If there’s one thing that video games have taught us through the years, it’s this: don’t fall on your face. Really, just let that one sink in for a bit. Falling on your face hurts, it’s embarrassing, and more often than not it interrupts your score combo. Fortunately, a new, retro skateboarding game named OlliOlli is here to train you on avoiding faceplants. It launches this week on PlayStation Vita.
OlliOlli combines the fun of pulling off tricks with the thrill of one-life gameplay. In order to keep your score going, you’ll need to hit every single landing perfectly. No falling on your face. OlliOlli features more than 120 tricks and grinds to master across 50 brutally challenging levels. Train up, and you could even take on the Daily Grind — a worldwide, one-time-only challenge to earn a highscore in a 24 hour period.
For a complete list of games and demos coming to PlayStation this week, head below. And enjoy the Drop!
New PlayStation Releases This Week
Demos and Betas
The information above is subject to change without notice.
Ryan, is there any news on whether or not the ps3 version of Dragonball Battle of Z will be day one digital on psn january 28th? If so, will be able to start preordering it on tuesday?
Calm your hormones. It’s called the winter slump. It’s like this EVERY YEAR. From just before Christmas to February almost nothing gets released. By ANYBODY.
@22 check out yes-asia instead. I got my 64gb for about $93 shipped.
I’ll be picking up olli olli. glad to see a toukiden demo, but sad that its starting to look like dustforce isnt coming this month :(
Looks like little BabyOfSarrow here wants to embarrass himself to the public even more. Did you guys know he wet his pants when he saw last week’s sales? It was pretty funny so I thought I mention that.
@Arikado-7 And that’s why you’re a baby just like little BabyOfSarrow here. The only thing that’s fallen is your stupid head.
@tj5678 I’m not going to be surprised if Japan decided to keep the 64 GB cards for themselves. I’m getting tired of waiting for Sony to even bother bringing it here because I have a lot of digital vita games thanks to sales. Thinking about importing it in a month if it doesn’t come then.
@ElektroDragon Xbone doesn’t have new releases either. Are you going to blame Microsoft for not releasing new games too?
@djsaiyan I sure do hope TMNT: Out of the Shadows still comes out though. There’s some people out there that just want to get it for nostalgic purposes no matter how broken and buggy it is. Can’t blame them since there probably TMNT fans.
Oh yes! Gimme that olliolli 16bit goodness!
@39: hahahahahahaha! One per week? Hahahahahahahabababa.
3 Weeks and still no good game for psn are we going to get DBZ full game this week for pre-order or not plz do tell ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BabyOfSarrow ? hahaha still on them middle school name callings. that was just as weak as this drop. someone must of dropped sony’s sack into his mouth as he cant stop enjoying every last drop every weak. Smfh pathetic
hey Mr. Clements, is the CAPCOM published game DustForce still coming out this month. they said back in October that the game would come out for the PS3 and Vita in January 2014.
when are we suppose to get the PlayStation 4 firmware update for the USB bluetooth headset’s because a lot of people are getting annoyed because we can’t use our headsets until you guys fix it it seems like you guys won’t have the update this month it maybe next month or the following month but it just seems like we’re waiting a long time this should of been fix’s for the first place…
Thx for the advise on the 64gb vita card to #26 27 51 53. Just ordered one imported from Japan. Can’t wait to download all my vita games to it!!!! Thx again- Tom
Ryan, can you find out what the deal is with War Thunder? This is a huge disgrace, all in my face. Game is awesome. Why is it not yet out?
Any idea on when Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows will release on the PSN?
I’m Def getting OlliOlii game looks sickkkkkk brahhhh
I wanna shout a bunch of loud and funny words
Please can we get a release date for mlb the show? I can’t even preorder it yet.
War thunder to please._
PS4 rocks btw.
Will we be getting more PS1 classics anytime soon?
Megaman Legends
Jade Cocoon
Vandal Hearts
Suikoden 2
I’m betting that most people are getting annoyed at how slow it’s been the last few weeks. I understand that it’s just that time of year and nothing’s really coming out on any other platform. It is what it is.
However, I think this would be the perfect time to fix some of the issues with the PS4 like video and mp3 support and support for those expensive headphones some of us bought. I personally have a $200+ pair of Turtle Beach headphones and would like to see it fully supported on the PS4. I am perfectly happy with the 7.1 stereo sound that it’s capable of and will not buy another set just because it says PS4 on the box and there’s no hardware difference between the two. Bluetooth support for the mic isn’t too much to ask for
My PS4 is getting delivered Tuesday and I hope to see these features soon which should be standard in this day and age in this level of home electronics
Valkyrie Profile ps1 and Valkyrie Profile (PS2) as psn classics please. I’m begging you
Wow “Toukiden: The Age of Demons — PS Vita Demo” tnx Sony so i can check it out before purchasing full game :)
Dear Sony
We want MAG 2. It’s the number 1 requested game on ps blog. Please don’t ignore us.
Thank you
My ps4 gathers dust as I cannot stream media to it, and no games until march…Where is DLNA, you tube, MP3 headset support sony? It’s later January.
Please certify psp DLC for the ps vita. XD
If nothing is being released this month at least put up some PS2 CLASSICS
Seems a bit lackluster this week, whatever I`ll be giving the Toukiden demo a try whenever I get the chance this week.
Toukiden demo YAY…was waiting for that.
Gotta say that Lucifer Ring game looks very cool,I missed it on PS1….but they say its like Golden Axe hu?…looks right up my alley…damn I love Golden Axe.
Nothing for ps4 as usual. February 5th is a long time to wait just to get one video game. Discounts on movies would at least be nice. Being a ps plus member is a waste definitely for ps4 users
This Ollie Ollie I like definitely & the toukinden demo is sensational for PS Vita!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, and Tecmo’s Deception. With a new one on the way, I’d love to play the older classics.
Still no Digimon World 3 :(
Will any of our progress carry over into the retail/digital release of Toukiden? Please also consider allowing us to re-purchase Playstation Plus free games permanently while we are still subscribed or have not re-subscribed. It’s disgusting to think that I could own Soul Sacrifice for $9 if I hadn’t received it for free a few months ago. Why not take my money if I’m willing to give it to you?
Looks like the baby still continues crying. And if you didn’t notice, those names are the same number of letters for Pain. So it’s legit. You calling them middle school name callings means that you must be in middle school yourself and still act like a baby.
Sorry guys, can’t help myself being a jerk if BabyOfSarrow keeps being a jerk to me first. He’s the one who starts crap with me for no reason while I mind my own business. If he attacks me, I’ll attack him.
@tj5678 No problem. Enjoy using your Vita to the full potential. I so wish I can afford to import a 64 GB card now so I play every single game I got on sale, but I can’t because of funds. So I’m going to be stuck with the 8 GB for a while.
I can remember back in the day when we got a FULL list of what’s to come, including add-ons, themes and avatars. Now, after all the searching I try to do, I only end up with a few random things of what’s to come, but I still have no clue until the actual day. This is why I’ve stopped enjoying this sight, and have gone to other sites to get the skivvy on what’s to come. At least I get a whole list most of the time from them. But also, sadly, I’ve gone from spending 4 or 5 thousand dollars a year like last year and the year before to maybe only 2 hundred in 2013 and will probably be even less this year. These game companies just aren’t appealing to my gaming nature anymore.
Ryan Clements! Is the Lightning Returns demo what you were hinting at?? :D
STILL NO PS4 GAMES?! Y’all are making me lose interest. Why am I paying for ps plus? ? Where’s War Thunder? I don’t want to open a european account. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE DOCTOR STRANGE ZEN PINBALL2 TABLE? You don’t respond to questions or anything unless it’s positive.
There you are Clements!! I stopped visiting IGN almost altogether when you left. I’m so glad to see you bounced back. The PlayStation Blog is lucky to have you.
Wheres the info on PS4 store content. Most importantly, WHERE IS AWESOMENAUTS: ASSEMBLE?
I dont understand why Sony is doing all of these releases for other systems and not for PS4, like whats going on i know you guys have games for it why are you making us wait and whats up with the apps like youtube and twitch. My roommate has an Xbox 1 and Im tired of him talking trash on Sony like what they have and what we dont. Been a Sony fan since Ps1 and want to stay that way speed up the process guys PLEASE
Also wanted to add there should be always be more releases for PS4 than Ps3 or Ps Vita every week and now this week PS4 doesnt have any
It’s Saturday night… Why isn’t there a drop preview yet? PSN Now Beta Perhaps? War Thunder? Please be both!
Does anybody know when Ape escape pumped and primed will be released to ps2 classics?