for MLB 14 the Show on PS4, take a look at our “Anthem” for MLB 14 The Show, starring Danny McBride as he explains why Baseball is Better.
Thanks for supporting us this year. We hope you enjoy MLB 14 The Show for PS4.
Welcome to The Show!
Keep crying wynams … It really makes people want to assist you. Want some big boy pants lad?
I’ve already been assisted, thanks anyways. 100% refund
haha, sure you have.
I’m really sad that it’s 2pm est, about 14hours after 12:01am, when the game was supposed to be able available for download. I pre ordered it a couple of weeks ago. At that time, I bought a ps4 just for this occasion. So did I buy the ps4 just for Mlb the show 14? Yes. I can understand a few hours in delay, since It’s happen to me many times in the past year when I’ve pre ordered a game; however, 14 hours later and counting, is ridiculous.
This is what I get for straying from the #PCMASTERRACE
So I got my to download just now 2:28pm est. It shows up on the queue but I don’t know if the PS4 is actually downloading it since I’m not near it now
@139 You’re the reason everyone hates Cards fans, digital distribution is not new in the least so using when Steam started is completely irrelevant. Also Mr. I have a career why are you on here posting if you’re so busy and adult, also saying “LOL” proves that you’re just a blow hard. If you let companies treat you as a consumer giving them money like this they will do it more and more often. Consumers have rights, guys like you are the problem. I’m also gonna assume Baseballs Best Fans have retweeted you a time or two.
Atleast we know that Jisatsu has zero clue as to what entitled means. I guess his mommy told him to take off his pull-ups and put on his big boy pants this morning so he is repeating that phrase..
Just a little heads up for you kiddie;when you pay for a product that is advertised for a certain day and time you are……wait for it….. ENTITLED to said product as advertised.
You are welcome for the lesson. Back to the mommys basement, troll.
@153 how did you get it to DL?
I think I found a back door to getting it. Go to the page for the digital preorder, rate the game. Then go to your activity screen and click where you rated it. Then click buy. It will let you buy it for $0.00 and the download begins.
If you access the Playstation Store on your PC, you can re-purchase the game, it will cost $0, and then go to download list. You should see the game there, and you press the button, “Download to PS4”. That’s how I got it to work.
still can’t download it what a joke
it’s downloading now
Yeah I had to go to it on my PS4 homepage and it said free so I downloaded it.
The backdoor method worked for me.
No need for a workaround. It’s working now.
Downloading now … via web sent to PS4 to download.
I see a lot of cry babies here, they said if you pre order the game it will download, also the update 1.70 got some problems and Sony is working on that, so stop pissing for no reason.
Finally, I am happy that i get to download MLB The Show 14 now.
I spent four hours last night waiting for the game to hit the store, then I spent two hours on the phone and then the chat trying to get the issue resolved. Your phone staff was very rude and made it sound like it was my issue that the game didn’t come out on time. I took the day off to play your first party title, losing money in the process, only to be made to feel like it was my problem that you guys didn’t put the game up in time. When I asked for a refund, they said no and said there would be no compensation for the wait.
By the time this game finally downloads, I won’t have time to play it today and I will have wasted an entire vacation day on it. Something I can’t get back and something that cost me quite a bit of money to do. But you guys taught me the lesson, never preorder any game you want to play on day one through PSN. I truly don’t think I’m ever going to order any digital game ever again from the store. The experience left a sour taste in my mouth.
Hope it was worth it , Sony.
aww, it’s cute when little kids have a big bark on the internet but lick your boots in person.
i love when trolls also try to call people trolls. they think it takes the attention from them.
THE DOWNLOAD IS NOW AVAILABLE.. I had a problem getting the download to start for 10 minutes.. The DOWNLOAD option was there but when I clicked it it wouldnt start.. I signed out of PSN, and rebooted my system and it worked.. WOOT WOOT
You are right Jitsastu you do have a whiny bark on the internet and I would make you lick my boot. You sound like a coward. I can smell your kind a mile away.
The game is downloading for me now. It is not in my Downloads List yet but if you navigate to the game in the PSN Store (I used search but I don’t think it will matter) there is now a download button. After I hit that it added to my downloads cue and seems to be downloading at a reasonable rate. Best of luck!
@TLove92 – actually Sony said if you preorder it you can download it as of 12:01am so that you can be one of the first people to play the game. It was a sort of incentive for people to buy it digitally so they could let the game download in the wee hours of the morning when internet traffic is slower. Or so they could play it before all the people who had to wait until stores opened could get their hands on a copy.
Instead, the exact opposite happened. The game wasn’t available for these guys to download, and now they have to contend with higher internet traffic which will most likely result in slower download speeds.
I think they are upset at the fact that Sony was hyping up this Day 1 Digital service, and then they failed to deliver on it. Can you imagine if the same thing happens when Watch Dogs rolls out?
Is it downloadable for people who haven’t pre-ordered the game?
@MRLars101 yea it should be.. You should be able to purchase the full game and download it now..
ah nevermind I’m from Europe and I think the game is out tommorow here.
@157 So adults aren’t allowed to use LOL or take a lunch break to comment on a thread? Irrelevant? The point was anyone using digital distribution can and will have issues. Blow hard? Guys like me are the problem? Sounds like someone has some anger issues, might want to have that checked out. Keep on assuming and acting like a child, but I don’t use twitter. Funny, all these whiners on this thread is why I try to refrain from reading actable comments, seems too many have little or no patients and get their panties in a wad if they have to wait instead of getting instant gratification.
Oh and another undelivered promise? Supposedly you can leave your PS4 in Stand-By Mode, and Sony says when digital purchases are ready to download, the PS4 will wake itself up and start downloading. Bold face LIE. I left it on stand-by from 12:01a EST, til when I got home from work at 3:30pm, and I was just now able to download it. How about some of that free in-game currency Sony?
What I don’t understand is the people who actually take days off from work just to play a new game on release day. Something is wrong with you guys. You could wait until you get home from work, or if you don’t have time after work, wait until your next day off to get into the game.
what’s that Beasthunt? bark, whimper, bark , bark?
poor lad still trying to be hard-ass on the web. you kids never change.
Uhhh what did I pay for???? I could of been playing already if I purchased the game. Basically we get punished for getting the digital purchase, its also on a Sony Title game no excuses.
my download just stopt downloading! he lost connection with the server!? and a code NW-31194-8
can somebody help?
I’m about 2 hrs into the download ,not very impressed with the predownloading option , somebody should owe up for the delay
The issue hasn’t been solved, I’ve been trying to download the game since you guys put it online and I keep on getting server errors. I’ll get 60, 70, 80, 90% through downloading it and it will stop and say can’t download. I’ve tried over 10 times already and it still hasn’t finished.
Does the PS4 version have PlayStation move capability? Really enjoyed MLB 13 on PS3 with the Move controller.
Same here.
It’s a fun game. It didn’t take me long to download , I watched twenty minutes of a Manchester United game and MLB was finished updating.
I do thing it is stupid to allow you to log into a game, then just sit and look at menus while it finishes downloading. FIFA was the only game I had that allowed you to play parts of it while the rest downloading.
Ive got the game now and now I am trying to start a new season and the top left install progress symbol is ticking away super slow and then the team download percentage is at 46% 20 minutes later. This is a real turn off, I bought the game pre-ordered online and it didn’t show up on my ps4 so I thought it didn’t go through. I hope I am not double charged as I will reverse both charges as it is not what I was told that I was getting. Anyone else experiencing slow downloads even after install?
The best is yet to come, if you are waiting for Watch Dogs it will be released on Out: 05.27.2014. (just think about another tuesday that psn will be down).
Kenny Powers
Hello guys!
Can someone explain me why I can´t download MLB the show 14 on ps4.
I live in Europe btw.
Many thanks
Since the PSN issue is sorted state side does this mean it will be available tomorrow for E.U customers?
Still nothing in PSN E.U , why ? can you tell me ??? :'(
Still not available in the UK since a post was made on the blog on Tuesday telling us it would be availalb from Wednesday. Then it was cancelled and nobody has seen fit to explain why or provide a revised date since.
I owned a PS3 and bought a PS4 and was happy to but right now it feels like lotalty is a one way street.
DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DO NOT BUY GAMES DIGITALLY FROM THE SONY STORE! If something goes wrong you will be out of options, permanently! AMEN! This game sucks! It freezes all the time it has loading issues. I have not finished a single match online because it freezes. After 7 days of calling and chatting to fix the issues with Sony the problem persists and Sony will NOT get me a refund. SONY HAS JUST F****** ME IN THE ASS with this game that I can’t even sell, trade, or return! DO NOT BUY DIGITAL VERSIONS GAMES AT THE SONY STORE! Just buy the disc. It is the same price anyways.
Cant get it working :-( It says in system that the game is installed, along with a game update file, but in game it wont let me play anything, cause it says it’s loading data. And there is also an install bar in the upper left corner of the screen ingame that says installing 46%, and there it stays.. Im so dissapointed, havent been able to play a single game yet on this system yet (got it friday)
Anybody has an idea of what’s happening?