SHAREfactory is now available on PS4, alongside System Software Update v1.70. A dead-simple rich video editor, SHAREfactory lets players capture gameplay clips (a process that’s been streamlined as part of the v1.70 update) and add transitions, music, commentary, and more to turn their raw footage into full-fledged videos.
The PlayStation.Blog team — with painfully little knowledge of video editing — ventured blindly into this new app to see what we could come up with… and we think the results are pretty admirable given our lack of expertise! As it turns out, SHAREfactory is deceptively full featured, despite its instant accessibility.
Watch our videos below, then tell us whose is best. The editor who gets the most votes will forever bear the title of SCEA SHAREfactory Champion, and all privileges associated with it (I’m getting a belt made). Of course, we want to hear your arguments for each of our entries in the comments, as well.
First, I put together a tips guide for inFAMOUS Second Son’s new Photo Mode — a toy I’ve so far been unable to stop tinkering with.
Next, Ryan took the director’s seat to create a music video — comprised entirely of in-game footage and one of SHAREfactory’s included musical tracks.
Finally, Sid went for a more educational angle, explaining how SHAREfactory itself works — and tossing in a few video editing tips he picked up along the way.
There you have it! Three solid, perfectly respectable videos created by people who had literally no idea what they were doing. Now it’s decision time:
That does it for us — now it’s your turn. Download SHAREfactory on your PS4, start creating, and share with the #PS4share hashtag. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Definitely liking Share Factory thus far. It’s fairly easy to edit together a string of clips, once you get a feel for the interface. It’s a little un-intuitive at first, but I appreciate how everything is accessible within a few button presses. The only improvement I can imagine would be contextual menus, as opposed to opening an edit menu with a bunch of options. Still, it’s pretty simple to develop a video.
I know I’m far from the first person to voice this, but as someone who doesn’t have a Facebook account or want to get one, I’d appreciate the ability to upload directly to YouTube. It wasn’t so hard to export a rendered video to an external drive and upload through my computer, but it’s an extra couple steps that could be eliminated by making use of YouTube’s API.
One other tiny criticism and less a comment on Share Factory, but the manual could be easier to flip through with hot-linked glossary at the top of the microsite.
Thanks for all of the hard work developers. It really shows and I think this will be a big win for the Sony and the PS4 user community.
I’m pretty sure I’m wasting my time since nobody responds to comments after about 30 minutes after the post goes up, but I would really, really, really, really like to delete the icon for Share Factory from my PS4. I have no interest in this app whatsoever. I will never use it. I will never record gameplay video. I will never upload gameplay video anywhere……basically it’s just a nuisance icon on my PS4
I would also like to delete Video Unlimited, Music Unlimited, Capture Gallery, The Playroom and Live from Playstation. Again, I refer back to my previous comment where I would never use any of this and it’s just cluttering up my PS4. I know you guys are proud of all this, but I use my PS4 to play games. All this extra stuff is just clutter to me.
Also, we need to be able to sort our icons in alphabetical order, sort our Library in alphabetical order, sort our download list on vita, PS3 and the web store in alphabetical order……Do you see where I’m going with this?
Okay, it’s nearly been a whole week. Is there any kind of indication on when we can expect some more content for this? New themes/FX etc? I know, I’m greedy… but this thing has serious potential.
here is my first go with the SHAREfactory!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OvDoEs4l5Q&feature=youtu.be
@BahumatIsBack (52)
You don’t like sharing gameplay clips of your accomplishments, or making game walkthroughs on YouTube? Or watching movies on your PS4? Not even for Netflix?
Plain game systems don’t exist anymore, it’s all about multimedia convergence (having one box that does everything). I bet you want a phone that just makes calls, because who needs apps, music, and the internet on a phone, right?