Greetings from GDC 2014! Earlier this evening, I had the pleasure to introduce Project Morpheus, SCE’s prototype virtual reality (VR) system that works with PS4. Virtual reality is the next innovation from SCE that we believe will shape the future of games.
I have long dreamed about VR and the possibilities it brings in regards to game development. This new technology will deliver a sense of presence, where you as the player actually feel like you’re inside the game and your emotions feel that much more real.
Our current prototype for Project Morpheus features a head mounted display with 1080p resolution and a 90 degree field of view. Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors built into the head mounted unit as well as PlayStation Camera accurately tracks head orientation and movement, so as your head rotates, the image of the virtual world rotates intuitively in real-time. Project Morpheus also features our new 3D audio technology that re-creates stereoscopic sounds in all directions and changes in real-time depending on your head orientation. In addition to PlayStation Camera, Project Morpheus works with DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless Controller and PlayStation Move to deliver an easy-to-use, plug-and-play VR experience.
The prototype for Project Morpheus is the culmination of our work over the last 3+ years as we’ve refined our vision for VR. This prototype will serve as the first development kit for PS4 developers that are as enthusiastic about this new medium as we are.
At GDC 2014 this week, attendees will be able to check out Project Morpheus in action at the SCEA booth through a handful of technology demos.
Would love try one! If only the PS4 would be available in my country. Still waiting since release.
Way to bring the 90’s back. It has been done.
A weekly/monthly podcast showing the development of this potentially revolutionary device would be very interesting.
ogenki desu ka i love you your alsome shuhei yoshida! i wish i could meet you your my shin yu!!!!
This is fantastic, I can’t wait to use it with a game like War Thunder or Drive Club
Can people who need to wear glasses use it?
I am glad sony is make this move, I really think this will advance/upgrade our entertainment system (ps4). We know that this is just a prototype but is their any info about the date, and will it play on all games. Best of luck Sony!!! :)
Yoshida-san, please don’t let this become vaporware. If this disappears all we have is the Oculus Rift. Most of us are here because we can’t afford or don’t want to game on PC. An affordable VR headset that works with my PS4, PS Camera and has only gaming and Sony approved software to the masses? A VR dream come true for most. Bring this to the masses! :)
I meant to say “Sony approved software in mind?” Got a bit ahead of myself sorry!
More ways to experience my games:) Thank you sony for all that you do for us. I will forever support the Sony nation. It seems like since 2009 you guys really started listening to gamers and giving us more bang for our buck. Ever since then, you guys have been on a roll. Im grateful. Keep doing what youre doing.
Its great to see that , Sony actually has instant replies to our feed back. It shows why they are worthy of the name of Microsoft Slayer lol :)
I have purchased everything sony has came out on day 1 since ps2 with no regrets and this will be no difference please sony keep this momentum for all us loyal fans
Yes PS4TheWin. Project Mopheous will literally be game changing excited to see this happening. I will finally get to be a Sith Lord . Lol hopefully
I cant wait for this. I’ve been wondering when a real tech company was going to release an updated version of this. Im assuming this will require a wired connection so it’s possibly going to be USB3 or HDMI whichever offers less latency right!? I still havent gone next gen because I knew this was in the pipline. And I knew MS wouldn’t talk about it until they saw Sony first because they rarely innovate they replicate. even the kinect was a response to the PSeye and Wii. Glad your th3 front runners. As long as you guys stay strong with In house software/hardware development and and as long as the PSN stays improving I may go back. Unlike most of your customers I’m a dev myself so I was a little disappointed last gen until you guys went to Java. Now with a fundamental change in hardware and dev this will be a real war. A real Virual War. :) I can’t wait… You guys are fueling th fire!!!! Let that MOFO BURN!!!!!!!!
Yes PS4theWin.Project Mopheous will literally be game changing really excited about this. Id like to see the nxt Star Wars game intergrated with this like Attack Squadron, or Battlfront.
Another digital watch from the future
While I am aware this is probably very early on in the life of this prototype, I have some questions. (Also, I’m aware you might be saving any info for E3,) so just feel free to tell me you can’t talk about it if you can’t talk about it. Will there be a specific controller to go along with this, similar to how the Oculus Rift has a pairing with the Razer Hydra? Or will it just be for use with the Move? If it’s for use with the move, will a new “Move 2.0” be in the works as well, because that product was exactly how motion controllers should work. And one last question, will there be games that are Morpheus exclusive, (Similar to how there were games that were Kinect only, like Kinectimals,) or will there be games that are playable with or without the device?
hi Shu Yoshida
could you tell me about the safety for this device, as if something is on your head and your physically moving around is that going do cause damage to yourself of anything close by in the same room, also i like the design, it seems promising :)
Three words and this will be a day one buy for me:
Sword. Art. Online.
..you know, except without all the mass murder stuff. <3 Shu!
For something that has to cover your entire face and is pretty much guaranteed to make you look silly, this thing actually looks alright! I’m excited to see what developers do with this!
And how about the weight? I think it will be very important to this.
It looks really cool. But I’m a bit concerned about the 90 degree field of view. Isn’t the average human field of view something like 110 – 135 diagonally? so if it’s 90 degree diagonally I’m concerned about tunnel vision.
What’s the culling going to be like? how much of the environment is going to be buffered before you look in a particular direction? because if it’s too small there would be lagging and it would really break immersion.
Of course, these are just thoughts, you guys are sony and the PS4 is a marvel of engineering. I have every faith you’ll make it well and make 6 million gamers very happy.
Can’t wait to use this with Gran Turismo!
This is awesome!!
I really hope they add something so spectators can watch you play. For instance if playing with the VR head unit how can my wife watch me play? You know?
Aside the VR tecnology I think Sony should re-think the prices of PS4 in Brazil. They’re spending almost a car value on it. Project Morpheus looks amazing though.
I have been waiting for this for decades now. I will absolutely buy this product on day one, but I implore the developers to extend the viewport to 110º or whatever is suitable to completely encapsulate the user’s field of vision.
Im so excited for VR tech! Id love to have a .Hack or SAO type game, and I think if Sony plays its cards right it could be the next big thing. Also can I just say Project Morpheus is the coolest name ever?
All the time I was hoping that you will create something like Oculus Rift, but this is more amazing. I looks awesome and I can’t wait to get it! ^_^
Is there a promising chance that this could be released to the public in some ways or another anytime soon or?
Ths better have support for all first party for the entire generation, as an optional add-on.
this is a bad idea… why not instead sponsor and support the developers of the Oculus rift so it can reach it’s finished, retail version? then help make that Playstation compatible?
That is one beautiful piece of hardware… the only concern for me is price and the 90 degrees field of view which should be 180 degrees.
should have slot tht allows the playstation headset to fit with it
This looks amazing i feel that my gameplay experience will feel much more exciting with this VR
I think we can start saying #GreatnessAwaits again :)
Damn this looks impressive…and mindblowing.Well I couldn’t keep myself from buying almost every accessory for PS3 so I doubt I will be able to contain myself with PS4 lol….will buy this in the future.
I am really curious if this will have 2 seprate lense displays. Also if the moving floor that was making news a few years ago would be used to eventually make it almost a system in itself. Not sure if I’m remembering everything right.
I’ll be blunt, I have a huge head, I can almost never find a hat that fits, so well there be a difference in size? Or will it be fit guaranteed?
If the final product weighs in more then 2 pounds I suggest you either A) looks for ways to decrease the weight or B) move on to another project IMO.
Looks great, I hope you manage to pull this off perfectly while staying within a reasonable price range. Will love to try it out as soon as it’s out.
PS4 talks to old Mac 512K! How cool is that?
How can developers apply for access to this kit?
WOW!!! man you guys should be very proud of yourselves I mean this is the future lol seriously I think now I understand why the PS4 price went up to 450 its because of this right, I mean it obviously cant be the same price as the console so you guys bumped up the price for the PS4 a bit so there is a gap in price between this device and the console it self and please correct me if I am wrong
Ok sony so this is ur chance to shine, if you make games CO OP with this thing you guys will have my money for sure. But if i still see a decline in co op and or fighting games that u can fight ur friend when he is next to me then it will turn me away, pls be the first company to make vr co op or couch co op pls pls pls last chance to make thing like the old days but a lot cooler :) it be call if games like infamous was vr compatible just saying ;) (make it happen)
What are the differences between this VR and the HMZ-T3W (beside 2x1080p vs2x720p screens and motion sensors)? Should I investin HMZ-T3W set or wait for this VR?
After this VR release,will be the next version of HMZ with at least similar specs (2x1080p should be great!)?
Keep up the good working guys!,
I hope this thing will give my PS Move some use
This is definitely the future of gaming, have been wating for something like this since DOOM 3. Outlast would be a sweet experience.
This looks very promicing granted the price can be low enough to have a broad install base, i think the biggest thing they need to figure out is the motion sickness aspect for VR, i believe more in the sound capabitity so the users ears are balenced tricking the mind that its legit, anyways good start Sony just please take your time to deliever the best experience for everyone !!!