Each year, we like to celebrate the New Year by giving you huge discounts on some great games from the previous year. Last year, we discounted 13 celebrated PS3 games as part of the 13 for ’13 sale and this year we are taking it up a notch with the 14 for ’14 sale on PlayStation Store. Starting tomorrow, we’re bringing you 14 PS3 games AND 14 PS Vita games at up to 50 percent off, with PS Plus members receiving up to 75 percent off.
Starting tomorrow, January 14th, and running through January 20th, we’ve got a sweet lineup of 14 PS3 games and 14 PS Vita games on sale. Check out the 14 PS3 games that are part of the 14 for ’14 lineup below:
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Original Price |
BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Crysis 3 | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Deus Ex Human Revolution: Director’s Cut | $13.49 | $14.99 | $29.99 |
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
F1 2013 | $20.99 | $29.99 | $59.99 |
Far Cry Blood Dragon | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (Cross Buy) | $5.24 | $7.49 | $12.99 |
Pool Nation | $2.25 | $4.49 | $8.49 |
Puppeteer | $7.00 | $13.99 | $39.99 |
Rain | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Rayman Legends | $35.99 | $47.99 | $59.99 |
Tales of Xillia | $10.00 | $19.99 | $39.99 |
The Wolf Among Us Season Pass | $13.49 | $14.99 | $19.99 |
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy) | $2.50 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
We couldn’t leave PS Vita out of the mix, so we’ve also got 14 PS Vita games on sale through January 20th. I know, that’s 28 games, but we couldn’t help ourselves. Check out all 14 PS Vita games below:
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Original Price |
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two | $7.50 | $14.99 | $29.99 |
Killzone: Mercenary | $9.00 | $17.99 | $35.99 |
LIMBO PS Vita | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (Cross Buy) | $5.24 | $7.49 | $12.99 |
METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER | $6.99 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PIXELJUNK MONSTERS: ULTIMATE HD | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time PS Vita | $6.75 | $13.49 | $26.99 |
Soul Sacrifice | $9.00 | $17.99 | $35.99 |
SPELUNKY (Cross Buy) | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Cross Buy) | $4.19 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy) | $2.50 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Velocity Ultra Vita | $2.00 | $3.99 | $7.49 |
Worms Revolution Extreme | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
As an added bonus, if you are a Sony Rewards member, you can earn 10x points when you purchase any game that is part of the 14 for ’14 sale through January 20th. Redeem your points for PlayStation Store cash, a PlayStation Plus subscription, games and more! Not a member? Join Now.
Make sure you head over to PlayStation Store tomorrow to start taking advantage of all the discounts through the 14 for ’14 sale. What games are you going to grab?
Sony why did you forget the ps4 owners. Shame shame on you sony.
Finally some Excellent deals for the vita !!!! Will be getting killzone mercenary and Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two.
awesome news if and only if PS4 owners get to take advantage of these sales. really hoping Playstation Now doesn’t disappoint.
Will be getting Tales of Xillia, Peace Walker, and Stealth Inc for sure. May also get rain, crysis 3, and the wolf among us pass. Kinda waiting for wolf among us for the vita. These sales are amazing
Puppeteer needs to be released on the vita and ps4, oops i almost forget about playstation now lol, anyways im getting mickey 2 vita.
Pity there is no love for the PS/4 in your sales… you do remember that you released the PS/4 recently don’t you?
This is ridiculous.. thank you Sony! Let the digital revolution continue!
Killzone Mercenary for 9 BUCKS?! That’s insane! Gotta grab Crysis 3 on the cheap, too!
To think all of this on my birthday tomorrow and the prices who can argue life is good
So Sly Cooper is no longer a vaild cross-buy title anymore?
Got all the PSVita games already so I’ll be picking up a few of the PS3 games I do not have, yay!
In another note, you guys got your sale, I hope I don’t see any more complaints for a while….
Puppeteer is a steal at $7! That game was excellent. I’m probably going to pick a few of these up!
awesome sale! here’s a question:
the blog said, and I quote – “As an added bonus, if you are a Sony Rewards member, you can earn 10x points when you purchase any game that is part of the 14 for ’14 sale through January 20th. Redeem your points for PlayStation Store cash, a PlayStation Plus subscription, games and more!”
Now, when will this credit be happening? Right away? At the end of the month? Do you have a day/date in mind? Please let me know, I am in dire need of 100 points and I really need them NOW! (and, No! I can just purchase credit. so thats out of the question)
Seriously ? You want PS4 sales with it out 2months ago? -_-
Wait a little dudes, it will come when needed and when it’ll have more people having it.
I guess summer 2014 will be the time for it. If before, it will be cross buy games and that enough for me.
That deal on Tales of Xillia is insane in the membrane!
Thank you based Sony
Gracious, these are Steam sale level deals!
This is honestly amazing unfortunately i don’t have ps3 but i do have a PS Vita (and PS4) and i am planning to use the $10 that came with PS4 so i don’t know weather to get killzone mercenary or walking dead for ps vita but i am so happy i made the move from xbox to playstation
I love you Sony. An amazing sale and next month holds Tomba 2! I will pretty much buy all of these. Buying a Vita is definitely paying off.
Now I can use the money I saved by not renewing XBL Gold to good use! I’m going to go buy two $20 PSN cards right now. The milquetoast Winter sale is now completely forgiven. Sorry I ever doubted you…
Killzone Mercenary for $9!! No real right there. I’ll try to get, but even if i buy the game i can’t play most the games because my left analog broke. :( but I’ll get it send and fix by the summer time though.
Put Persona 3 FES on sale, please.
Un-freakin-believable!!! I’ve been playing Skyrim since mid-November and it’s nearly time for me to move on to my next game. I have such a huge back-catalog of PS3 and Vita games…and it’s only about to get bigger!
My definite purchases are:
PS3: Crysis 3 (wasn’t really on my list, but at $5?), Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Lone Survivor (can’t pass up the cross-buy), Puppeteer (the game I was waiting to go on sale, and the perfect price), Tales of Xillia (perfect price point for me, as I have never played a Tales game and probably wouldn’t without this sale), and Thomas Was Alone.
Vita: Killzone:Mercenary ($9?! Are you f#€%ing kiddin’ me?!), Pixeljunk Monsters ($4?! Are you…yeah, exactly!), Stealth Inc, and Velocity Ultra.
The “maybe” list includes: Rain (mediocre review scores vs. beautiful concept…opinions?) and The Wolf Among Us (waiting on Vita version, I think).
Well done, Playstation team!!!
Finally going to be able to swoop up Killzone for Vita as well as Sly. About to start playing Tearaway but having this to play right after I’m done with it is perfect. Thanks a bunch for this.
PS: Great job on the PS4. Love it!!
just amazing!! does the walking dead sale come with 400 days dlc?
Don’t sleep on tales on xillia for $10! i paid full price for it, but I don’t regret it. amazing deals!
i just bought killzone yesterday for 35,99. so bummed out.
Does buying the season pass for The a Wolf Among Us get me the first episode as well as the other four?
No PSP games makes me sad :(
Just bought Lone Survivor yesteday goddamit.
Well… I might get Puppeteer at that price and if I can allow myself I can finally purchase Killzone: Mercenary.
Killzone mercenary for 9 bucks? I love you guys so much right now :D
@178 AVahne
Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker is a PSP game. I asked them to raise the price, though, because $5 is too low.
Hi, i live in Mexico and i just wanted to know if the sale only applies inside of the U.S or all of north america.
Holy Cow!!! Puppeteer for 7 dollars?!?!? That is prorbably my favorite deal along side Crysis 3 for 5 dollars :D
These deals are amazing. THANK YOU SONY!
I’m definitely going to pick up Tales of Xillia, The Walking Dead S1, and Puppeteer.
I think I’ll buy these:
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
I already own these:
Deus Ex Human Revolution: Director’s Cut (PS PLUS)
Far Cry Blood Dragon
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Soul Sacrifice (PS PLUS)
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season (on PS3)
PS. Great choice with Bioshock Infinite being free for plus members ;) I don’t really like shooters, but I´ve been wainting to try Bioshock Infinite for a while (thanks to its positive reviews and suposedly amazing story), also it will be my first Bioshock game soooo, YAY!! :)
killzozone mercenary
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark
Thomas Was Alone
Buying all of these for Vita as soon as the sale hits. Thank you!
Wow rain!!!! thanks sony. xD
When will the Sale start?
Amazing Vita game sale! So glad i waited on getting limbo other games till now! Thanks Sony!
Looks like the PS4 is gonna get a lot of neglect with all this PS3 and Vita love, good on ya though.
I hope people still play Crysis 3 multiplayer. I played it on Xbox and it was really fun, fast paced and frantic. At 5 bucks its an absolute steal and it should liven the community up a bit, ill certainly be there.
Where? I can’t find a link.
Sale doesn’t start till the store updates, usually by 2pm PST on Tuesday.
Is enslaved coming with dlc ? Getting ready to platinum this one !
Is this coming to EUROPE?
I want to ask the same, is this coming to europe? I´m from Spain and I´m very interested in these amazing offerts (tales of Xillia, rain and Puppeteer). Thanks
just wow. now i have four games to buy. Just an AWESOME sales. Thanks
how long will this be?
Is this a US only sale? Or does it affect all of the NA region? I’m in Canada…Can I take advantage of this sale?
Nothing on the store yet :)
This is a North America sale – that included the US as well as Canada.
And if you are wondering why the sales are not up yet, that is because THE STORE HAS NOT UPDATED YET. It updates the same time every week yet there are always people on here confused about it. Check back today around 5 PM Eastern