Awesomenauts is making a major comeback today on PS4 in the form of Awesomenauts Assemble! If you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, you’ll get the added bonus of a 20% discount during the first week.
Awesomenauts Assemble! combines modern, team-based multiplayer with classic, alien-blasting action. You’ll play as one of 15 interstellar mercenaries, each with his or her own unique abilities and upgrades. In battle, you’ll team up with two other players. These can either be random players or friends, both online or offline through splitscreen. Together, you’ll be facing off against a team of enemy players, automated turrets, droids, and the local wildlife as you try to blast your way forward towards the goal of destroying the enemy base. And you’ll do all this on lush, hand-drawn alien worlds.
If you last played Awesomenauts on PS3, you’re definitely in for a treat. The game has seen an almost complete overhaul, from the menus and balance to the netcode, everything has been improved. On top of that, a lot of content has been added compared to the original release. Awesomenauts Assemble! more than doubles the amount of characters, while also adding a new stealth-focused map and awesome, downloadable skins.
New character additions include Gnaw, an adorable alien dog-creature that can dominate areas with his acidic spit and spawnable minion turrets. Skølldir, a big space Viking whose groundstomp shakes the very planet, has also joined the team. Then there’s Ayla, a devious little girl with unimaginable psychokinetic powers. Just make sure to get out of her way when she becomes enraged. These are just a couple of the examples of new Awesomenauts you’ll be able to play with, adding more variety to a roster that was already varied.
And even more characters are underway! As you may know, a big expansion to the PC version of the game was funded through Kickstarter last year. This expansion included five new characters, custom game settings, and a brand new map. We’re happy to announce that content from this expansion content will be making its way to PS4 when development on that is further along!
When we first created Awesomenauts, our vision was to bring the fresh experience of the MOBA genre to console. And we wanted to do it in a way that fits consoles, by making everything more direct, more skill-based, more colorful, and — in the end — more fun. After we launched Awesomenauts on console back in May 2012, we moved it over to PC, and we’ve been expanding on it ever since.
Now, over a millions copies later, we’re happy to finally play the updated version from the couch again. All thanks to the amazing porting abilities of our friends at Abstraction Games, and of course, the power of PS4.
We’ll see you online!
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