The interactive event known as First To Greatness, which celebrates the many different gaming firsts to be had across the PS4 launch lineup, is drawing to a close. Only a single challenge of the 64 remains open, and today we’re going to reveal how you can complete it to become part of PlayStation 4 history.
The “Ending Ebolt” challenge requires you to take out Killzone Shadow Fall lead designer Eric Boltjes (a.k.a. Ebolt) in an online multiplayer match. To prove that you’ve truly ended him, you must upload video evidence of your actions to your Facebook account using the DualShock 4 Share button, and submit the footage to FirstToGreatness.com by signing in with Facebook.
Finding and eliminating Ebolt has been no easy feat, but we can make it slightly easier by revealing when and where he’ll be online: a little OWL has told us that Eric will be playing Classic Warzone on Friday, January 17th at 9:00 PM PT.
So be on the lookout — you might just go down in PlayStation history as the first player to beat Killzone Shadow Fall’s lead designer at his own game. Good luck!
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