We are very pleased to share that Backgammon Blitz will be launching April 15th for PS3, PS Vita and PS4, priced at a bargain $7.99 Not only do you get the first ever recreation of this age-old board game for latest and greatest generation of consoles, but there is also the brand new and exclusive Blitz arcade mode, which takes the wonderful game of Backgammon and adds a whole new layer of depth and strategy.
I’m just the messenger, of course. The talented folks behind this lovely little title are known as VooFoo. Having made a name for themselves with Hustle Kings and Pure Chess, Backgammon feels like a step onwards and upwards for the studio, taking all of their strengths (gorgeous art design, a subtle but stylish approach to UI) and none of their weaknesses (cake night each Friday has always been their Achilles heel) into the next generation of platforms. VooFoo Studios yet again have done a fantastic job of making their visuals really stand out from the crowd — just check these screen shots below.
For me — and I hope you’ll agree once you’ve gone hands-on with the final game — VooFoo aren’t “just” developers cutting and pasting established and proven games into the videogame medium. They’re evangelists, born and bred on the classics, determined to do them justice and eager to return them to center stage in a time of frivolous here-today-gone-tomorrow apps and minigames.
The team are keen to whet your appetite for backgammon, so they’re offering a trial version of the game that’ll teach you the rules in an instant and give you a glimpse of Blitz mode (I’ll leave you to discover the joys of Blitz for yourself).
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