PlayStation Nation,
It is with mixed feelings that I inform you that I will be stepping down as President and CEO of SCEA effective March 31, 2014. This is a result of a mutual agreement with SCEA, and I leave knowing that the PlayStation brand has never been stronger, PlayStation 4 momentum continues to accelerate, and the future will only get brighter for our gamers.
Serving PlayStation fans for the past 19 years has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my career. Your passion for gaming inspired me every day.
I want to thank you for constantly pushing PlayStation to deliver breakthrough gaming and entertainment experiences, and to never settle for “good enough.” The embodiment of this commitment can be found in the PS4, which has quickly become the #1 next-gen console worldwide…thanks to you.
We’ve shared many memories over the past two decades and I’ll always be grateful for your support.
Thank you,
Jack Tretton
Please dont pull a Phil Harrison move and sign over to Microsoft
I will miss jack, although I hope the new CEO will offer great things and Wud continue the legacy.. I still would like to see sony making mark cerny as a CEO. ;#). Jack it was 15 years of play, and I will remember as the guy who is a legend And the best E3 ever especially last year.. U showed competition.. ;#) I really wish u Stay:#) have a wonderful future
Laying off staff at Santa Monica Studios, Amy Force out of Naughty Dog and now Jack. What the hell is Sony doing over there. Whatever it is don’t f up the momentum you have now. Bring in people that will screw things up. These people are people we know. I will miss Jack at E3 I liked him a lot. Shawn I hope lives up the shoes of Jack. It’ll piss me off if Jack and Amy went to Microsoft camp. Good Luck Jack and as a PS loyalist we’ll miss you. This is very odd.
Thanks for everything Jack!!! T_T
OOOH NO what the **** Jack NOOOOO!!!!!! i’d rather have one of the Playstation AAA title developers step down then you. but whatever profession you go with after i wise the best of luck to you.
Jack Tretton we are going to miss you every time at events like E3 and ect. Your super awesome boss on stage. :)
Thanks for everything and best of luck in whatever you had plan next on.
Thank you for such a fantastic work, Jack. You will be missed, have no doubt about it. Sad to know that we will no longer have you on stage for E3.
Thank you Mr. Jack Tretton for everything you bold strong message for PlayStation community Long. Live. Play!~
Please don’t go to M$.
this is shocking love u jack miss u.
Thanks Mr. Tretton for everything you did to make the Playstation brand what it is right now. Best of luck in whatever you decide do next! We will for sure miss you.
Why? This is stupid. Who is taking over the E3 presentation? GL Jack in future endeavors
Also, although I’m at the SCEE region, I know jack tretton.. The legendary jack tretton and PlayStation.. Salute. From everyone at the PlayStation nation. Thank u:#)
I’ll miss you, Jack. You actually cared about gamers. I with you the best of luck and happiness in the future.
Wish you the best of luck.
Good luck Jack. I can’t imagine what E3 will be without you, but trust the PS brand to carry on stronger than ever.
Nooo why Jack why? E3 won’t be the same without you, always enjoyed listening to you talk at E3.
Really sad to see Jack Go. Its been great having him serve has President & CEO of SCEA. Best of luck of whatever direction which you take. He’ll surely be missed!
Wow! Very disappointing news to read but I understand that sometimes you need or want to move on while you still can. Thank you for the years of entertainment and being there for the community! I wish you nothing but the best of luck and success with whatever you decide to do next!
Mr. Trenton
Thank you for your service and for being an awesome CEO/PR guy. Hopefully KAZ gives you a nice FAT farewell check!
I also appreciate how you helped set standards and weren’t scared to risk venturing on independant projects or innovate services.
I wish you the best on your future ventures!
Sad to see you go, all the best Jack!
We will miss you, Jack ;(
You are awesome!!!
Thank you for the great memories!
Thank you very much :)
Best of luck Jack!
Thank you so much for all your hard work over the years.
You hit, ‘a home run!’
– A
What’s with all of these changes at Sony suddenly? Why all of those layoffs at Sony Santa Monica? Why is Amy Hennig gone from Naughty Dog? And now this? You’d think if Sony is leading the console war you’d want to keep things how they are.
What?? Why?
I literally screamed out “NOOOO!” the moment I read the first sentence. I was loud enough that my wife came running in from outside to make sure I was ok.
We’ll miss you Jack.
(Sigh) too many sad news in my life now. First my neighbor and my aunt pass away on me and now this. Well at least you’ll be alive and doing what you have to do. I’ll miss you Jack and nobody can replace you when you take the stage at E3 and give out the best PS+ announcements. Best Wishes
Jack you were my favorite! Right up there with Shu! PlayStation loves you and you will be dearly missed! You have been the best to us!
Dammit man, you’ll be missed.
Success isn’t enough is it. You are going to go to a company that is not doing so well and try to do it all over again aren’t you? You don’t need luck, you have done a great job here at Playstation but the 31st seems odd, wonder if you are going to hit us with an April Fools but I know it won’t happen. I could only wish tho
Thank you for everything you did for us as gamers, Jack. A true legend in the industry that will be greatly missed by all of the PlayStation Nation. All the best for whatever you decide to do in the future.
Jack you will be missed.
Whomever steps into your position next has big shoes to fill
Thank you Mr Tretton!!!! You help change the culture of Sony and the Playstation brand. Been loyal to the Playstation brand since 1995. You will be sorely missed. Thanks for making Playstation fun!!!!
Hey Jack,
Thanks for everything that you’ve done with Sony and especially the PlayStation brand over the past 19 years. You’ve left the PlayStation 4 in a wonderful place all thanks to great people such as yourself and others.
All the best with future endeavors! =)
Thank you for all your hard work Jack! We as playstation fans who’ve been through the rough times want to thank you for wanting to turn the company around and changing things! We will miss you thank you for everything!
Best of luck Jack Tretton. We will miss you. Wish you luck with your career and family. The Playstation Nation Solutes you. o7
Good luck Jack.
It is a sad day in the Sony universe. Thanks for everything Jack and best of luck to you in the future.
Thanks for all you have done for PlayStation and gaming overall. You will be truly missed. After your 2013 E3 speech, your going to be a tough act to follow. Good luck in retirement or where ever life takes you. Cheers and BEYOND!!!!!
Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Don`t go!!! PlayStation and E3 won`t be the same with out you! I`m so depressed! :(
All the best Jack.
I know I’ll miss your input into the Playstation brand … and I’m sure I’m not alone.
Take care
Happy trails Jack. Don’t be a stranger.
well dang, thats really undortunate, but im glad you took care of the company while you were there, hopefully we wont fall off with out you, and hopefully you find something that you can make amazing and excel. all the best of luck to you and your future endeavors
Ohh so sad that you’re leaving Jack but so happy in other words to know that you won’t be forgotten
And THANK YOU cause you made those announcements that only Playstation could have and only you could give to us.With dat smile and those amazing speechs.
Good luck on everything Jack, you deserve the best and you won heaven for being that great with Playstation and specially with a whole community that will miss you and remember you to the end
Good luck!
Good luck! You should start working at Nintendo, they need a good CEO like you and someone who knows how to make a great console. But please dont go to M$ or EA. ;-)
We’ll miss you. I can’t imagine a E3 conference without you. Best of luck.
Mr. Tretton, thanks for giving us a better part of your life to make sure certain things got done for us gamers.
If you ever wished to return we would welcome you with open arms since us serious gamers know that you put pressure in certain areas that needed some attention.
Keep it cool and best wishes to you and your family as the best years are still ahead of you.
Just another PS member.
Fare well Captain Jack
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring
Oh man – thanks for the greatness, Mr. Tretton. It takes balls to have your ad campaign be centered around that phrase – “Greatness Awaits” – but I can’t think of a single gaming platform holder who can make a better claim to it than Sony. This past generation was a roller coaster ride; you guys whiffing it initially, and then fighting back with great features and investing in studios. The unique, world-class exclusive experiences we saw on PS3 – Uncharted, Infamous, Sly Cooper, Puppeteer, Starhawk, Twisted Metal, Modnation Racers, Littlebigplanet, Rain, Tokyo Jungle, Killzone, Ratchet, Motorstorm, etc. – just freakin’ crushed it. The PS brand is the best in the world, and you had no small part in that!
So thanks for the memories and good luck in the future, Jack! :D
You will be missed, Mr. Tretton. I wish you the best in the future. I wish you would have been able to do one more E3. It was always able to see your passion about PlayStation and gaming on the stage.