As you may have seen just a few weeks ago, SCEA’s SVP of Marketing, Guy Longworth, revealed the first campaign spot for the upcoming PS4 exclusive, inFAMOUS Second Son. Featuring the tunes of Seattle-based, Mudhoney’s “Touch Me I’m Sick,” that gameplay spot is an awesome example of the sorts of experiences you’ll be having later this month when the game launches.
We think the spot was a great kickoff to our Enjoy Your Power campaign, and as we were working on ideas on how to communicate the absolute joy that comes from having extraordinary powers, we started to wonder, “What would it be like if it happened in real life?” From there, the seeds to this new spot were sown. After a few months of hard work, we’re all happy to show you what we think that might be like… and how much fun we think it would be to mess with (Or shake up?) the D.U.P.
We can’t wait until Second Son launches on March 21st so you can tell us what you think of your powers.
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