Today’s Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn post is especially interesting for those of you that have never played a subscription MMO before, as well as those of you who wonder if a monthly subscription is really for you.
When you buy a single-player game, the expectation is usually the same. Buy the game for the full price, and some DLC will follow. Final Fantasy XIV is fundamentally different, as it’s an MMO that will run for years.
With Final Fantasy XIV, your subscription fee will guarantee you regular content updates throughout the lifetime of the game. The first update hit last December with Patch 2.1: A Realm Awoken, and we’ve just launched the feature site for Patch 2.2: Through the Maelstrom.
Just a few features (not even all) that will have been added to the original game with 2.1 and 2.2 updates:
- New Main Scenario Quests, continuing your story
- Two new raids
- Housing
- New Dungeons
- New Dungeon Hard Modes
- New primals to fight: Leviathan and Good King Moggle-Mog XII
- A new difficulty for primal fights, Extreme Mode
- Player versus Player Combat
- Treasure Hunts
- New factions (Beast Tribes) with Daily Quests
- Tons upon tons of new quests of all kinds
- New customization options for your characters
- Tons of optimizations and new features for the game
…and the list goes on and on (honestly, it does — you can check out the patch notes for Update 2.1 here). There’s something in it for everyone — no matter if you like to casually make your way through the game, or if you’re a hardcore, endgame raider. And remember: all of that for the subscription fee starting at $12.99, no PlayStation Plus required.
But it doesn’t end there; we’ve got a lot of stuff planned for the future. You’ve learned by now that there’s housing — how about having a basement in your house where you and your mates can build your own airship? Awesome, right?
This is what you get for your subscription: a world that will constantly evolve and expand, for years and years to come. If you want to have a go at it, remember that our second PS4 beta phase will take place from April 4th to the 7th (and yes, you’ll be able to carry characters created during beta 2 into the final game). We’re launching on April 14th, and if you want in, feel free to pre-order now.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Eorzea!
@50 it’s $40 NOT $60
*Points to Guild Wars 2*
No monthly fee, stable great servers, free dlc expansions, free updates, extremely player friendly gameplay mechanics and great jobs, tons of content, and is not even remotely pay to win.
Yea I don’t think I need to go on, Subscription based games are a rip off, and those paying for them need to stop fooling themselves…. MMO’s CAN easily maintain servers and give content without having monthly fee’s.
I love this franchise, I really do, I even bought this game a few months ago but I cant find the right moment to play it, why? for those $12.99, is just to much money for me, i´ve been hopening that the price of the subscription drops because if I start the game like this I will be running everywhere trying to do everything very very fast, and I dont like playing that way, so… the game is there, like an ornament, and reading all this comments I realized that I´m not the only one. The game dont has to be free, for all the updates and that… bur $12.99 is like a very new game, I mean… with $50 PSN plus gives me a tons of games in the year, and then $12.99 comes to more than $155 in a year just for some updates… Well… like I said, I love this franchise, more than any other, but this is the far that my love can get me =/
1.8 million people disagree with you. Your opinion is invalid.
You’re apparently not very good at math.
I love how people offer many kinds of data about other models yet realize that for the average joe, this model is bad, period.
Subscription… If the game was free and needed a subscription, ok, it’s a better way to start, BUT, $60? That’s why I gave up on Elder Scroll online.
Sony give us, plus members, A LOT of games, from a LOT of game companies and other stuffs for $50, why they can’t make a subscription fee of $50? Is about the content? I guess a whole GAME is more expensive, and they give us six games per month! Some INDIE, some A and even AAA games some time.
This next wave of the beta I gotta check this out. I kinda want to see what this is all about!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn’t ever pay $40-60 for a disc than have to pay a monthly subscription on top of that anymore after I did it with WoW… it was such a waste of money.. i could only keep interest for about 3-4 months of WoW….I prefer multiple games. Most people could give 2 shets if u have 10 level 60s with max armor.. that’s all for your own pleasure which is just a waste of time.
What you guys SHOULD be doing is charging $60 for the disc, $20 for the case it comes in, $30 to install, another $55 dollars to play the game in color instead of black and white, and some kind of ‘processing and convenience’ charge of $79.99, once a week. I mean this is what gaming is coming to right? You can charge someone $2.99 every time they press a button if you want to. I mean why not? Isn’t this the way the industry ends? Let’s get to it Sony!
It is REALLY tempting. For one of the best MMORPGs out there I can’t really ask for FTP, but on the other hand I just don’t have the budget to swing a $13 a month subscription. Maybe if I get a promotion someday… *fingers crossed*
And how many subscribers has WoW lost? LOL Monthly subs for games at this ridiculous of a price tag are for the few who cant seem to find any other games they like and have an addiction to playing MMO’s.
Should be free with a Plus subscription.
I personally dont think the Final Fantasy realm has that many fans any more that could command a premium price like this.
Oh well, company greed keeps showing its ugly head in every other industry without going away so why should the gaming industry be any different.
Awesome, now where is my Dark Knight Job?
Instead of making Final Fantasy XIV a subscription based money eating MMO they should make it a one time forever payment system like with Guild Wars and Blizzard’s Diablo III where you buy the game and it’s free forever after that.
will there be a pre-order on psn? I have enough credits to buy a CE >.<
I think the biggest issue with paying a monthly fee is time you dedicate to a game. Most of us gamers live much more busy lives than we did a while back, so playing a game everyday sounds unrealistic. I for one play 1, maybe 2 hours a day, so if I have to pay for a subscription, I will have to dedicate those hours to that game to get my money’s worth. I am not against it, and I certainly think it is fair. I work as a web dev, so I know how expensive bandwidth is, and for something as HUGE as FF(which as I been reading, is like 3 million+ players), it does not come cheap. I do think a bit unfair about the price of the game itself. $40 for a game you will be paying monthly to play(literally, as there is no single player mode), I think maybe $20 sounds more fair. Then again, you are getting the first month free, so maybe I they are just seamlessly charging the first month lol
Anyways, this game has my thumbs up, and really wish success as it was extremely fun to play the beta, I am sure the full game will be better.
I have no problem with subscription fees. I feel more ripped off by spending 60 dollars on a game I beat in a week. I’ve spent more money on FIFA than I would all year on a 15 dollar a month game.
I never understood the decicion to make the online Final Fantasy games part of the main numbered series.
Does anyone who has played this game know how the game time cards work? Is it counted as actual time spent IN the game or is it just a clock that runs regardless of whether you play or not?
For those complaining about the 12 bucks a month. Ether get a job or understand that 12 bucks for a MMO is nothing especially with the updates they are giving us daily. Not to mention the game is only 40 bucks not 60
I totally agree. Playing FFXIV with that pay format would be perfect for us and profitable for them. There would be so many more subscribers to enjoy it. We’re talking FF people. The majority of us saw it’s birth and/or grew up with it. Much love SE.