Each year, we like to celebrate the New Year by giving you huge discounts on some great games from the previous year. Last year, we discounted 13 celebrated PS3 games as part of the 13 for ’13 sale and this year we are taking it up a notch with the 14 for ’14 sale on PlayStation Store. Starting tomorrow, we’re bringing you 14 PS3 games AND 14 PS Vita games at up to 50 percent off, with PS Plus members receiving up to 75 percent off.
Starting tomorrow, January 14th, and running through January 20th, we’ve got a sweet lineup of 14 PS3 games and 14 PS Vita games on sale. Check out the 14 PS3 games that are part of the 14 for ’14 lineup below:
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Original Price |
BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Crysis 3 | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Deus Ex Human Revolution: Director’s Cut | $13.49 | $14.99 | $29.99 |
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
F1 2013 | $20.99 | $29.99 | $59.99 |
Far Cry Blood Dragon | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (Cross Buy) | $5.24 | $7.49 | $12.99 |
Pool Nation | $2.25 | $4.49 | $8.49 |
Puppeteer | $7.00 | $13.99 | $39.99 |
Rain | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Rayman Legends | $35.99 | $47.99 | $59.99 |
Tales of Xillia | $10.00 | $19.99 | $39.99 |
The Wolf Among Us Season Pass | $13.49 | $14.99 | $19.99 |
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy) | $2.50 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
We couldn’t leave PS Vita out of the mix, so we’ve also got 14 PS Vita games on sale through January 20th. I know, that’s 28 games, but we couldn’t help ourselves. Check out all 14 PS Vita games below:
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Original Price |
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two | $7.50 | $14.99 | $29.99 |
Killzone: Mercenary | $9.00 | $17.99 | $35.99 |
LIMBO PS Vita | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (Cross Buy) | $5.24 | $7.49 | $12.99 |
METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER | $6.99 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PIXELJUNK MONSTERS: ULTIMATE HD | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time PS Vita | $6.75 | $13.49 | $26.99 |
Soul Sacrifice | $9.00 | $17.99 | $35.99 |
SPELUNKY (Cross Buy) | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Cross Buy) | $4.19 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy) | $2.50 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Velocity Ultra Vita | $2.00 | $3.99 | $7.49 |
Worms Revolution Extreme | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
As an added bonus, if you are a Sony Rewards member, you can earn 10x points when you purchase any game that is part of the 14 for ’14 sale through January 20th. Redeem your points for PlayStation Store cash, a PlayStation Plus subscription, games and more! Not a member? Join Now.
Make sure you head over to PlayStation Store tomorrow to start taking advantage of all the discounts through the 14 for ’14 sale. What games are you going to grab?
–ThumbsOfSteel74 Thank you. I appreciate you took time to answer my Q. It indeed help .. Have a Fantastic week ..
Question for Sony concerning PS Plus:
I am a member of PS Plus and want to take advantage of the deal for Soul Sacrifice. If the game is currently offered as a free download to Plus members, how can we purchase the game with the Plus discount through this sale?
The Rewards program is a slap in the face to all your non american customers. Make it available in Canada or alternatively give Canadians the UK Plus Experience.
Not too many new titles in the sale, take a look at the top 10 in each category on the store, how many are represented here? out of 28 sale items it’s a low percentage, blood dragon, killzone and wolf among us off the top of my head. which incidentally are the clear and away best deals in the sale. Unless you like old stuff, indies or dare i say bad or obscure games.
if you want to pick at me you could include walking dead season, puppeteer and maybe rayman legends which shouldn’t even count as it’s not even half off. but those are more tier 2. Still they offer what they can and i will likely buy a $50 card and get the warranty on my vita and mercenary. Thanks for Mercenary, that and tearaway flash sale rewarded my patience on new vita games.
I don’t know why people rebuy digital on games with no multiplayer when the value of the disc for resale is below that of the digital sale price. Just use your disc, I have enslaved, i’m not going to buy the digital version, despite piggsy’s perfect 10 (which is lazy dlc anyways and hardly worth a download much less your time) i wish the camera was zoomed out more it’s too close during combat. An interesting game though. Peace walker should been at launch for Vita, now it’s too little too late.
still sounds like people will find something to like.
For those complaining about being poor and planning/buying 8+ games, perhaps you should play the games in the in game collection, and /or actually finish the games you buy.
complaining about items on sale is nothing new. If it has value to buy it now, then buy it and actually play it. I won’t feel bad about the $59.99 i spend on Lords of Shadow 2, because i’m gonna play it. They always have sales, it’s a business deal with it.
Loving these sales, I am so glad I switch over from MS ever since I converted I have gotten so much bang for my buck.
In for Killzone!!!
WoW! Great titles with amazing discount, FC BD ,Rain ,Tales of and Thomas are coming with me! Thx Sony :)
This is an awesome sale! I plan on buying a couple of those Vita games. Question Though.
What is going on with the PSVita 32gb memory cards not being available anywhere? I would really like to get one of these so i don’t have to continually delete a game in order to add a new one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Too bad I just bought Killzone Mercenary only 10 days ago at full price :( I really would’ve liked to use the extra money for some of the other games.
Thank you for finally throwing together a Jan/post boxing day sale, like the rest of the Sony world.
Not the greatest list for me, but that’s because I already have most of the games.
However Enslaved at 5$ and Killzone Vita at under 10$ are must haves for me, so thanks!
Will I be able to play Killzone Mercenary on a 4GB memory card?
Aw darn just read to the end of the post where it says there’s reward points for purchases, but only if you’re in the US.
As a Canadian constantly getting the shaft from the NA Blog/Sony, I’ll probably buy nothing on principle now.
Any word on whether this sale will be available in the EU? I’ve tweeted them but got no response so far. Currently have about £50 burning a hole in my Sony wallet and some of the deals here look too good to be true.
Killzone: Mercenary and Tearaway…but my 32GB is already full…so I have to wait for the next retail release discount. :(
Thanks for the heads up Pierre.
Some fantastic deals here !
This pleases me.
after playing the demo of puppeteer i was surprised by how good it actualy was even though it looks childish like littlebigplanet. i luv platforms and i just may make the purchase with this sale.
Thank God we finally have some great sales! Too many games that I want to get this week at a great price: Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Lone Survivor, Crisis 3, Stealth, Thomas Was Alone, Rain, and Killzone. Thanks Team Sony!
Intend to buy
PS3: Puppeteer, Far Cry Blood Dragon, Runner 2, Enslaved, and Wolf Among Us Season Pass
PSV: Walking Dead S1, Thomas was Alone, and Velocity Ultra
I tend to play the cross-buy games on Vita
Sure I already have Walking Dead S1 on PS3, but wouldn’t mind playing again on Vita
And where is “14 for 14” for PS4? T___T =)
Always wanted peace walker that cheap.. How does it run on Vita? Also, tempted on Killzone Mercenary but I want it kind of free.
Held off on getting Killzone Mercenary when it first came out, but it looks like a good time to get it now. :D
Oh good goshes, definitely wanna jump on somma these. Enslaved is an uh-duh to nab, I might be tempted for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (if only for the garish frivolity), Puppeteer shall be mine, and I’ll go ahead for Tales of Xillia, since I sold the game off after buying it new for (hopefully) more than that, so net discount after all. Just watch it end up in the IGC, though (what will all the RPG fulfillment we’ve clamored for!).
I’ve no Vita yet, but I wish we’d seen these games’ add-ons included in the discounts (namely Runner2’s “Best Friends” set, but also Benjamin’s Flight, though I already have it).
And as a note, buying any of these using funds I got from Sony Rewards points, haha!
I’ve been holding off on puppeteer for as long as I could because I’m pretty sure we’ll see it on PS+, but at this price I can’t resist. I’ll be picking up a few others as well. Can we expect Dustforce on the 28th? I’ve got it on my computer and havent played it yet in anticipation of it being on my Vita- its killing me!
Ah, and I think I’ll pass up on Rain for now, though I’d imagine it’s right up my alley, and Velocity Ultra would better serve me on PS3, least until the Vita TV or PS Now launch.
That list is amazing. Gonna be spending plenty this week.
Secretly was hoping to see Tearaway on that list though.
How you guys in NA always complained about our PS+ in EU really annoys me I have to admit. Obviously now your IGC has got a lot better those complaints have all but stopped but comparing NAs complete Playstation service to our EU Playstation service hugely underlines how absurd your complaints were over the last 12 months or so.
The sales you get are better than ours and more often
The prices for games on the store are the same as retail for you when for us it’s as much as 40% higher than retail
We have to pay more for PS+ and we get fewer games
We have to pay ALOT more for PS console hardware AND games can be up to 50% higher
Delays, cancellations that NA doesn’t have
And now, the biggest FU to EU of them all………….
The PS reward scheme that, surprise surprise, we aren’t getting. Neither could we enter into that Trophy auction competition as even THAT was USA only. Not to mention the Metal Gear Rising DLC that’s just gone free for you but not for us.
Anyway, rant over, just wanted to vent my anger at some of the comments I’ve read on here over the last 12 months because your PSN service is leaps n bounds better than ours, is cheaper and even your PS3 store is infinitely better than ours.
Last time y’all had this sale it was actually cheaper for me to buy a 3 month subscription to PS+ and then buy the games. And then I was buying Madden 13 and it was half off for PS+ members down to $20 from $40. That’s how they get their hooks into you. Sony needs to implement a “You would save X amount if you had PS+”. Alright, time to gather all of my funds.
I just returned some overpriced PS2 games for $8.50. Then I bought a $10 PSN Card. I’m trading in GTA5 for $20 Amazon Credit and $20 PSN Credit. Then I just got a Best Buy Certificate for $5 and I’m $2 away from another. So, when I buy another $10 Card for ultimately $5 I’ll get another $5 off the next $10 PSN Card.
$10 + $20 + $10 + $10 = $50
Games I’m buying are :
Far Cry Blood Dragon – $3.75
Puppeteer – $7
Rain – $3.75
Tales of Xillia – $10
Killzone : Mercenary – $9
Stealth Inc – $4.19
Thomas Was Alone – $2.50
= $45.19
Goddamn, Sony.
Maybe I’ll buy Worms for $3.75, Limbo for $3.75, and Pixeljunk Monsters for $3.75 = $11.25. Which would bring my total up to
$11.25 + $45.19 = $56.44.
So only $10 out of pocket more with still some left over. Whattttttt the fuuu. And honestly there’s a few of those I would drop !!
totally picking up the walking dead season one tomorrow. i’d buy more games, but i need a bigger memory card!
No PS4 deals? WTF?
I wasn’t planning on getting into the Tales series, as I have a bit of an RPG backlog to work through already, but I’d have to be an idiot not to get it, at that price.
Say what I must be dreaming, these sales are just to great. And for those that bought everything oh we’ll cry me a river.
What am I getting? Killzone: Mercs, Walking Dead Season 1, Velocity Ultra, Spelunky, and probably MGS: Peace Walker. Thanks for doing this Sony. I’m a very happy Vita owner. :) Enjoy my money.
Sony please, PLEASE, make Puppeteer playable on Playstation 4. This game will sell like hotcakes.
This is one of the best games of 2013 and more gamer’s need to experience it.
Great sales by the way…….Keep On Gaming.
Yeah I’m buying everything. Great sales!
something I’ve never understood
with a notable and well publicized lack of full-sized games developed specifically for the vita
why is the vita the ONLY platform to never have received an HD port of Peace Walker?
it was specifically engineered for handhelds, and yet, the vita, already lacking games in my humble opinion (an opinion that’s not uncommon in the community) somehow gets ignored when porting that game to every other platform. hell, we even had to pay for mgs: hd collections WITHOUT peace walker.
what gives?
The only thing wrong with this Discount list is, Soul Sacrifice is technically free for PS+ members. making it hard to purchase the Sale version. If I could change it I’d add Tearaway instead of Soul Sacrifice for PS+ members fo $9 just like Killzone
great sale! was hoping for the MGS HD Collection for Vita though.
Please support Puppeteer, Rain, and Killzone :) I’ll be picking up the Wolf Among Us Season Pass!
Definitely going to buy Spelunky, finally.
Puppeteer for $7 and Crysis 3 for $5…. Hell yea! I thought the October big sale was great. This may even be better. I always say that the biggest reason to get PS+ isn’t for the instant games. It is for the discounts.
Really looking forward to Spelunky, but I don’t own a Vita. Although, since Spelunky is Cross-Buy, if I were to purchase the Vita version I would also get the PS3 version, right?
Where is the PSVita release of The Wolf Among Us?? I thought it was suppose to be out already. Thats the one i’d rather buy.
Great Sale! I’ll be getting two or three of those games.
Just one question, if someone (anyone) could help me with it: when buying the Enslaved Premium Edition, do you get the game and the DLC as separate downloads or is it a single file? I’m interested in getting it for the DLC, since I already have the game on disc.
Great sales! Now people like little BabyOfSarrow can stop crying and waste their money on these sales. I bet he wet his bed when he saw Puppeteer for $7. Will be buying Killzone: Mercenary, it’s a steal for $9. :)
Is the BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, cross buy with vita version?
I’m still not sure how cross buy titles work. I know it used to be that you had to buy the PS3 version to get the Vita one. It didn’t work the other way around. Now some are saying on forums that it does work both ways. Add in the PS4, and cross buy is more confusing than ever.
All I know is that if cross buy works the way it used to, Stealth Inc. won’t be on sale for PS3. In which case I won’t be buying it. My advice: Buy it for the console on which you wish to play it. If that’s both/all 3, consider buying it for PS3 to be safe in getting the other versions for free.
Grabbing for PS Vita
Lone Survivor
The Walking Dead
Thomas Was Alone
Stealth Inc
Just for $25.93
You guys are awesome
“In addition to the full game, the pre-order will come with a dynamic theme, five hand drawn avatars, a musical montage, and a Static Theme”
Any chances of these all becoming available again? The dynamic theme was part of the holiday sales, wunnit?