Hi everyone! The next system software update for PS Vita, version 3.10, will be available for download beginning later today. This update brings some anticipated and useful features to PS Vita, including the ability to display more than 100 applications on the home screen (we know you’ve been waiting patiently for this one), and a new Calendar application.
Check out some of the new features and changes in PS Vita’s 3.10 system update below:
- You can now display up to 500 applications on the home screen.
- A Calendar application has been added for PS Vita, allowing you to set up gaming events with your friends. Sync your Google calendar to have all your events with you on your PS Vita. You can also share your favorite events by using the Messages and Email applications.
- A new “Manage Content on Memory Card” option has been added to the Content Manager application. You can now view the data on your memory card, making it easier than ever to manage content on your PS Vita. You can now view memory usage by content type, and delete content and applications.
- You can now send and receive voice messages using the Messages application on PS Vita. Exchange voice messages with your friends and players on PS4 and PS Vita.
For the full list of new or revised features in PS Vita system software update 3.10 and instructions for updating your system, please visit this page after the update goes live later today.
Let us know what you think of the new update in the comments below. What new feature are you most looking forward to?
But when will it come on the playstation website..the download. Anyone know?
setting up events on the calendar does not display the correct time, if the event is weekly. Please fix!
500 apps! YES!!!! Voice Messages, yes!!!!
Fantastic update!
Amazing update :)
This update messed up my 32GB card as well. The same problem everyone else is having. Sony get your crap together. I’ll just buy a new one and return the old card I guess since Sony won’t do **** that doesnt take days or weeks.
This 3.10 update bricked the system. It won’t go past the Playstation logo, then the boot loop… Without the memory card, it works fine.
This update messed up my 32GB card as well. The same problem everyone else is having. Sony get your crap together. I’ll just buy a new one and return the old card I guess since Sony won’t do anything that doesnt take days or weeks.
Is it only messing up people with 32 GB cards?
This is just unacceptable Sony
nice! the updates just keeps getting better and better, now if you could just do something about the UI….
I wonder if any compensation will be given or are people just stuck with bricked memory cards? I just got back with my new one but I wonder what would happen if I couldnt just go get another one? I bet I would just be left out in the cold. I bet sony wont do anything at all.
Lost save data :(
@ TooLegit505
It seems to affect 32 GB so far. Same thing, can’t boot properly with the 32 GB card inserted.
I’m having the same issue. 32GB card is no longer working. It is working ok with the 4gb card I have.
I think the brick only occurs on the stick that was inserted when the update occurred and it seems to only be 32 GB sticks. Weird! Anyone contacted Sony or came up with a fix? I would not use a 32GB stick to update if you are reading this and haven’t updated yet.
@ TooLegit505
Well, that sucks. If the memory card got corrupted just because of this and we lost the save data, Sony won’t have the happy campers on their door.
I think I saw one comment from the page 5, that Sony is aware of this problem.
Yeah and I tried everything to get it to work…….no dice. Recovery wasnt possible.
An error occurred when I downloaded the update. The error code is E-fffffffc. Do you know a way to fix it?
Bricked my 32GB card as well. Was told by ps support that in order to get the memory card serviced I had to provide the receipt. Not cool Sony.
I love the updates that came out! But. When can we see Dual Shock 4 controller support on a Vita?
@PantsBandit that sucks but doesnt surprise me. Sony ought to be ashamed. Just buy a new one but return the old one with the new packaging and receipt
Bam new free memory card.
@TooLegit505 True, could do that. Though I hope Sony steps up and addresses the issues their mandatory update caused.
@PantsBandit who wants to wait until then? They probably wont even do anything or acknowledge it. I play my vita everyday downtime is not acceptable
if its the update then why they keep trying to get me to send my vita to them its just messed up
Thanks sony i like that you guys added that you can see how much memory a user is using on an application i was just saying i wish i could see what application was running up my storage, when i first got my memory card i put it an my vita A 8gb an i saw the system took about 1gb i was cool with that but now i check back an the content memory manager in it says the system uses 2,172Mb an for download use 1,361Mb wich adds up to 3,533Mb if some one had a 4Gb there sad right now. is there any way you can decrease the system uses wn download use next update?
I love the sexy design of the calendar. I like how now I am actually able to see how much memory I have used on my Eminem songs =) Something that I reckon we shoukd get is an offline alarm app that allows you to play mp3, I tried wake up club but it wasn’t for me. Other suggestions are what others are saying basically (multiple accounts on one vita,etc.) Other than that, Thanks for this update I am quite impressed.
i never post, but just wanted to chime in and say that this update also bricked my 32gb. i updated my vita with the 16gb since that is where my PSP games are stored and i wanted to get monster hunter. Put back in my 32gb to play Final Fantasy X and now i am in boot loop. Just got the game yesterday with over 10hrs on record, just hoping i didn’t lose my save file.
The update bricked my 32gb card as well. I called support and they said a patch ‘may’ be in the works. There wasn’t too much confidence in the reps voice. I’ll give it a few days and use my 16gb card while they work out the issue. PS BLOG team, if you are listening, please notify the powers that be of this issue. Thank you.
Wow what a major screw up on top of other recent screw ups. Sony is slacking
Completely bricked my 32GB card. Can’t even figure a way to format it…holding R + PS + PWR won’t even get it to safe mode with the card in. Last time I ever buy a sony portable….
please fix!! the 32Gb memory card problem!
and i am sure that the memory is fine because i use it in another vita (whitout the update) and works fine! but the same vita (without the update) i updated too and get the same error!!!
It’d be nice if someone from Sony would come on here and at least acknowledge they are aware of the issue. Not only are people potentially losing valuable save files and game data, but those memory cards are not cheap! At the very least Sony better be ready to offer some refunds if a fix is not possible, as all of the memory sticks were working fine before this 3.10 update.
I usually have good success with Sony products and I’ve really enjoyed my Vita. This is a major issue, though, and depending on the solution, could cause me to really think twice about keeping my Vita or selling it.
Crap my 32GB card doesn’t work now either. Didn’t think to check the forums until. I had to break out my 8GB card for lunch hour at work tomorrow.
I am using a new 32gb card on 3.10 with no issue as well. the card the update was done on is toast though nothing would make it boot.
+ TooLegit505 but the card is working with a non updated version vita. is have to be the update!!
My vita messed up I have a 32gb memory card also it won’t boot up it shows the sony logo repeatedly what do I do?!!
Please fix 3.10, I had to connect my vita to a PC and it still gives error e-fffffc please help asap
@ Dope_Gamer713 there is no fix the only option is to get another memory card or wait for a fix.
wow…32gb bricked. Wonderful work here.
I do not see how they could just put out a patch to fix this issue though as the affected cards will not even get passed the Sony logo. If all of them must be returned to them that sounds like an expensive mistake for them
+ TooLegit505 If you find a solution tell me on psn you can send messages with the playstation app no more FFX for a while :(
This is really sweet!!! Thank you Sharon for the details :)
@ Dope_Gamer713 the only fix as of now is getting a new card and restoring saves from the cloud. I tried recovery mode and holding power for 30 sec then releasing and holding for 5 more seconds (if thats even something) and googled past problems before just buying a new card and returning my old one.
Hey, I see that a lot of people had that 32GB card issue, but I am not able to download the update at all (thus preventing from accessing PSN for any online features. No store, no trophy updating.)! It keeps saying my unit (PCH-1101) can’t use the update. Not very nice since I can’t make use of Plus without being able to access the store! I am happy I got stuck with a 16GB card, though. I’d have been pissed if I lost all my save data!
Also, I’ve never noticed it copying my Vita saves to the cloud. Does this have to be done manually, or is it automatic and just not mentioned?
Can anyone confirm that this update doesn’t corrupt the 32 GB memory card? I mean, can it still be used on a different Vita?
@TooLegit505 there’s no way I’m buying a new card especially since they ****ed mine up
Just chiming in to add a comment that yes indeed, my Vita’s 32 GB memory card was bricked by the update as well. This is a problem and I expect Sony to compensate me for it.