Hi everyone! The next system software update for PS Vita, version 3.10, will be available for download beginning later today. This update brings some anticipated and useful features to PS Vita, including the ability to display more than 100 applications on the home screen (we know you’ve been waiting patiently for this one), and a new Calendar application.
Check out some of the new features and changes in PS Vita’s 3.10 system update below:
- You can now display up to 500 applications on the home screen.
- A Calendar application has been added for PS Vita, allowing you to set up gaming events with your friends. Sync your Google calendar to have all your events with you on your PS Vita. You can also share your favorite events by using the Messages and Email applications.
- A new “Manage Content on Memory Card” option has been added to the Content Manager application. You can now view the data on your memory card, making it easier than ever to manage content on your PS Vita. You can now view memory usage by content type, and delete content and applications.
- You can now send and receive voice messages using the Messages application on PS Vita. Exchange voice messages with your friends and players on PS4 and PS Vita.
For the full list of new or revised features in PS Vita system software update 3.10 and instructions for updating your system, please visit this page after the update goes live later today.
Let us know what you think of the new update in the comments below. What new feature are you most looking forward to?
Ah~! FINALLY I can stop erase my apps to download new games!!!
Great job Sony.
@ GyroDriveSmasher
I had the exact same problem. I called support and they wanted $129 for them to fix it.
What I ended up doing was removing both the game card and the memory card from the Vita. I then did a hard reset (holding power for 30 seconds) When I powered the system back up without the cards this caused the system to boot automatically into safe mode with only two options (1&5). Choose option # 1 and hold these buttons as soon as you do. (Home+R+Power) This put be into safe mode again this time with all options. I chose (Restore PS Vita) and let it do its thing. Now after this I was able to use the Vita like normal just without a memory card. As soon as I would insert the memory card it would go black and into a boot loop. So I removed the memory card and restarted again and then powered off the system by choosing (power off). With the power off I inserted the memory card and started up the system again while holding (home+R+Power) this opened up safe mode with all options and I was then able to choose format memory card. After the format every thing works fine.
I am downloading all my games and thank god I had PS Plus as all my saves are uploaded.
This is great news. I’ve been hitting that 100 app limit. Glad to that it’s much higher now. :)
please add multi user also for ps vita !
nice update!
It’s finally here more than a day late.
Multiple accounts on the vita!! (note that it has to be allowed for the multiple accounts to be from different regions!)
Is the PSN store ever getting a wishlist?
i agree we Vita lovers deserve weather app an ebok reader and everything else id love a PS Forums app specifically for Vita where it keeps you logged in and you can instantly post. Plus make every digital game compatitble. Plus be able to organize your photos music and videos in created folders. i hate scrolling through 100s to get to 1 you know? An facebook update where we can upload our videos andyoutub too. we still cant commnt on videos we watch
Increasing the app limit is definitely a step in the right direction. Any word on when the 64 GB memory card might go on sale in North America, though?
Not able to sync Google calander, just constantly gives me a c2- something error code.I see that error a lot.
Anyone have trouble with this update? I updated and now my Vita won’t get past the PS logo. The weird thing is, if I take the memory card out my Vita boots up just fine. Or if I put in another older Memory card its fine. Anyone have any suggestions? My Persona4 save game hangs in the balance.
@ CayRo70
Please Contact Sony using Live Chat or something similar. Let them know that this is a problem so they can fix it instead of telling people to go get a new card or send in your Vita for repair even though the card worked before the update and every other card still works fine.
Just when I made the decision a few days ago to not buy a 64 GB memory card, the app limit gets removed. Now that decision has been revoked.
Adding my “Yay” and thanks to the list!
Will there ever be Vita version of FreeFlight for the Parrot A.R. Drone? It’s the only thing that is stopping me from buying a Vita. I have looked the nVidia Shield but seems clunky and not as nice looking as a Vita.
Hey Sony Love the new update but Could u guys add a calculator app
Thank you very much SCE, I’m very so happy with my Vita!!
Thanks for the update. Its funny thought to think that I just said to myself they should add a calender app. What next should be added is a calculator. Because I bet everyone carry their vitas more than their phones
You are killing the enjoyment of the device for my family. My wife, not a huge gamer, would love to play some of the titles but isnt interested in doing it on my account. So, she plays it never. My oldest son, only 6, LOVES the vita but doesnt gain access to my PS+ or purchased titles unless my account is on the device. But if its my account on the device, NO ONE ELSE can use it for remote play…. seeing how they’ll be signing into my account on the PS4.
Please, please, please see that this is only hindering people from enjoying your system. There is no justifiable reason to keep it this way.
@ GyroDriveSmasher
Thanks for the advice. Just got done talking to a rep. They said they are aware of the problem and are looking into it now. Hopefully my 50+ hour Persona 4 can be saved.
@ CayRo70
While my P4G data is safe because I uploaded it my 30+ hour FFX save is not. So I’m in the same boat.
What up gamers!! Man, that’s good that they got that for the ps vita system.The problem is that I don’t got Wi-Fi on my PS Vita.
Microsoft listened to their fan base and changed how the Xbox One works, right before its launch. Now, Sony, will you do the same and start listening our request? We want to have more than one account per Vita. We already have to deal with the overpriced PS Vita memory card, and yet you keep pushing your luck.
There are many people who own many Playstation devices and use multiple accounts on them. The reasons are vast. The ability to create your own personalized settings is just something we all enjoy. It would be a nice feature if the secondary accounts could enjoy the content on Playstation Plus from the primary account. Giving your family and close friends the ability to explore the Playstation world is good for everyone. Of course there needs to be guidelines set, but I see nothing but benefit for the consumer and Sony if someone could pop open my Vita, log into their own (secondary) account and play the content from the main account.
it would be a way to expand even further, the reach of your content.
Wow pretty awesome update a lot of advantages now thats how you do Sony…the app limit wasn’t a thing bothering me yet…but I’m glad you guys fixed that before it did…100 to 500 is an insane change…good job.That thing of voice messages is pretty cool too.I got a question though:
Friends of mine sent me some voice messages from PS4 once but it didn’t worked…does it mean that it’ll work now?
So far, my favorite part of this upgrade is the boot loop my Vita is in.
Is anyone having a problem with this update? Ever since, I have had trouble deleting apps/games from the home screen. I then tried to power it off and it wouldn’t so i had to put it under safety mode and reboot. Then the app appears white with no data once turned back on. It finally deleted, but it took a while. Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem.
i want a better browser and faster lbp vita internet connetion a special online thing that you can play with friends similar to ps home
Hooray for having a brick! At least I’m not alone. This update hates 32 gb cards for some reason, it’s stuck in an infinite boot loop. Please fix this soon! I really don’t wanna lose all my saves….argh.
Only thing missing is
– the Walkman App for much needed improved boost in loudness, bass, treble, etc (doesn’t make any sense why it isn’t in, like how a Vegas Studio Editor isn’t in for PS4 especially now that VIAO is no more)
– real time Messaging. Really the worst as I would mostly always miss invites, Messages, Party Chat, and other Friend notifications due to the 15 Minutes at the most update.
– Line App
– fix the Live Area wallpaper feature. Resolution would always be lower quality than the original Photo.
– Bluetooth internet connectivity (now that 3G is no more)
Mr. Kazuo Hirai 平井 一夫 stated “One Sony” so by now I’d expect ALL Sony software (again Walkman, Vegas Studio) to be in ALL Sony hardware in some form or another.
Can we have auto-dimming options please? For video streaming services like Crunchyroll, having the screen autodim gets really annoying.
For content manager, I like streaming music from my pc to my vita, but if I put the Vita on standby mode the music automatically pauses even though there is an option to enable wifi during standby mode, can this be changed please? As you can use standby mode with the music that’s already on the Vita just fine.
I would also like to reinforce the comments of multiple accounts and memory stick restrictions as well, I feel these issues is holding the Vita back from being as amazing as it could be.
Please reduce the price of memory cards as well, the memory cards are at least 3-4x the price of other cards for the same amount of space.
Hi, the calendar is a nice feature, but what about a PDF Reader ?
I think its a powerful platform, and it can be used to read some school papers or books
Is there a plan to include it on any update ?
Nice! I always look forward to more PS Vita updates!
Updates are nice and all, but I am not to happy with these minimal updates.
1. Custom icons
2. DS3/DS4 bluetooth support
3. Allowing 2 PS Vita devices to share a single account.
4. Changing NEAR so it makes sense!!!!!
5. Custom background music
6. Twitch/Ustream streaming from PS Vita
These are a few things I would like to see. An entirely redesigned interface would be great actually.
This update broke my memory card. I am unable to boot my vita in safe mode to reformat my memory card. With the card inserted it goes through a continuous loop with the logo.
A new bricked PS Vita! I own a wifi OLED model and a 32 GB memory card. It keeps restarting with the Sony symbol in an infinite loop. I hope the problem is solved soon, because I do not want to format the card and lose all my data.
Be careful and if you want to update make a copy of your data (32 GB owners)… just in case!
Oh man, sad news to hear about incompatibility with 32gb cards (I’ve got a 32gb and a 64gb, neither got the error).
I can’t believe I forgot all about this request.
Add a global search feature to the UI that sits in the notification icon), this should make moving about the system way quicker if you have tons of games (like me, a proud owner of three PS Vitas).
Since we are talking updates. when will there be more psvita panels for the profile? you guys should do a new panel for every game release miku cough cough. Or you could do a art contest please that will give playstation a community feel.
i have a 64 gig that was at the 100 app mark
so thanks for increasing but i wish i could get
more than 10 home screens too since you can still
only have 100 apps outside of folders
I just downloaded the update and it crashed my system. It’ll turn on and than shuts down. Any advice?
After installing the 3.10 update (have a 32gb memory card), the system would not automatically restart. Instead, I get the flashing blue light and flashing PS logo on the screen. I can get the Vita to work on my old 8gb card, but all of my recent saves are tied to the 32gb card.
I hope Sony is now aware of the problem and is looking at a way to solve it. I am not going to be happy if I have to reformat my 32gb card.
sell the vita and buy a nintendo 3ds.
finally!! much appreciated this update is, hope we get more and more good stuff like this.
Sweet!!!!!!!!!! NOW for something important to others, when is Minecraft for the PS Vita coming out??
Amazing!!! hope to see more updates in the future.
are we able to get refunds for memory cards we cant use, or games that we cant play? i am unable to play ffx that i just purchased digitally a week ago, i dont own two memory cards. pretty infuriating sony
These changes are great. Glad to see all the new features added to an amazing handheld. However, I have had some severe problems. My 32 GB memory card won’t work at all. It just keeps restarting with the memory card inserted. :(