SHAREfactory is now available on PS4, alongside System Software Update v1.70. A dead-simple rich video editor, SHAREfactory lets players capture gameplay clips (a process that’s been streamlined as part of the v1.70 update) and add transitions, music, commentary, and more to turn their raw footage into full-fledged videos.
The PlayStation.Blog team — with painfully little knowledge of video editing — ventured blindly into this new app to see what we could come up with… and we think the results are pretty admirable given our lack of expertise! As it turns out, SHAREfactory is deceptively full featured, despite its instant accessibility.
Watch our videos below, then tell us whose is best. The editor who gets the most votes will forever bear the title of SCEA SHAREfactory Champion, and all privileges associated with it (I’m getting a belt made). Of course, we want to hear your arguments for each of our entries in the comments, as well.
First, I put together a tips guide for inFAMOUS Second Son’s new Photo Mode — a toy I’ve so far been unable to stop tinkering with.
Next, Ryan took the director’s seat to create a music video — comprised entirely of in-game footage and one of SHAREfactory’s included musical tracks.
Finally, Sid went for a more educational angle, explaining how SHAREfactory itself works — and tossing in a few video editing tips he picked up along the way.
There you have it! Three solid, perfectly respectable videos created by people who had literally no idea what they were doing. Now it’s decision time:
That does it for us — now it’s your turn. Download SHAREfactory on your PS4, start creating, and share with the #PS4share hashtag. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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