Greetings from GDC 2014! Earlier this evening, I had the pleasure to introduce Project Morpheus, SCE’s prototype virtual reality (VR) system that works with PS4. Virtual reality is the next innovation from SCE that we believe will shape the future of games.
I have long dreamed about VR and the possibilities it brings in regards to game development. This new technology will deliver a sense of presence, where you as the player actually feel like you’re inside the game and your emotions feel that much more real.
Our current prototype for Project Morpheus features a head mounted display with 1080p resolution and a 90 degree field of view. Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors built into the head mounted unit as well as PlayStation Camera accurately tracks head orientation and movement, so as your head rotates, the image of the virtual world rotates intuitively in real-time. Project Morpheus also features our new 3D audio technology that re-creates stereoscopic sounds in all directions and changes in real-time depending on your head orientation. In addition to PlayStation Camera, Project Morpheus works with DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless Controller and PlayStation Move to deliver an easy-to-use, plug-and-play VR experience.
The prototype for Project Morpheus is the culmination of our work over the last 3+ years as we’ve refined our vision for VR. This prototype will serve as the first development kit for PS4 developers that are as enthusiastic about this new medium as we are.
At GDC 2014 this week, attendees will be able to check out Project Morpheus in action at the SCEA booth through a handful of technology demos.
Add some gloves and some boots and we’re in business. I’m an engineer and designer so if you need some help let me know.
Will this mean, we have to get rid of our tv?
Looks promissing,
but why not work together with the Oculus Vr Team?
But I have to say: If the final Product is as good as the Oculus or even better.
it wuld be a definite reason to buy the PS4.
As long as this is under 300 dollars then youll see me buying this on day one.
Nice! I hope this is successful like the oculus and doesn’t wind up like nintendos attempt!
I believe the console wars have just been decided. Hopefully this also increases the sales of PlayStation Eyes so we will see more support for them in the future even though they don’t come with the console.
First let me say on a personal note this is fantastic news, good work Sony you’ve just netted a new PS4 owner. So excited for E3 this year. Keep up the good work and congratulations on a fantastic launch.
Secondly, Will there be opportunities for indie developers to get a hold of the SDK and prototype? Will you be making the pricing of the dev kits public? What route would a dev have to take to approach SCE about developing with the kit?
Thank you
My setup doesnt allow me to put a playstation camera in front of me (ps4 and videoprojector way behind the couch). is their any plan for a wireless camera, or am i doomed to never play with this awesome VR system nor the move ?
Looks great, being a VR fan and already having some VR HMD’s I’m enthousiastic about Sony finally doing a real VR helmet. Hopefully they will look at the old ‘forte VFX-1’ when it comes to comfortable design, yes it might look bulky, but it’s the most comfortable consumer helmet I’ve ever had the pleasure wearing. With today’s materials it could be much smaller and lighter as the original, but still retain the perfect way to fit over different people’s head.
Also I do hope the new Sony headset won’t be locked to the PS4 only, and will also be possible to connect at least to a PC, otherwise no matter what the price of the headset is (guessing that it will at least be $300+), it will be too expensive if you can only use it with the PS4.. Also by making it possible to connect to a PC, Sony can sell even more units, it’s also why I don’t understand why they won’t create good drivers for windows for their dualshock’s and move peripherals..
Hopefully we won’t have to wait that long before it’s released, as they will face stiff competition from Oculus Rift..
Good luck…
I’m backing this VR technology 100% I will be there DayOne for this just like I was with the PlayStation 4. I really hope the looks of it do not change because in my opinion it’s Perfect it looks amazing! It also looks very comfortable can’t wait to see more of this hope it’s at E3 2014.
Knowing Playstation and their beautiful surprises such as this one, for something as amazing as this, when the final product comes out it’s gonna sell just as much as the PS4 did. No one in their right mind wouldn’t get something this exciting.
I’m gonna go buy a Playstation Camera right now so that I can have it work when it comes out ^^
You have my attention. Look forward to seeing more , and hope to see it on shelves soon. Hope we see more support for this than other Sony peripherals. 3D, PS CAM, and Move have been completely abandoned thus far on PS4.
Couldyou imagine games like Skyrim or Fallout even DeadSpace would be amazing on this !!!! Cant wait!
Can’t wait to see how Microsoft steals this idea from you guys and make it worse
This looks really promising :) I hope it gets the developer support it deserves. And I’m already daydreaming about playing a Wipeout HD/Fury ‘remake’ with this ^_^ That would be an insta-buy for me!
Looks incredible ^^
Take my money now !! Yoshida san awesome !!! It looks too cool ;)
This news made my jaw dropped when i watched this on IGN!. My god i can’t wait for the final product keep it up guys and i’ll be waiting =)
I like it :3
So the final product probably won’t be out until years from now, I don’t care then. Just give us games.
will i be able to wear my glasses and project Morpheus at the same time?
Hey shu I would like to know if the VR headset will work with people who are vision impaired, I have 1 eye the eye I can see out of works absolutely fine but since i haven’t tried out the headset yet i just would like to know if the headset will work if I have 1 eye??? if it does i will buy one 100% pre ordered day 1 for me! thanks shu :D
I know this probably wont get answered but has anyone conducted testing on motion sickness with this device? I have heard they cause people with even a mild susceptibility to motion sickness to get disoriented and can induce other sickness features ;)
I agree with the poster that said Sony does not support products after launch like the Vita and Move. I am also worried about a device like this that will be expensive, have limited games available and probably just fall out of Sony’s line of sight due to not making enough profit to pay the help.
3D = fail
VR will probably = fail also
Maybe by the time this comes out all the PS4 owners will actually have games developed specifically for their console though LOL
You made my day, Sony! Is it possible to know if Project Morpheus will be compatible with previous games? I’d like to play Flower on PS4 with PM! :D
Thank you for the answer! ;)
I don’t like the idea of having to link this to a playstation camera for it to work. Where’s the Innovation in that?
Game changer. Nuff said.
Can;t wait until we get the actual product in our hands.
Keep up the great work Sony !
I’ve been with Sony since PS1. I was there through the golden age of gaming (PS2), and the Dark Age when everyone and their mother just hated on Sony left and right (PS3)- but I never gave up and never lost faith. Now look, Sony has come back swinging and is now leading us all towards the promised land-…VR!
Thank you Sony.
Thank you Yoshida.
Thank you Cerny.
Thank You Kaz.
Great idea, and huge potential for development. This system would not only work for games, but simulations and training purposes also. When can developers get a devkit and start playing around?
You guys have got to stop bringing such amazing gaming to the market. No one is going to get any work done. Seriously, this looks glorious, and I’m pre-ordering just as pre-orders are available.
I know this is only a prototype, but I hope that the future retail model will have much more ergonomic than the Personal viewer from Sony, see the Practicality section of this review on the 3rd generation of Personal Viewer http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/sony-hmz-t3w-personal-3d-cinema-review-and-giveaway/
Project Morpheus is a game changing development. It may be wise for Sony to consult with a VR veteran such as Sensics (which has had contracts with NASA and DARPA), which can lend an extreme amount of perspective on what makes compelling VR. Sensics also has a wireless display technology with sub 1ms latency for 1080p video! Technologies like these make them very attractive as a hardware partner or as a general consultant.
This is truly next gen can’t wait for it and it will be very nice if a sword art online game will come :)
BTW I hope this VR headset will be compatible with games in stereo 3D, even if it means decreasing the display resolution at 720p to make the game run smoothly enough.
I’ve tried the Oculus. I had a good time with it. Utlimately, though, the Oculus Rift’s problem in my household would be that it doesn’t work on a platform I play videogames on. Morpheus does, so as long as it all works well, you can be sure I’ll want one of these in my home. I’ve got the PS Camera, so that’s out of the way, but I feel like you kind of need this thing with some wireless headphones, the camera, and the PS4, and worry if Joe Averageguy is going to be willing to buy all of that.
looks amazing cant wait to see the final product, i have been with play station sense i was like 2 so this is a day one buy for me i do recommend to get games like the forest or some survival games with this and your gold keep up the good work cant wait to see what you guys are showing at E3
JPG and MP3 and MPEG playback on PS4 first please…..
Just leaving a comment to show my support i want this badly please don’t be vaporware and I hope we get much more info soon.
Wow this will be a huge plus to the ps4.. Can’t wait
I wish I could get to San Francisco to check this thing out! This will be a must have for me when it comes out. Hopefully by then PS4’s are in stock in my town.
Amazing news! Glad to see Sony is fully adopting this advancement. Although VR has been around for some time, it hasn’t been until recent that technology could keep up in terms of latency, pixel density, and immersion.
Also good to hear that it is being treated as a platform, and not a peripheral. This needs strong developer support, and getting it into the hands of those who can innovate with it is key to the success of this technology. This is a good day!
Yes, you guy are the best. But I hope you promote a game with it, a new different game I will give you an idea of storyline game in 1080p and with multiplayer THE 47 RONIN. The story of the 47 Ronin is one of the most celebrated in the history of the samurai.
SONY give a little more honor to your own culture.
and yes Theme, PG, MP3 and MPEG playback on PS4 first please…..
Why only the 90 degree field and not 180 degrees?
Shu, please add a Shu avatar on the PSN. You’re the best!
This is amazing. It’s got so much potential…so. much. potential. I’m stoked.
Sony where are the promised media features for the ps4?
It’s totally outrageous that it doesn’t support these features yet but last gen did. This is the reason I have not bought a ps4 yet. Sony please get your act together before XBONE gets you.
One word: FINALLY!
Please make sure that this allows people who wear glasses to feel natural and comfortable.
Be nice to play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn with it 8-)