OlliOlli is out today, exclusive to PlayStation Vita for $12.99. Those of you with a PlayStation Plus account will get a 20% discount on that price for the first week.
We’re super chuffed (yes, chuffed, we’re chuffed), we can’t wait to get your feedback and see what scores you post, especially on the Daily Grind. We’re giving you a five-day head start before Nikos, our senior coder, is allowed near a Vita and starts busting some serious high-scoring moves. You have been warned…
Once everyone has trained up enough and we start to see some ludicrous scores, we’ll be running a competition to see who can get the highest score on a particular day of the Daily Grind. The lucky winner will receive one of our exclusive (There’s literally only two of them!) OlliOlli Skateboard, Helmet, and MANDATORY First Aid Safety kit, but more about that soon!
We really hope you enjoy OlliOlli. We poured a lot of love, time, and devotion into this project, and we hope that shows!
If you fancy any tips and advice on how to rack up some radical scores, then do check out our Creative Director John Ribbins displaying his uber skills in these videos here.
For full details on all the modes, please check out our previous post and feel free to take a peek at our YouTube channel
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