Here at PlayStation, we listen closely to your comments and requests, which are weighted heavily when looking at the future of our platforms. Since PlayStation 4 launched, we’ve heard a lot of great feedback from you about what you like with the platform and what you’d like to see us work on. I’m happy to report that, as a direct result of your feedback, we’ll soon be bringing some of your most-requested features to PS4 with a system software update in the upcoming weeks. These features and additions will help make your PS4 even more socially connected by further enabling you to customize your most epic gaming moments and granting even more options to show them to your friends.
This upcoming update will add a rich video editor with a simple tool to personalize your video clips, and you’ll also be able to export to and save the videos and screenshots you create by pressing the SHARE button to a USB drive. In addition, this update will add an HDCP off option for capturing gameplay via HDMI, a feature we’ve previously said would come after launch. We recognize that some gamers want to record and share longer clips of their gameplay sessions, and we’re excited to deliver this option with PS4. There’s a lot more coming in this update as well, so stay tuned for more—there will be plenty in the update to excite everyone.
As part of a separate system software update in the future, we have been working with our partners at Twitch and Ustream, and will also be adding the ability for Twitch broadcasts to be archived – another highly requested feature among PS4 fans who are taking advantage of the SHARE button features. These broadcasts will be also provided with a higher resolution of 720p, so PS4 fans can enjoy live broadcasts with clearer images. We’ll have more to come on these updates and more in the coming weeks.
Great news! But, what about:
1)MP3/ Video
2)YouTube! I want create video in editor and share it on YouTube in full-hd!
Please, add its features)
How come we can’t comment on activity feeds?
Customizable PS4 desktop?
Same PS1 / PS2 classic support that the ps3 has … ie NOT streaming w/ a subscription cost.
I was hoping this would be the update to add CD playback, MP3 support, and DLNA streaming. I will not be buying a PS4 until those features are added.
It’s great to hear that we’re getting some much requested updates. Can’t wait to see what comes up with it as well. One thing I would love is general Bluetooth headset support. I have a turtle beach headset and have to connect it each time. Would love to be able to use the headset to its fullest
Nice upgrade, thx Sony! PS4 the best! BUT! I know it’s boring: audio CD’s 3D Bluray support please, please, please!
Can we get a nofication when your friends are online, like in the PS3 when a notification pops up on the top right corner of your screen.
The famous CE-34787 error always shows up when I´m going into chapter 4 in Thief and now I´ve played the game five times up to chapter 3 and it´s getting a little frustrated. Is this Update going to help with that or is my PS4 just broken ? Tomb Raider,Outlast,Assasin Creed BF, Dead Nation and DC universe all worked fine.
How about Friends notification when they log on or off? You guys are all about socializing but we can’t even see when our friends come online…major setback as that simple feature is in PS3…
But all in all, good patch, keep them coming…I mean, we are paying more now in Canada for PS4s so if I pay more, I want more…
Most want MP3, DLNA, you tube, UI enhancements like being able to read messages in a pop up in game without having to go back to the OS, or friend notifications. The current OS is fast but a disorganized mess, the main horizontal bar gets cluttered and messy quick and whats new is a mess. These are all more important then the share function.
I’m proud to be a part of PlayStation Nation since PS One! The PS4 has really captured my love for the brand like my PS2 did years back. My most longed for feature is suspending a game which was mentioned during the PS4 reveal. Is that still coming? Keep up the great work! :)
After 1.61 update sound in nba2k14 dissappear every 10 seconds,I use hdmi cable,and I searched in Internet,this problem appears a lot.can you fix it?
Sony also talked about suspend/resume at launch, and nothing since ugh.
Sorting of installed games is a mandatory implementation. After seven years, and more than 200 games installed on my PS3, it is extremely aggravating, and frustrating, that I am required to search through this massive list, one title at a time, through 200 titles when I want to play a different game.
When can I listen to my CDs???????
*alphanumerical sorting, specifically.
i guess like ps3 early firmware which was better then any firmware that they made, after the hacking stuff, we had better xmb, we could listen to a song then press ps button to see the music list and choose the song without having to stop the song and back and forth crap, with videos and games as well, somehow they took that out with the others os support, so instead of being better it went down the drain. but then sony said they learned from their mistakes, doesnt seems like it, will wait for better more exciting features to come on future firmware upgrades, exp. dnla, ps now, 4k-8k uhd support or native upscale – since the 4k uhd tvs prices starting to drop…
Thanks sony :) I hope we get mp3 support later this year for games with custom soundtracks like WWE 2k15. Playing video files from a USB would be great, but no rush as I still use my ps3 nearly every day.
does this mean that I can stream Madden without it pixelizing and having audio with frozen video? It’s weird because I can stream the menus just fine, and even other games… but madden online head to head just doesnt like me much.
Also, It’s not every time. Occasionally i have a good stream, but lately its been meh.
I’m looking forward to being able to archive broadcasts on Twitch! I do that with my pc/mac broadcasts and am glad that we will have that ability from console :D
still no music really? nice update but cant believe still no music
thanks sony!
Download management, Friend sign-in/out notifications, Sub-account to Master account upgrade, Broadcast and Share via sub-account, label whether a user is signed in on PS3, PS4, or PS Vita (the Vita already does this…. )
These are some pretty big features. Please do not forget them.
i can finally use my avermedia game capture hd 2 with my ps4 and make some sweet vids for youtube ( not for money just for fun )
You know this is coming any time you post about updates for the PS4… so here comes the obvious and always asked for features me and everyone else are still waiting for…
1) CD and MP3 Playback
2) The ability to play Video files with an expanded video codec catalog such as AVCHD,MP4,AVI,WMA,MOV,MP2, and so on (i have all my HD home videos stored on my PS3 and would like to have them on my 4 as well)
4)Always on functionality like the PS3 instead of the choose standby or off
5)More custom features for the OS
6)The use of external storage for backup and playback
That’s it for now as i know you will be hearing about this all day…
Bluetooth profiles for after marker headsets such as turtle beach px4? Please and thank you
I’m glad that your adding all these great features. I just hope that you don’t forget the ones that have been already promised…please (MP3/AAC playback, Video playback of MP4, MKV video files, DLNA support, Suspend & Resume).
Other PS4 Improvements:
*Bluray Player – Please improve the Bluray Player. Especially by adding Multi-tasking while playback. I don’t know why I can multi-task while watching streaming content, but not a Bluray.
*PS4 UI Customization (Changing Backgrounds, Themes, Etc.)
*Organization of all of our content and Friend List with Folders
*We need an Official PS4 TV remote control.
*Text Input – move the cursor by sliding a finger on the Dualshock 4 and pressing the X button to choose your characters.
PSN Store Improvements (All PS Platforms):
*Gifting PSN Store content to friends!!!
*Better filtering of content. Especially in the download history.
Thank you guys so much, I was just talking about wanting some of these features for editing videos. I’m glad you guys are listening, just keep the lines of communication open with us and all is well.
I hope the editing program will let us fully edit videos. I’m just saying if apple can put iMovie or pinnacle studio,avid studio on a iPhone or iPad I’m shore the ps4 can get a full Pledge app. just saying
Please add an option to disable the DualShock4 light.
One thing I really miss, is 3D Blu-ray support. I just bought a PS4 and a new W905 bravia tv, but I can’t watch my 3d blu-rays :(
Is 3D blu-ray support, something which will arrive this year?
now we need racing wheel support with drive club coming soon i have driving force gt and would love to be able to use or an a option to map the DS4 controls to it. need for speed rivals needs support for it to. the mapping thing might be easier so every game could work the racing wheels.
im just curious, now i could be completely wrong or just misheard completely but i thought at E3, it was said that there will be a feature where you can play your friends game. For example, lets say my friend is playing knack and was having trouble with a certain part of the game, then through the use of this feature i mentioned, i can take over his game and help him beat the part he is stuck on. am i correct in what i heard? or did i hear something similar? if so what was it that i heard? cuz it really interests me
I want to be able to resume my play session exactly where I left off if I suspend the system. This feature was mentioned by Mark Cerny.
Also the DLNA/MP3/CDs and be able to use my ps3 bluetooth media remote.
BC compatibility would be nice.
Where’s DLNA/MP3 support we need more update wallpaper my ps3 can do more then my ps4 Sony don’t drop the ball now!
I hope it’s not too late for anyone to see this because I’ve been posting about it all I can. The MAJOR thing I want isn’t a firmware updates it’s to force developers to support 2nd, 3rd, and 4th player trophies. That’s all!
when why carnt you just say in sted of making us guess
3D Blu-Ray please!! Just got a 3D TV last month, so it would be nice to have.
I’ve been waiting for HDCP off because it interferes with my tuner / projector setup.
I’m really hoping you’ll give us the option to turn the ds4 light off. Not everyone uses pseye, and the light is so bright and distracting since it reflects off the TV and projector screen. I dont want to have to open the controller to unplug the light :(
When can we expect to see YouTube App hit PS4? I also like to upload a video clip after I edit it straight to YouTube. I rather not mess with a PC if I can avoid it entirely. I have my Twitch account setup to archive video’s so it sounds to me when you/they enable that my archived videos will finally publish to my YouTube account as well since I have my YouTube account linked on my Twitch account as well. So is this true? Will it automatically upload to my videos on Twitch to my YouTube account from my Twitch account? Looking forward to all these great features and more hopefully very soon :)
Easier, faster way to check out a trophy I just earned.
and trophy sorting options
How about Customizable backgrounds and a option to see when our Friends come Online/Offline. i hate always having to scroll through my friend list to see who’s online and offline. PLEASE REPLY. and thanks.
Can we be able to use the touch pad on the controller to scroll and swipe through menus, especially the main menu. And be able to use it to move the cursor in the web browser. Thanks! that would be awesome, its such a great innovation for the PS controller but so far it is being used for nothing.
Will we be able to watch videos stored on USB drives?
I really hope one of the share features to get tweaked is the ability to capture the party chat.
How about disabling trophies. Like opt out.
Disable of the DS4 LED.
I’ve had it for 12 hours, and I like the PS4, just can’t wait to get home and play more resogun.
This sounds like a great update. Usually updates are boring or sometimes even bad. But this one is actually exciting.
Still waiting for a name change feature. This is one of my biggest desires.
Now a little off topic…in regards to the new VR headset, how will that work? HDMI? Will we be able to capture that experience through HDMI as well? Or is it too early?
Anyway, thanks for a great update!
Any word on whether we can get the abiltiy to share pictures/videos directly to another computer in the network in stead of online?
The USB drive is a good start, but it’d be nice to be able to upload it either to a digital storage service or directly to another computer on my network.
Either way, thanks for the updates!
Looking forward to 3D Blu-Ray support for movies. Loving the PS4, it’s getting better all the time. Thanks Sony.