This Week in PlayStation

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This Week in PlayStation

Guys guys guys guys, OlliOlli is out on Tuesday. It’s so close!

Ahem. Here are a few of this week’s highlights.

We’ve got a pretty killer 14 for ’14 sale going on right now, but you’d better get on it quick-like if you’re interested. Puppeteer is $7 for PlayStation Plus members! $3.75 for Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon! I daresay these deals may, in fact, be too good.

HBO GO is coming to PS3 soon, and PS4 after that. So, I guess it’s time to catch up on that there Game of Thrones so people stop yelling at me because I’ve never seen it. I hear it’s a pretty cheery, uplifting show so that’s good. The Last of Us’ single-player DLC draws ever-nearer, and we’ve got an insightful Q&A with Ashley Johnson — the voice of Ellie — to tide you over. Killzone Shadow Fall’s first pair of new (and free) multiplayer maps got an official unveil, along with a couple insider tips to help you not get dead. Toukiden, the popular Japanese demon-slaying action RPG, is getting a western release on February 11th. I can’t say I know a ton about this one, but our recent blog post has got my interest fully piqued.

What are you playing this weekend? I’m full-on addicted to Assassin’s Creed IV — sailing the open seas and wrecking any ship that has the gall to sail within my cannons’ reach is just too good.

This Week’s Top 10 Posts

Most-Watched Video of the Week

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